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top belief!

My and my sister found a small grey piece of plastic in our hen house once. We thought this piece of rubbish was alive and a man - we named him 'grey blob'. We checked on him at least once a day to make sure he was ok.

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When I was little I had an imaginary pet goat named Andrew. He changed colors between blue and purple. If he (or I guess I) didn't like someone he would bite them.

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top belief!

up until i was about 9 or 10 i had a herd of about 40 imaginary horses who would follow me around. sometimes i'd ride them (don't ask me how). they all had names and i had songs about them.

i was a strange child...

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When I was young, I had believed I had an imaginary friend, but I was never able to proof it. 'till one day, my birthday (Which I didn't realise), I woke up and found Walki-Talkie's next to my bed. For me this was the proof. I believed it 'till I was about 6 years old...

Yes, me be weird...

Da Sleepy Pigeon
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top belief!

I used to believe that all little kids were supposed to have an imaginary friend, and my parents would kick me out of the house if I didn't have one. So I used to pretend I had an imaginary friend when I was with my parents.

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top belief!

Imaginary Friends (weird, but true)...

When I was young I had 2 imaginary friends: Panty-Hosey and Panty-Jesus. They were both tan dachshunds. Panty-Hosey was the mom dog and Panty-Jesus was her pup.

When I tell this to my friends now, they always respond the same way: "That explains a lot."

Damian Synadinos
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I had two imaginary friends who lived in my body, Christina in the right side and Michelle in the left side. Christina was good and Michelle was bad, so anytime I did something bad it had to be with my left hand. They used to "fight" with eachother in my mind.

I then learned to associate everything good with right and everything bad with left. I was afraid of the left keys on the piano, and when I first started driving, I was often afraid to make left turns.

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When my sister was very small, she had an imaginary friend named "Kathy" (which is odd in itself, because she's 15 now, and the name "Kathy" isn't what you'd call a popular name amongst people of that age). "Kathy" lived in a circus tent that had an ATM inside of it. When my mother traded in her car for a new Jeep, my sister threw "Kathy" out of the window because she said "Kathy" didn't like the new car. My sister was an odd child.

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I was very young, about one or two, when I created myself an imaginary friend: it was a girl named Keshtepashta, and she had blue hair. I used to pretend she was always there playing with me, but she didn't live with me---she had her own house and parents. The phone would ring, and I'd be: "Oh, that's Keshtepashta, she said she would call me."

Once, someone rang at the door, I went to open, let Keshtepashta in, then closed the door letting the guy outside...

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My mother tells me that when I was three I had an imaginary friend called "Lady". She tells me (in a hushed voice, because I think it might have freaked her out) that I used to make everyone wait for the "Lady" to catch up with us when we went shopping together...."come on Lady..."

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top belief!

My imagianry friend's name was Arbee, not sure if that's spelt right, I was around 3 the first time he appearing. I shared a room with my sister who was approx 1 and 1/2 years older than me and Arbee lived in a hole in our bedroom wall, on my sisters side of the room. She never saw him but he was there for me till I was almost 7. I reember explaining his absence to my family by telling them he had decided to move overseas but had sent me a postcard to tell me he was doing ok.

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top belief!

I used to believe when I was about 3 or 4 in 1950, that there were a population of tiny people made of paper called "The Saturdays". They were triangular shaped and lived on a night-shift basis. When they went to bed at dawn, they would hang themselves up on the nails in a vertically stored "Bagatelle Board" kept in a cupboard under the stairs.

I don't think the bagatelle board was ever in use and we never went into that cupboard by day as it was dark and there were Saturdays in there asleep.

My parents told me I really did believe they lived in there and came out when I was asleep.

Jeremy Prior
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I had imaginary friends named Susie, Tommy, Debra Lee and Frog Ass. To this day I don't know why he had that name. I used to make my family set plates for them at dinner. My sister's boyfriend made the mistake of sitting on one of them and I started screaming at him. My sister was mortified.

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When I was six, I had an imaginary friend that my little neighbor Julia also started seeing.

We named him 'Boz' He would play with us and make forts. Boz was a big friendly hairy creature, similar to Sully from the movie Monster's Inc., but Boz was brown in color.

I miss Boz, he has disapeared from my life, along with a lot of the magic of my childhood.

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I believed that I had a guardian angel (stilll do) & I would try to sit on about half the seat so she could sit on the other half.

Marie M
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I had three imaginary friends, Mike, Volk, and Amy. I did everything with them. I played gameshows with them. They did everything. I even got a "family portrait" taken with them on the couch. (It looks silly, me sitting alone on the couch.) There's even a conflict as to what they were called. I say they were Mike, Volk, and AMY, my parents say it was Mike, Volk, and NUMBERS. It will never be resolved.

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top belief!

This may not have anything to do with anything, but when I was little i had an imaginary friend called Mr Snozberry. He was lovely, very good at telling jokes as I recall. Anyway, when I was about five and a half he commited suicide. I'm not joking, he had a very nice funeral, all his friends were there, Mr Raspberry, Mr Strawberry, Mr Gooseberry....

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top belief!

my best friend told me that when she was young, her imaginary friend was a doctor that lived under the kitchen sink and ate tomatoes. She was a strange child then, and she's a strange teenager now.

lady Guine
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when I was little, I used to have an imaginary friend who was a dragon by the name of Fossie. She used to be able to grow to any size, from being in my pocket to being big enough so I could fly away on her back. She lived up in the clouds, and when it rained, she was actually watering her garden.

lady guine
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top belief!

My sister and I used to pretend there was a giant skunk that followed the family car, floating along behind us like a giant Macy's Day float. His name was Saywer.
Whenever we went across the bridge between our part of town and West Lebanon, Sawyer, sinking like a giant nimbus cloud, would hover in mid-air to take a sip from the river.
During this dilemma we peered anxiously through the rearview windows, our kiddie chorus peeping the chant, "Hurry up! Hurry up!", while we waved with as much exertion that a 5-7 year old can muster.
He usually finished lapping by the time Mom or Dad quieted our chatter. Then Saywer rejoined our journey , and then and only then was it all right to go on home.
More than anything, we didn't want him to be left behind.

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