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I didn't have an imaginary till I was about 7. He was called Furry Snail, and he was (not surprisingly) a huge furry snail. He didn't make any slime and he usually turned up in the car. I wouldn't let my mom start driving until he had his seatbelt on. Don't ask me how a snail could wear a seatbelt. Also, when I was 2 or something, I thought I was some kind of mermaid made of toothpaste called Button Hair. I had this whole story going. I think even my mom believed it for a while.

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when i was a kid, i beleive that there were ghost every were, like every were in the world.

i used to think that there was a ghost in my room. i named him chaosface, as i imagined he had a snow blue face with blank holes for eyes. he would lean against my closet door and sometimes go into my drawers and mess up my cloths.
i wasent afraid of him, it was kinda nice to have company at night.

he lft when i was 7, but i bet theres another ghost in myt room, he or she just doesent wont to be seen.

a friend of long departed chaos face
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I had imaginary friends when I was about 3 years old....they were twins named Ging & Gong....I talked to them and imagined that the replied....Mommy actually set places at the dinner table for them!

It must be hereditary....my son had an imaginary friend when he was about the same age....a truckdriver named Charlie who lived in the corner of our living room....he has startled guests many times by yelling, "be careful! don't step on Charlie!" Charlie also ate meals with us.

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When I was about 3 or 4 years old, I believed that there was a family of tiny people living under the chest of drawers. It was a family: the father, Hunkle Bunkle; the mother, Bake-a-cake; and the children, the Oochie-Coochies. Yes, those were the names I made up for them. I remember showing my sister pieces of fuzz under the chest of drawers, and telling her which member of the family each one was. She believed me, but that's OK because she was only 5 or six.

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When I was in 6th grade, I had already had a multitude of imaginary friends. For some reason, my friends Katie, Lynne and I decided to have imaginary children. Mine was a little boy named Harvey (I'd just seen the play about the invisible bunny) and we carried them around everywhere, just like we would real children. I'm sure our teacher thought it was mighty strange that the three of us walked around with our hips stuck out like we were carrying something when there wasn't really anything there.

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I once had an imaginary friend named Bobby. I loved him so much and I would play with him all the time. I would even jump on the trampoline with him or play dolls,and I would take him to all the stores with me and my mom. Then one day I decided that Bobby died in a car accident. And, I'm not sure, but I probably missed him and made him come back, but I think I made him die again one day by drowning in the bathtub.

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I really like horses in grade 5 so me and a couple of my friends had make belief horse pals I forget my horses names but I had three: a young black spunky horse, a white mother horse and a beige/tan father horse, They went everywhere with me even on long car rides they would run beside the car, then one day they hoped onto a transport and went in the oposite direction as me I was so upset I put up lost poster and put three sticks on my dresser to remind me of my best friends that I lost!

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when i was little i used to watch a show that had a boy and a girl mouse when i got bored i just put my hand up to a wall and they would walk onto my hand. and when i went in the car my dad had a gas lid that would open and close like a door and i would put my two mousey friends in it

mouse girl
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something i used to always get really cross about was the fact that i could never beat my shaddow i used to race it and it obviously always was directly opposite me all the time. i used to think that my shaddow was a creature just like me but it just couldnt talk and only moved wen i moved and wld occassionly go away wen it rained ,i thought it just didnt like bad whether.

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I believed that absolutely everyone had imaginary friends... and i NEEDED one, so of course, i went out looking for an imaginary friend not actually thinking that i had to think it up! So in the end I couldn't find an imaginary friend so i pretended that I had and even acted like it was real even though I knew that there wasn''t anything there at all!!! To this day my family still talks about how I had an imaginary friend... Unfortunately I don't have the heart to say that there wasn't anyine there...

Meagi... so unimaginative!
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I used to believe that at the end of my bed there was a Kitchen that I would always go and cook in. All my imaginary friends, Piper, Prue, Pheobe, Paige, and Jane would help me make delicous food that me and my twin would have as a midnight feast that nught. My twin believed in it too, you see. i used to have this special sish I made with my friends: A bowl of Giant Strawberries with Melted Chocolate Sauce inside and covered with cream. I couldn't ever make it without my friends.
I still go and have a bowl of my special strawberries sometimes....

