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Me and my cousin Aline were crazy about this brazilian boy band and their plane crashed and noone survived.A few days after that me and her started talking to them, they were very nice friends actually and we even dated two of them.I know this is crazy, but my cousin even got a valentines card from her "boyfriend", at the time I believed but then I understood she was crazier than I or much more of a big big lier...

Ana (Brazil)
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I used to have two imaginary fiends who both looked like Jerry out of Tom and Jerry. One was Diggy (who was red) and one was Gog (Blue). Gog was responsible for anything that was broken/eaten/ruined and Diggy would always tell him off. Diggy was also there to back me up when telling my parents that Gog had done everything. I swear they could see him but blamed me anyway.

Paul N
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One year ago,my grandpa died in his sleep. My lil sis who is 5 now, had an imanginary friend named 'Reese'(rhymes with greasy). Then one day close agter grandpa's funeral, She was outside, and I came out, and she was so sad. And i was like, "juliana, whats wrong?" and her reply was "Reese died in her sleep."
We had a funeral too. So sad!

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When I was little (until about eight or nine, actually, and sometimes I still believe it), EVERYTHING was alive and had feelings and stuff. I had clouds painted on my ceiling and I would make shapes out of them and give them personalities accordingly. One looked like a platypus and several were people. Some were grumpy and some were fun, and some didn't get along with each other and some were best friends, despite being on opposite sides of my cieling.
I also thought my dolls were alive (but that isn't really unusual). My favorites were (and still are) a baby doll named Abbey (she had lots of names before that, until I decided to name her after a baby in my church.) and Bunny, who is a bunny. Bunny always felt she didn't get as much attention as Abbey, so I was very careful to treat them both fairly. I think this belief came about because Bunny had a slightly squished face which always made it look like she was scowling.
There were lots of other inanimate and imaginary objects that were people. But I will never forget those clouds on my cieling, which got painted over when we moved, the poor dears.

Very popular with inanimate things
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When I was about 3 or 4 I had an imaginary friend. He was a very tall skinny boy with a goatee and black hair. His name was Bojangles (a name which I had heard my brother use alot, but I didn't know he was talking about male genitalia >_<)
Bojangles liked to dress up in costumes and he dressed up like jesters alot. Once I remember he dressed up as a pirate and as a knight and he often dressed up in animal suits. With every costume he gave himself a nickname (i.e Captain Plankfoot Pirate was the pirate name of his). I used to talk to him when I was scared at night and pretend he was dancing and flying around the room. As soon as I started kindergarten he wasn't around much anymore, until he left completely.

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I had an imaginary friend names "Bigey Little". He lived in my ear and he could change size, from very very tiney to very very large.

When I got older my cousin asked if she could have "Bigey Little" and so one day I had him come out of my ear and go into hers where he's lived happily ever after.

john lewis
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when i was 5 and 6, i had a imaginary friend named melanee and i went out with her brother, (i forgot his name) until he cheated on me with another imaginary friend. but the strange thing is 9 years later, my neice melanee was born. same name, and the funny thing is, they act just alike

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I used to have a Imaginary Serial Killer named Pilly the Slasher, Pill for short, because at taht time i was fanisted about Serial Killers well anywaymy parents used to teased me like if I see the dead animal i would say "Mommy! Pill kill that cat" then i would apolized to the 'cat'

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When I was about 4/5, my dad told me a little girl lived inside the stereo. he would put a tape in, press record and I would talk to the little girl asking her all sorts of questions including 'would you like a cup of tea?' and 'Are you coming to the park'?

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As a three or four year old only child with no friends nearby to talk to, I often spent my time telling my parents about Mr. Ghost. All I can remember about him is that he lived in the snow (I think this was to get them to take me to the snow), and that he ate people. I think I remember telling my dad that he used the snow to whipe the blood off his face. And somehow, I'd become friends with him when he took a vacation from the snow.

A few years later, I decided that I had an imaginary unicorn named Melina. She was the unicorn goddess, and she kept me entertained. I think I managed to convince one or two people that marshmellows were made of unicorns, so they should stop eating them. I'm a fairly normal teenager, it turns out.

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I had five imaginary friends- Kiki, Taranaia, Rikkumar, Tanya, and Kevari. Kiki was hyper, Taranaia (or Tara) was evil, Rikkumar was weird and...depressed-ish, Tanya was annoying, and Kevari was my alter-ego.
I actually wrote a story about them in grade four. I still have Rikku, Tanya, and Kevari, and a new one called Kalrantai, who's...fairy-ish. The other ones were killed by Tara.

I was weird...

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I believed a village of tiny people lived in the dust bunnies on the top of my canopy bed. I was horrified when I came home from school and my mother had washed the canopy.

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When I was ten, I convinced myself (for fun) that there were creatures called Shmozzits living in my closet!

These imaginary shmozzits I made up were male and female and they lived in a nest that was on one of my closet shelves. They had a tapir's head, a fish's tail, a bat's wings and soft fur on their body. If you weren't careful, they'd eat your clothing!

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when i was little, i used to talk to my shampoo and conditioner bottles. they were mrs. panteen and mr. panteen.... i'm not even joking, we usede to have fuoll conversations. whenever i started running out of shampoo, i would get insanly depressed because i new they would have to go away. they woiuld always come back later thoiu. weird huh?

annonomous or however u spell it
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I had a imaginary BOY-friend actually. he was Legolas (big suprise huh?) and he'd always sleep beside me or cuddle me after a cry. he'd whisper to me in Elvish and walk beside me so I wasn't alone. He's still around, but he keeps me from making wrong descisions

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When I was little, my older brother had an imaginary friend named Banjo. He would go on adventures with im, and then come and tell me about them. I felt bad because no imaginary friends liked me enough to be mine, so I started pretending to have an imaginary friend just to impress him.

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Clint Eastwood, Mrs. Doubtfire, Barney, And Big Bird were my imaginary friends. We would have fancy dinners every sunday and talk about stuff.

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wjen i was six, i had barbie as my imaginary friend. We played on the swingset together, went swimming together, talked about boys, you name it. We were the best of friends. For some reason, i stopped believing in barbie when we moved to texas when i was eight. I'm now 13 and going to start high school next year, and still play with imaginary friends when i'm home alone or when i cant sleep at night. Weird, right?

Barbie's BFF!!!
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When I was 5-6, I had two imaginary friends that I adored named Rufus and Tanya. I remember that Rufus was a green and blue dog and that Tanya didn't have a leg (I later gave her an auto-mail, which I called at the time, a "shiny leg") We had a lot of fun times...

However, my family wasn't too happy about my imaginary friends. One morning, my mom decided she had had enough with Rufus and Tanya and told me that they had packed their bags and left early that morning. Being so young, I believed my mom and I was heartbroken. I waited at the stoop for days seeing if they'd come back home, but they sadly didn't.

I'm now 21 and seven months pregnant with a girl. When my daughter gets to the age where she has imaginary friends, I won't do what my mom did about my imaginary friends. Well, I'll TRY, lol.

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I believe that imaginary friends are real,because when i was 9,i created an imaginary friend named Bloo.I also remember talking to him.But,one day when I was playing with my friend Kristy,she had her own(shes the one who gave me the idea),and we were playing with a ball,and when Maria(Kristys imaginary friend) threw the ball,Bloo tried to get it,but he missed and had to get it from the street.Suddenly,a car came and hit him.Me and my friend cried for 2 hours.......

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