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When I was younger, I had a rock named Bob and I took him everywhere. He talked to me all the time and I talked back. My family thought somthing was seriously wrong until they took Bob away and the problems stopped. Weird.. huh?

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My sister used to have an invisible friend named Shay-Shay. Shay-Shay used to go every where with us. My sister used to even make my parents have a plate with food on it for her. When they noticed that she had stopped talking to shay-shay they asked her y and she said that her and shay-shay got into a fight and she moved to Florida that was the last we heard of her.

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When I was maybe 9, I had an imaginary friend named Mellisona (Stupid name). She was my very best friend, but sometimes I would "forget" her at a mall or something because I got sidetracked and forgot to tell her to come back to the car with us. In order to stop this from happening, I pretended Mellisona was a super hero that could fly through car doors even when the were shut. I never forgot her agian.

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When i was little i had an imaginary friend named Emile, i used to believe that he was what i would be like if i was a boy instead of a girl which is why his name is Emile because i thought it sounded like my name except for a boy. However i went a little over board with the whole imaginary friend thing when i gave my pet mouse (Nibbles) an imaginary friend/ baby named Chesley (dont ask how i got the name, i dont remember) but i always thought that she wanted to have a baby mouse so i made her an imaginary one

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When I was younger (about 8ish) I used to talk to the ants on my primary school field and I also insisted that everywhere I went I had to ride on my white unicorn Uni (very original). But overall Bob and Spike have to be my favourites. Bob was a one-eyed, purple beetle with a monocle and red bow tie. Spike was a six foot flouresent green cricket who wore a red baseball cap backwards. I still have drawing of them in my room.

I'm now 16 and have lost touch with them...although I have developed a penchant for holding conversations with myself.

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When I first watched the Ghostbusters film, I used to believe that Ghostbusters were my imaginary friends. I would talk to them and consult with them about doing things and I would always ask them for advice. Even to this day, now that I am 15 years of age, I still talk to my Ghostbuster pals!!

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I used to have an imaginary friend named Eryka (air-ick-uh). she lokked like a nine year old cheerleader with cat ears and tail. when she gets really mad at people, she hisses and tries to scratch them. I still have her, but she lives in a house in another town.

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When i was really young i used to have two imaginary friends. Shomes and Kano. So once i was moving with my family and when we were about half way two our house (which was like 2 hrs away) i started to scream, and when my parents asked what was wrong i told them that i had left Shomes and Kano at our old house and we had to go back to get them. So my dad drove all the way back to our old house, straped in my imaginary friends (seat belts and all) cause i wanted them to be safe, and they didn't talk to me for all of the rest of the car ride.

Then there was my other imaginary friend who ran away because i wanted to change my name to rainbow named, Thomas.

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I have had a whole lot of imaginary friends, however, they keep disappearing. I just realized for every house I lived in (my family has moved a lot) I had a seperate imaginary friend. Right before I find out we move, my imaginary friend kind of just 'fades away'. I have had many different friends for the house we are in now, none of which have kept alive.

Oobi Doobi
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in preschool and kindergarden i used to hav 2 imaginary friends. one was snoopy.enough said. the other was Uey a 10 year old boy. i was a tomboy and convinced that he forced me to wear dresses.

years later at an acting day camp in 2nd grade an older man came and i was convinced he was my Uncle Uey

yes I was a disturbed child.

luv ya Uey!!!
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When I was about... six I had an abusive imaginary friend. At first I created him because I was lonely, and almost nobody ever wanted to play with me. Somehow, maybe just because I was so convinced no one would ever like me, I came up with Rebock (yes like the shoe). He was thirteen and now reminds me of what an older brother is like. He told me these amazingly scary stories and I had nightmares every night. He made me punch myself (I was able to control myself enough to make it soft.. :) ) and he even pushed me into a pool once! I literally almost drowned....

It took me a while, but I finally got around to getting rid of rebock. I took my boy neighbor/new friend's toy gun and I shot him. 28 times! Then as I looked upon his 'dying body' he aske "why?" (and I literally remember hearing this) and I just laughed...

no I did not grow into a disturbed psycho... or anyway, that's what my parents tell me for comfort...

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I had a kitten for an imaginary friend. My mom tells me that I'd cup my hands and carry this "kitten" around everywhere. After using the bathroom, I'd place the imaginary kitten next to the sink and wash my hands, then carefully pick it up and go out to play. As far as I can recall, my kitten did not have a name. I still love cats, though!

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when i was 8 i used to have an imaginary friend named denise, we went everywher together, so i decided to make a city of them, turned out my sister told me they were fake and stopped believing. then a year ago i made another named ellie, she was my very best friend, one day she did a cartwheel on the way to school and a truck ran her over, i am very sad and now, i feel more quiter.

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up until age seven or eight, i had an imaginary friend named mister green. he was very tall, always wore an old suit, had fire-engine-red hair and his favorite thing to do was tap-dancing. he'd walk me home from the bus-stop everyday and we'd eat apples together.

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I used to think i had a million imaginary pets. I thought they were invisible and you could only see them if you belived. I ran my own invisible animal sanctuary in the playground at school with my two friends. Needless to say the other kkids thought i was crazy. But i still like to give Paddy the Pony and Princess the poodle a litle hug sometimes......

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when i was little (im 14 now) i had 2 imaginary friends who were both ghosts. boo (that was his name) was really nice and cool. he wore a shirt that, like him, was transparent. the only visible about him was his backwards red hat. the other(max) was a total douchebag and had black curly hair.

i see dead people
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I was 8 when I made my first imaginary friends, Sally, Sammy and Amy, Pure imagination and then one day Sally got transferd into another country cause her dad had a new job there and Sammy wouldnt go without her, but Amy went on holiday to Hawaii and I got a "phone call" saying that she was going to live there.

Now Im 11 and I still have a imaginary friend he is the best he is called Sam and he is a pirate and he is awesome, he is funny =] I never want him to die or go away.

Sams Best Bud.
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im 11 okay and i have an imaginary freind named freddy the frog.he is a 6 foot levetating frog.and i have to hold his hand when he is with me and not in his house in the sky wch is where he goes when i snap my fingers.i dont really have friends so whenever i get lonely i talk to him.and one time i was i ohio when i was 10 i sent him to miami florida and to keep him from floating away i tied huge bricks to his feet.

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When i was young, i had this wallpaper with x patterns on it. I used to stare into the wall and imagine the x's and little flying birds. I would watch them fly all over the walls until they decided to migrate and never come back

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Up until the age of 8 I had an imaginary friend that was a fairy named "Mandy", and for whatever reason I always thought that she was my older self.

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