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When I was about 6 or 7, i had an invisible best friend who was a cow, her name was Bessie. I let her sleep in my room and eat meals with me, one day we were sitting down for dinner which was hamburgers, I asked my mom what we were having "beef" she said, because I didn't know beef was cow and pork was pig etc.. I asked what beef was, my brother, jokingly responded "Bessie" I ran away crying. I still don't like burgers

bye bessie
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When my brother who was closest in age to me stared school, and I was left at home with my home-body mother and baby brother, (I was around age 4) I invented "Lynnette", a derivative of my own name. We lived then in a rural area, and I apparently was bored, in that my 5 older siblings were all off in school all day long.

Knowing full well that Lynnette was imaginary, I'd insist that she also be given a cooky whenever I got one, and so forth. Lynnette came in handy to blame for things, like once when I cut my bangs off to the quick, (No one had ever told me NOT to (!), so it wasn't really being naughty; in fact I didn't get into real trouble for this-- it's just that they have to grow back and the process looks kinda wierd).

In later years I've seen a few t.v. shows about multiple personalities, and now I wonder about the fine line between split personalities and invented imaginary friends, like mine....

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when i was little i had all of these imaginary friends. now these were your typical invisible people, except they were all of the colors of the rainbow. and they were horses. not actually horses, but their names were. like blue horse, pink horse..etc. and all of the different colors had different personality traits. one would be really nice, and another one would be a badass or a wuss. what a twisted little weirdo i was. oh well.

who cares
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My friends little brother has an imaginary friend named Soap Tom. But he only visited once in a while when i was at her house. We would always ask about Soap Tom and my friends brother would always tell us he was 6 ft tall but when explain this he would say he was this tall (showing with his hands) and through the roof (then he'd point to the sky) once in a while he would become soap tom which sometimes was really scary cause he would make his voice really deep and talk to us like he was another person he would say things that would never enter a little kids mind. Long live Soap Tom

Soap Tom's Best Friend
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I used to have an imaginary friend called Casper who lived in my elbow. I used to talk to him, and feed him, because he couldn't pick up the spoon himself.

Apparently, I even told my school teachers about him! None of my friends can remember him, but my mother loves to remind me of him for some reason. she just randomly starts talking abiut him!

I know I'm a bit old for this, but I currently have one. (I have had him since I was five) He never used to talk until recently, when he told me that his name was John. He seems so real, but I'm sure that he's not...or is he? *cue eerie music*

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There's a home video of me when I was tiny. It's at Christmas so we have the whole family round and my mum goes: "What do you have in my tummy?" and I answer, "A baby!". When asked what it was called, I say, "Jawawah!"

A pregnant 2 year old...

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My first imaginary friend was named Vicki - human, long black hair, green eyes. I made her up one summer night when I was really bored. We had a lot of fun that summer.

Then when I went back to school (elementary school), I found that Vicki was following me everywhere except the bathroom... so I made up another imaginary friend who lived behind the toilet in the last stall. (What is it with imaginary friends and bathrooms? I was surprised to learn that so many other people did this!) Anyway, his name was Alex and he had brown hair and brown eyes. Eventually, he came to live with Vicki in my head.

I never told anyone about them except my mother, who thinks they're gone now... they're not... I'm an adult now, and they are both still around, *but* they are both Official Fictional Characters because they were in a story I wrote for an English class. That makes them more than just imaginary friends, so they're staying. :P

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When I was 6-8 years old, my brother told me I had a long lost brother named E-Bob who lived in Canada, and if I ever talked to E-Bob or met him, WW3 would start...

I also thought that Canada the island that is actually Africa...

E-Bob's Brother...
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My invisible friend was named Kelly. I had her when I was 4, she looked exactly like me except she had green eyes. She could fly and almost taught me how. When I was 5 I met a girl named Kelly with green eyes and I thought that was totally cool. We were all best friends and the invisible Kelly consoled me when I was 6 and the real Kelly moved. She lived on the top of my bunk bed.

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I had this imaginary friend named Ashley when I was 5 and we'd do everything together. My older brother and his friends would always make fun of me because I would walk around "talking to myself" then one day, Ashley and I got into a big fight and I haven't seen her since :(

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When i was little i had 2 imaginary friends. the was katrina and sabrina. sabrina was the bad twin and katrina was good. one day my mom and i were in the car driving and sabrina was making fun of me and so i told my mom to stop and pushed her out of the car. HAHA i was mean.

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My imaginary friend's name was Nanda. He was a mouse. He lived in these tiny glass houses my mother collects. I don't remember his mother and sister's names, I know they were complicated, but I know his dad was Michael Johnson.

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I used to have an imaginary friend named Tall Zebra. I would always say that if someone got me mad that TZ would step on them. And I vaguely remember a male imaginary friend who looked about 20....He was TZ's caretaker and his other bestfriend.

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I used to beleive that I had an army of millions of invisible dalmation puppies, that all loved me and did whatever I told them to. Once I took my best friend up on top of the tallest playground toy at school, and pursueded her that my invisible puppies were making things move. I would point to a kid chasing a ball across the playground and say, "See, that's Josie, running from that kid with the ball in her mouth. She's a trouble maker.", or would point to spots in the grass that were shorter then the rest and say that that was where one of my invisible puppies were laying.

I think she beleived me. At least she pretended to.

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Whenever I got a new box to play with, I would grab my cat and get it in and sit there for hours upon HOURS thinking that I was going to planet "Klockykloo" which, yes, was a name I made up. I used to plan launch times -- y'know, to go back to my home planet. With my cat. I believed we were both aliens, or something. I also believed I had a totally different family on that planet and I would get there some day and be with them. My parents just laughed, but I seriously believed I belonged on that planet!

Sarah - 14 yrs old
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I used to have an imaginary lame squirrel called norris who stayed on my shoulder. I carried him around with me and pointed out the sights of where ever we were.

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I had two imaginary friends when I was little. One when I was 5-10 was my reflection. She followed me around and we had interesting conversations. One day, while taking my bath, Heretek (her name, for some reason) desided to come out of the mirror, so she did. Then she told me she was moving to a strange planet called Tapuchki. Sometimes she came back and visited me.

My second imaginary friend was named Blu and she was actually my imaginary twin sister. She was in all my classes and was friends with all my friends. Blu eventually joined Heretek on Tapuchki when I was fourteen.

Annikki Katariina
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When I was young, I had an imaginary friend named Kera. She was short and had ugly glasses and a terrible hair cut. As I got older, even into my teens, she grew up with me. She always helped me decide things about boys and usually was right. Then she left after my real best friend claim she was really an evil spirit

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I used to have a pet marble named Roger.

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When I was little I had a few imaginary friends. There was Emily who wore a pretty blue dress and hair band. And before her I had 3 imaginary poodles. The first one's name was (surprise) Poodles. He was a goldenrod color. The next was Magenta who was a magenta poodle and Poodles' wife and finally there was Juinor Poodle's and Magenta's son who was a tiny goldenrod poodle. (I still have the poodle imaginary friends and im almost a teen)

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