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When I was about six years old I used to believe that some invisible fleas, that my cousin invented, were real and played with me.

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I had a whole load of imaginary friends called the "Gophins" who lived in the clouds. I later found out that my Czech grandad used to call me "Gophinec" (not spelt right!) which means "sweetheart" - so this must have been where I got the word "gophin" from. There was also "Anga" Gophin - named after Angela Rippon who read the news at the time. (There was "Issic" too - but not sure where he came from!)

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My grandpa told me that there were little guys (about the size of those little green army men) who lived under his bed. If I behaved I could take them home to live with me. Each time I would visit him I would bring more home. I thought they were real. I would tell them stories and act out all sorts of things. Sometimes they would hide in my pocket and go places with me.
One day my grandpa was really grouchy. So I ask him why he was being so mean. He replied, "Well, the little guys kept me up all night. They were up drinking tequilla with the Mexicans all night. I didn't get any sleep. Those guys sure know how to have fun." Later that week, I got in trouble at school and told my teacher the same story...My teacher called home full of concern...

Laura Marie
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My daughter, has an imaginary friend named "Out of the Box".It's really weird how real they can become. One day we were in a restaurant, and she had left him in the car. I was at the counter getting our food she was at a table. My daughter yelled over to me "Mom, Out of the Box isn't sitting down!" I immediately responded "Dee, Out of the Box is in the car!" After realizing what had taken place I was soo embarrassed!

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When my sis and I were younger, we would play make-believe mermaids. One day one of our mermaids was having a baby, so we had a lengthy discussion on mermaid reproduction. Obviously they couldn't have a baby the "normal" way, pooping one out (lol- I don't know why so many people believed this), because they had no legs. (Of course we had fish and had seen them poo, but...) So it would have to come out their mouths, as that's the only other way to get something out of their stomach. I said they must have vomited them up, and she agreed, but we decided that was way too disgusting. They didn't lay eggs like fish because they were half-people, so because they were magic they could burp up a bubble with the baby inside (it would grow in the bubble, after it came out of her mouth). Never looked at bubbles in the same way again. We really elaborated on this, and decided that after it started to grow she could sing a magic song and decide how it would look and what age it would be when the bubble popped, if she just wanted to skip it being a baby altogether and have an 8-year-old.

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when I was about 6 me and my sister were digging around in the woods behind my house and we found this big root from some plant. We named it "Mr. Tuber" and talked to him almost every day. In the fall, we left him in a hole in a tree. The next spring, we were dismayed to discover that he had decomposed.

Sarah Bacon H.
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Ever since I got into Pokemon, I've been "bringing" an imaginary Pikachu to class. I kept whispering to it and stuff and asking if it was hungry. Weeks after that, I forgot about about my imaginary Pikachu.

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I used to have an imaginary friend named Marcho, he was a little boy that always wore a long sleeved red and white stripped shirt with blue overalls. Marcho and I used to have races and play competative games in my front yard, he would always loose. But he wasnt a sore loser, infact i think that he let me win half the time, but good for him. Hopefully now Marcho is with another little girl racing in the front yard.

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Whenever I was in the car I'd pretend it was being chased by the Bomb Rat. I used to have pet newts, and they would eat these little cubes of "freeze-dried tubifex worms". I thought that whole concept was really fascinating, and it wound up the Bomb Rat's favorite food.

As we drove, blocks of this fish-food would fall from the sky into the Bomb Rat's mouth until he swelled into a sphere. His tail then became a fuse and he would roll after the car, ready to explode. He wasn't bad, though.

Jonathan Franz
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When I was little I had 3 types of imangary friends. I had frocks, who were little creatures that lived behinf my couch, and left when we moved (i cried for days). I also had "spiders" that lived under my arms. They had bunk beds and everything! And I also had the straw wrappers that I kept in the car...they died after I got home though. I later found out my mom threw them away.

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i used to belive i had imaginary friends when i was like 3, i would run crying to my mom saying that my friend hit me when nobody was there. i had two America and Tony, i have no idea how i got the names but my mom really got freaked out.

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I not only had imaginary friends (I made them up 'cause it was cool to have an imaginary friend, i didn't really believe in them), i had imaginary pets! (I did believe in them!) Let's see if i can remember thier names...
Rainbow and Starry the Unicorns
Blacky the labrador (I shared her with my friend Gabby, who could also see her)
...And a whole lot more...

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I used to have three imaginary friends. One was Chantal... she was my shadow (I was jealous of her because she was super tall and thin hehe). The second was Rachel... she was my reflection, and I really liked her. The third was Isabelle. She was just imaginary, and she came with me everywhere. :)

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I got told that Beetle Juice lived in my stomach and when he was hungry he would yell and it would sound like a growl.It kept on until I was 6.

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I used to believe that each house had a name. Unfortunately, our family lives in a townhouse (and still does to this day). This resulted in me naming the entire building "Thomas." Then, when I was six, my parents told me what townhouses were. Now, there are 6 houses in our one building, so I named each one of them. All the people except for the married couple at #4 moved out since then. By the way, our family is at #1 in the townhouse.

#1 (us): Thomas
#2: Michelle
#3: Kevin
#4: Ronald (Ronald is the guy who lives there)
#5: Shaleen
#6: Megan

Also, I went a little overboard and gave them personalities. (No, I'm not making this up, although I will admit this is a little much...)

Tom was a goofy guy. I made this up because we have silly paintings on the walls of our house. Megan liked Tom for this. Kevin and Shaleen were married. Ronald is a nice old man who cooks for all the other houses and everyone likes him. Megan not only liked Tom but she was athletic. I kept wondering why Megan stood still though. Haha!

Also, I named my friend Dalton's house Smokey.

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When I was little I thought the pink Power Ranger was my best friend. If my mom asked me if I wanted soup or something I would say "Make some for Kimberly too!" (i think kimberly was the power ranger's name...not sure lol)
yeah, i know, that is NOT a normal choice for Imaginary Friend, but i was like three!

Absolutely Nobody
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When I was little (in elementary school). My mother used to wake me up every morning. I always went back to sleep. For some reason I thought I had a robot that was a perfect copy of me and could go to school for me. To me yesterday never happened and it was all a sort of dream.

Every morning I still wish that was true.

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There was a tiger in the hall and I had to get rid of it by huffing and puffing so that I could go to the toilet.

I'm sure the babysitters used to wonder why the 3 year old kid they were watching puffed away while toddling up the hallway.

Scottish Laddie
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from the age of about 2 untill i was about 5 i had 2 imaginary friends named shlocksy and shlacksy im not to sure of the spelling but just the other day i found that these are german names.
They both looked identical only 1 was a boy and 1 was a girl they both had bright ginger hair.
I remember my mum had to make spaghetti loops and mashed potatoes for dinner they had their own place at the dinner table. but the funny thing was that when i grew they grew with me. We also used to jump of my sofa into a pretend pool i used to prance around the house for hours in my swimming suit.
I live in belfast and when i was young i grew up in a house with two older brothers i think i had these mates because i was and still am the only girl in the house i now have 2 younger brothers also.
Shloksy and shlaksy were great mates. at the beginning i always had them with me and once i was out and about playing with other children they gradually faded away but i do remember the day they said farewell and dissappeared through a hole in my bedroom wall . then just around three months ago i was feeling a bit lonely everybody was busy and i fell out with my boyfriend i could swear i saw 2 little kiddies exactly like i can remember going through the same place in my bedroom wall as i still live in the same house

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I used to have an imaginary friend called Anita and when i was younger i used to go swimming lessons and even though i couldnt really see her i used to think it was a sort of spirit helping me come first in all the races which by the way i did :)

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