Strawberry Chef
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When I was a kid, I had a lot of different imaginary friends.
One was sorta like a million little people who where half an inch tall who would follow me around. Why a million? I think it was because whenever I asked them a problem, I would get an answer from the personality I wanted to hear from.
After that stage, I just started taking my favorite fictional characters. Whenever I saw a fictional character I liked, I would just add him/her on. And whenever I got bored with one, I just "sent them back home".
Even to this day, I can't help but do it a few times (I'm currently obsessed with this Anime and there's this really cute detective ; ) Hey, it's my life!)

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When I was very young I never had showers and so I was usualy in the bath. When my mum was washing my hair i was looking on the ledge next to the window and i imagened a boy with a trunk as a nose so i named him trunky. When i didnt feel like talking about him i would always say Trunkys on holidays gone to australia when we live in australia!

Ashlee aged 11
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When I was around 10 or 11 I was bullied in school so I had no friends. I loved Pokemon too (still do) and had a pokemon as my friend called Shaymin. I think he went away when I moved school. His last words were " You'll make friends besides me " and disappeared. I cried for the night :-(

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I had two imaginary friends, Tommy and Stacey. Stacey looked the way I wanted to look, with dark hair, brown eyes and freckles. I thought glasses were cool, so Stacey wore glasses. She always did everything right. Tommy looked like me, with blond hair and green eyes - except of course he wasn't me, because he was a boy. He always got in trouble. When my mother said "Don't stand on that chair; you'll fall and crack your head open," I told her "Tommy fell and cracked his head open once."

Tommy and Stacey lived in a big house with lots of other children and no adults. The basement of their house was called the "rooty ground" - growing out of the floor were huge tub-shaped roots filled with bubbly water, like natural hot tubs that the kids could play and swim in (I don't know where I got this idea; I'd never even seen a hot tub).

One day I announced that Tommy and Stacey had died. They sat too close to the fireplace (I was always warned against this but never understood why), and died of "fire sickness". Occasionally after that I wished that Stacey would come back to keep me company, but she never did.

When I grew up, I met the real Tommy and married him.

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As early as I can remember and up until the age of five, I had an imaginary friend whose name was Nanik. I don't know whether it was a girl of a boy, I don't know how old it was, I don't know what it looked like, I don't know were its name came from (it's definitly not a regular name in France!) I just know it lived in the bathroom inside a big driyer closet we used to have. Its voice was the echo of my voice in the closet. I used to talk with Nanik for hours (or what seemed to be hours) telling stories, telling my life. In my family, everyone knew who was Nanik, it was like a family member. My parent would say: "So, how's Nanik today", and I would smile back...

This message is just a tribute to my good friend Nanik.

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When me and my sisters were younger and afraid of the dark, my mum told us that imaginary creatures called 'biddies' would line up at the end of our beds to look after us in the nite. They were triangular in shape with little faces. They got me thru the nite for years!!! I also used to draw them all the time and ask my mum if that is what they looked like, to which she would say yes. Thanx mum!!!

Jude Horrocks
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when i was younger (though still older than i'd like to admit) i had an imaginary friend who was always on a bicycle, and i would only see him when my family was on long car trips. he would be riding along outside the car on his bike doing tricks and stuff to keep me amused. sometimes when we stopped at rest stops he would come close enough for me to talk to for a while, but he wouldn't come and stay with us in the hotels. i always felt kind of bad for him, because that seemed like a really long way to have to ride a bike. i guess he was in really good shape.

Carol K
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my little sister used to have an imaginary boyfriend named jack (or somthing) and one day some guy asked her out and she turned him down cause "she was taken" lol the guy was crushed and I havn't seen him since

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When I was a wee lil' chicken, my sister told me that there was a little old lady inside of me, and she would say something and it would come out of my mouth as if i were saying it. Also when she farted, it would come out as if i had farted, and i was so mortified at this old lady living inside of me that i tried pooping her out.

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