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imaginary friends

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When I was in kindergarten I had an imaginary friend named Sam. He (I'm pretty sure it was a he) was a squirrel. I genuinly believed he existed, only he was invisible. When I went to bed I would use my stuffed rabbit to represent him (don't ask). He usually hung out on the roof of my house then went to bed with me (as my rabbit as I mentioned earlier). Then I pretty stopped imagining him.

Sam the Squirrel
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When I was about seven years old, my friend had an invisible friend. Then the day came when she decided that I should have an invisible friend, so she made up an invisible friend for me. I spent a lot of my childhood wondering why she could hold entire conversations with an invisible being, while I could never even start talking to mine.

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When I was little I had two good imaginary friends that I used to play with all the time. When they stopped coming to play with me (i.e..I grew out of it) I assumed that they must have died. My mother apparently found me sobbing my eyes out at the kitchen table. I was mourning their death for weeks...

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When I was younger, I had not ONE imaginary friend, but an entire family. The patriarch of the family was named "Mr. Pickle," and it was almost eerie how real they were to me. There was Mr. Pickle, his wife, and their two children.

There are several accounts of me announcing the Pickle family's presence at our (real) family events. I'd often request that they were given places at the dinner table. On one occasion, my aunt, trying to level with me, pretended to "talk" to Mr. Pickle. After a few minutes of this imaginary conversation, I looked at her, sighed in exasperation, and said, "Karen, who are you talking to? You look crazy. He [Mr. Pickle] went to the bathroom."

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When I was little, I had a slew of imaginary friends. There was Stompy, who was like a big brother to me, and his little sister MolliMae (I wanted a sister named that - I got a brother instead), and their mom, Meant It. And her sister, Beat It. (my mom used to tell me "I MEANT it!" all the time, and instead of telling my puppy to go away, she'd tell her to "beat it"). There was Gung Gung, who always got me in trouble (and spit in my mom's cereal), and Big IkkiBikki and Little IkkiBikki, who looked like Dr. Seuss characters.
After we moved when I was about 5, I didn't have them anymore.

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I had a lot of imaginary friends. I can`t remember all of them but I remember one very clearly.

I had an imaginary person called Mr Man, who was an old gardener who lived in my back garden and looked after me and my next door neighbour. He was tanned, and he was always smiling. He always wore checked shirts. I can always remember him clearly in my head, even now.

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When I was little I had an imaginary friend named Shiloh but I called him Shyshy. He was my age when I first seen him but he didn't grow with me. He wore a white shirt, grey sweatpants, and had blonde hair. We played together all the time and he would put me up to meanness. Anything I did wrong was always Shyshy. He was in my life from 3- 8 and I really saw him, but he left after we moved.
He would talk about his life and about how his mommy didn't love him and how she smothered him.

Maybe I should have posted this in the ghost section...

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When I was about 10 years old, I had an imaginary friend. His name was Eleven while my (nick)name was Nineteen (my favorite number back then). We often made bets like "I bet [insert name] will be at school today". When it was true, I scored, but when it was false, Eleven scored instead. I think I was even keeping track of our scores.
Later, we (me and Eleven) found two more friends: Fifteen, and Ten.Fifteen scored when the bet was half true and half false (since 15 is half-way between 11 and 19).Ten scored when the bet was neither true or false or completely unclear.

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When i was little, i had an older brother and a younger brother but no other kids living nearby to play with, so i spent hours upon hours making up friends. The one i remember the most would be my dog, Spot. I wasnt allowed to have a real dog. At one point i found an old yellow swing set seat and dragged it all over , telling everyone it was my dog, Spot. This went on for a few years untill i left him in the driveway and my dad ran him over. He "died" and my dad threw him away for me :-)

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When my uncle was little, he had 3 imaginary friends who always "got" him into trouble. Thei'r names were Onk-ink, Zaif, and Johnny Catalog. (?) My grandma caught him shoving a stick down a kitten's throat once and his reply was: "Johnny Catalog made me do it!"

