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top belief!

Until I was 5 or 6 I had 6 imaginary monkeys who went everywhere with me. Some days my Grandad took me to nursey school by bus. My Mum would wait with us at the bus stop and then cringe with embarrassment as she had to lift each monkey onto the bus with me, and I counted them on! One day my uncle was driving me to nursery school. As he got into the drivers seat I screamed. He quickly ran round to my door and opened it, thinking he must have closed my finger in the door. I can still see his face when I told him I was ok but he had locked all my monkeys out!!

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When I was four I had three imaginary friends. One was named "Betty the Girl", and the other two were boys but I always pictured them as Laurel and Hardy. Betty the Girl lived in the crab apple tree in my back yard, and the only time she would come out of the tree is when I played my Muppets album full blast. Usually one or all of them would get into an argument about which song to listen to...All the while my parents would listen and laugh.

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top belief!

When I was really young I was convinced that I had a huge pet grizzly bear (and a wolf but that's another story).

I told everyone that would listen all about the bear (that lived in a tall shed on top of the hill near my house).

When they asked I'd show them the bear by holding out one hand and pointing into the palm of that hand with the other hand saying 'look, it's there, in my hand'.

Even I don't understand.

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A few months after my sister was born I had an imaginary friend named Bikini. I told everyone that she came out of my mirror and she looked exactly like me. She visited me everyday when she was feeling sad because her parents had died. I don't know where I had gotten that noone in my family had died at that point. We did everything together. She slowly dissapeared when my sister began to walk and talk. Then when she was about four bikini came back but not I couldn't see her only my sister could!

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I used to believe I had an imaginary friend named (of all things) Diarrhea. And her Dad was the tree outside my Gramma's house and her Mom was the bush at the park by my Gramma's house. My sister used to torment me and say she was going to 'flush' my dear old friend away.
I don't recall how or when or why I outgrew my friend.

Sodi Sea
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I believed that I had a twin brother called Michael. It was so real that right I believed it right up to my teens. I asked my mom what happened to Michael and she just looked at my strange, especially when I told her who Michael was. Mom just said, no that she was there at my birth and that there was no twin brother....

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I am a very old lady and my "friend" has always been with me. I've never been sure what he/she looks like but I've always known he/she was there.
I think everyone needs a "pooka" at one time or another in their lives, don't you?

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When I had imaginary friends with everyday kinds of name(Blue Jean, T-Shirt etc...). Sad thing about my buddies was they always died terrubble deaths.Mom always reminded me that my best and oldest friend Blue Jean died in a terrible crash when he drove his car off a cliff and caught on fire. Sad! Sad! Sad!

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when my family was taking long road trips, i used to believe that there was a guy on a bicycle following us around but he would ride along the ditches and hills on the side of the road and would watch him going up and down beside our vehicle for hours to keep myself occupied.

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top belief!

I had a sick, morbid and bizarre imaginary friend named "Hit me Hit me Hit me". He came from a nightmare I had when I was 2 (I made him my friend so I wouldnt be scared of him again) and he resembled a giant elephant's foot with a pair of whale-like flippers, covered in clusters of white suction cups. His "head" was just a smooth, flat mirror-like plastic surface. He could only say his name and liked to slap himself. Oddly enough, I was not a troubled or abused child.

Jonathan Franz
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I had an imaginary dog called Shep for as long as I could remember. One day, my parents asked what sort of dog it was, and when I realised they couldn't see it too, he just ran away...

I didn't realise until I was 12 that sex was enjoyable, or involved penetration.

I really thought my Dad was throwing up a ball into that paper bag, and it was making a "thunk" noise.

I didn't realise Dad knew who had taken the piece of cheese, when he'd said "Don't take any cheese!" and turned his back.
Well, I was 3.

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When I was six I had an imaginary friend named Binky. When I was seven my dad ran over Binky with the car.

Shadia Granger-Malfoy
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I had two imaginary friends and a guardian angel. The friends were twins, a girl and a boy, named Lonnie and Donnie. They were personified by two child sized mannequins in a Woolworth's store. I would visit them frequently talking very animatedly and hugging them whenever I got the chance. The guardian angel was their cousin - her name was Bonnie. When I turned 10 I decided I was too old for imaginary friends and such and took all three out to the back porch and said goodbye once and for all. Then Woolworth's closed and the mannequins disappeared as well.

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I had this voice in my head that used to order me around. I finally had enough and basically had to tell myself to get lost. Now that I have come to know the real me I am much happier. Don't let your conscience rule your life! Make up your own rules

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when my brother and i were young he had an imaginary friend named jody. He always said she would be with him for life. when we were teenagers he met JoAnn and fellin love and they married. The thing is JoAnn's nick name from birth was JODY!

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I had two imaginary friends,and they were twins named Lisa and Christina. Lisa wore a blue sweater and Christina wore a purple one.

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My grandpa told me that there were little guys (about the size of those little green army men) who lived under his bed. If I behaved I could take them home to live with me. Each time I would visit him I would bring more home. I thought they were real. I would tell them stories and act out all sorts of things. Sometimes they would hide in my pocket and go places with me.
One day my grandpa was really grouchy. So I ask him why he was being so mean. He replied, "Well, the little guys kept me up all night. They were up drinking tequilla with the Mexicans all night. I didn't get any sleep. Those guys sure know how to have fun." Later that week, I got in trouble at school and told my teacher the same story...My teacher called home full of concern...

Laura Marie
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erm.... ok wen i was little i had 4 imaginary friends, all called jamie, who i used to hold the car door open for so they could get in (even in the rain) share my dinner with and allsorts......... until one day..... i killed them.....all 4 jamies, in one hit, with my nans folding bed......yes i squished them!!!
I'm not a bad person really

Rae x
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I had an "imaginary" friend named Shiny Moll when I was about 5. I was so adamant about her being real that my parents believed in her too. I told them she was coming for dinner one night. They set a place for her, waited and waited....eventually after numerous Shiny Moll non-interactions, they asked my preschool about her and thats when they stopped believing.

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I used to beleive that the fuzzy thing you see if you look at a light too long was some kind of creature named fuzzy.

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