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This is gonna sound sad.....
When I was just finding my feet in high school, I suddenly found myself apart from all my friends, so I made up this guy called Jack who I could talk to telepathically. At first we just talked, then I began to think I was mad so I forgot him, then he came back cos I missed him, and I really believed in him. I was 14!!!! LOL if only my friends knew........

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Currently, I am 14. When I was around 3, I had at least 3 imaginary friends. Jezzel, Kader, and Star. I don't know why, But Jezzel was a hamster, Kader was a dog and star was a fairy. On my 5th birthday, Jezzel and Kader were sitting in a big chair, and my friends sat on them! I was so upset, and Star, who was the one I hate the most, Had survived. To the day, Star sleeps on the top of the headboard of my bed and gos with me to school, hiding in my pocket or in my purse. sometimes I'll say "Star wants some pizza" and my firneds will look at me insnaely.

14 year old with an imaginary friend.
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From when I was 3, for about 5 years I had some imaginary friends... Jonta, Saila, Magic (my favourite), Fawna, Deer and Miss No Name (my least favourite.) I believed they were real and that there were lots of 'animal invisible friends' in the school playground. I would have the whole class and various other people looking for 'invisible friends' in the playground and chasing them.
And, for some reason, I was always arguing with Miss No Name and locking 'her' in my room... weird!

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When I was about 4 or 5, I had an imaginary friend named Stody. My parents told me he was usually a bird, but I always remembered him being like the cat from the old Nick Jr. show Busy Town. One time I opened the door and invited Stody's "family" inside. I proudly told my parents, "Today is Stody's birthday. We're having a party." I proceeded to set the table for me, Mom, Dad, Stody's mom, Stody's dad, 3 stuffed animals, and the big chair for Stody himself. My dad bought a little Carvel cake and we had a real party and everything. Boy was I something. :)

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When i was little i used to have an imaginary bird name Bert but my mom was worried and she told me Bert had to migrate to disneyland so he could have fun with his other bird friends. (The rest of my childhood i wanted to go to disneyland to visit Bert)

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My imaginary friend's name was B.G., (bad girl). She always did what I dreamed about doing, but was too scared to actually do.

B.G. in C.A.
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When I was four my brother convinced me that all of the little tiny dots of light were people. So I would sit there day after day and stare very closely at the screen so that i could give each of them names and families. I had a whole world for them in the screen. And would sit and talk very closely to each of them every day. This beleif continued untill i was ten. And my dad said if i didnt stop talking to them he'd break the screen and kill them all.

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I did have an imagionary friend, I wasn't a real socialable person unless you got to know me.Well, my "best friend" was Diamond. I thought she was incredibly beautiful because she was indian and had diamond dresses on every time we played together. When we were done i'd tell her goodbye and believe that she left through a bright vortext thing that resembled a zipper. I still love the indian culture and to this day i find indian traits very appealing and beautiful.

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When I was in preK and like 3 years old, we would always have "snacktime" where we would sit at the table and eat pretzels or crackers. Sometimes our teacher would vacuum the class room while we ate. I always laid my head down on the table and heard the noise from the vaccuum and I could of sworn there was a tiny family living inisde the table that were also vaccuuming. And even when she wasnt vaccuuming, I used to tap my fingers on the table and sware it was the little table people.

Table people friend
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when i was young, i had two imanginary friends: shoopa (the girl) and digga (the boy). i still remember what they looked like--they were like rounded stick figures, and shoopa had really short hair, and they were my "children". ( eventually had "hundreds" who "kept me up all night") the children thing is a little weird cuz they were black--which i'm not!! (i guess i didn't get race or they weren't biological...) i had one other, biga (named after a bakery) who looked---i'm not eve kidding---like my great granma! i'm not that weird noadays, though i still laugh when i drive by biga the bakery... remembering my children shoopa, digga, biga, and all the other "hundreds" of kids!!! :)

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