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I believed that I had a friend who lived in the phone called cally. I would play with the phone and hear the voice saying "Your number can't be connected please call again". I used to ring him up all the time. I would tell my parents of my friend and dad though 'cally' was a male my mother was having an affair with. I told my parents of this friend in my 20s and finally solved a rift between them.

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When I was a child, I didn't have imaginary friends, I had imaginary pets. (I don't know why, I -had- a dog.) They were a tiny dog, cat, fish, bird, and hampster. They had their own minature classroom that sat on my desk at school, so they could learn too. (They were very tiny pets.) When we were in the car, I would toss them out the window and hang onto them with invisable leashes so they could get their exercise. I even figured the fish bowl had wheels on it. I don't remember when I stopped believing in my imaginary pets, but I really miss them. I think they're in an imaginary pet cemetary some where now.

....wish I knew what their names were....

Kat =^.^=
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When I was a child, my first imaginary friend was Batman. I walked up to my parents one day when I was about 5 or 6 and said "Mom, Dad...I want you to meet my boyfriend" Then I pointed to "Batman" and said "His name is Batman." My dad actually stuck his hand out and "shook hands" with Batman. Yeah, being the youngest of 5...I guess nothing shocks my parents at this point.

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This is not my belief, it's my friend's.

When my best friend was about 5 or 6 she had an imaginary friend named Grandmother Darnet (we still cannot figure out how she came up with that). One day, she got tired of Grandmother Darnet and didn't want her as a friend anymore. At the time, they were at the super market. Her mother asked where Grandmother Darnet was and Kyrsten insisted that she had been hit by a shopping cart and died.

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when me and my friend where in the 1st grade we were playing in the dirt and mulch behind the swings.we found this squashed raisin and pernounced it dead,but then we imagined its ghost popped up,and ran away,it was evil though.we called it haunted raisin.finally a few recesses later we caught haunted raisin,trained him to be nice and he was our best friend.the collection continued! we then imagined some of his family,haunted blueberry,haunted acorn,haunted grape,haunted cattipiller,and haunted m&m.we even brought old barbie props to recess and played with our friends.we even had haunted family book covers we created.haunted raisin would go everywhere with us and he would have sleepovers with us.he lived in the telephone pole at the playgroud.We stopped playing haunted rasin when we where in the 5th grade!!!

friends with a ghostly dried out grape
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I used to think wall outlets looked like little faces (eyes and mouth), and so I would talk to them sometimes!

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I used to have an imaginary friend who was the ghost of a sixteenth century teenager. What was funny was my real life friends knew about him, and imagined they were hanging out with him too, he became a community imaginary friend. One time I called my real friend and asked her send my imaginary friend back over to my house. Her dad decided to be mean and tell us he hit him with the car and killed him. But we didn't care because he'd been dead for centruies before her dad ran him over.

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I used to have imaginary dinosaur friends. There were tons of them. Whenever my family would go anywhere, we'd have to wait for all of them to shrink so they could fit into the car.

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When I was about six, i had this necklace with a little metal wolf on it. I never wore it as a necklace, just twisted it around my wrist. I never took it off, and believed that when I was wearing it, I had a wolf called wolf (original name) and he would protect me, and could become whatever size i needed him to. One day i lost the necklace in school, and i never found it again. Wolf dissapeared forever. I couldnt make him real again. I have always thought of this as the saddestday of my life, it was like losing a best friend.

Wolfman!!! :P
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When I was little, 3 or 4 my friend and I had an imaginary land where we would go to in her backyard - "BumLand". In Bumland there were the BumPolice, who gave you tickets if you didn't moon a certain tree in the yard.

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When I was about six years old, I had an imaginary friend that I named Angelina. Back then I never heard of Angelina Jolie. But when I finally saw her name in a magazine one day, I got upset and said, "Hey! She stole my imaginary friend's name!" My mom must have thought I was crazy. :/

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When I was really little, I had two imaginary friends: Boo-boo and Tu-tu. I absolutely loved them until I was about 6, when I finally decided I was done with them. I walked into the kitchen, and my father said "Hey, Jen, where's Boo-boo and Tu-tu?" I replied, "They jumped off a cliff." For the next little while, I would tell everyone who asked a different way that my imaginary friends died.

Evil Villain
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I misunderstood the concept of the Sandman as a kid.
My mom, checking on me before she went to bed, found me sitting up in bed. Why aren't you asleep, she wanted to know.
Calmly, I told her I was waiting for that old man to come and throw dirt in my eyes!

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As a kid I believed that the mice from the movie "Bernard & Bianca" where my friends and lived in my closet. I secretly brought them food that i placed in my wardrobe. Several years later in my teens I told my mom this and she finaly understood why there had been so much mice my closet.

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my best friend told me that when she was young, her imaginary friend was a doctor that lived under the kitchen sink and ate tomatoes. She was a strange child then, and she's a strange teenager now.

lady Guine
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I used to believe that all little kids were supposed to have an imaginary friend, and my parents would kick me out of the house if I didn't have one. So I used to pretend I had an imaginary friend when I was with my parents.

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When I was in fourth grade, I was reading a series of books called Animorphs. I was obsessed with them at the time, and one of my friends had started to read them too. She didn't know about them as much as me, since she had just begun, and I (of course) was an expert... soon we knew most things there were to know about them, and started making up that the characters in the book, which have the power to withdraw DNA from another living creature and become it, wanted to be our friends. It started out small, that we had seen them sneaking around looking "suspicious" and kind of watching us... then we talked to them.. and it progressed that they wanted us to become part of the group. Then we had the powers (we had totally convinced ourselves that it was real by then and that we had the powers) that they had, then stronger, then we were the most powerful beings in the universe, and we had to keep it secret. we were aliens, and we had our code because evil aliens called the "yeerks" were always after them... it went on for a couple of years.. then I was away for a year, and when i came back we had forgotten about it and didn't talk about it. Really funny to think of now.

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When i was about eight, i saw Peter Pan for the first time. I was convinced that he and Tinkerbell existed. I tried to fly by sprinkling "pixie dust" (ice cream sprinkles) on my head and jumping off the couch. I even taped a note on my window telling Peter that i was ready to go to neverland but i would have to tell my mom first.

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When I was younger I was afraid of the monster in my closet. My Mom told me to be brave, so one night I decided to make friends with this ferocious monster. It turned out that it was a baby monster named 'Little Monster', and it turns out he was just lost, and he was stuck in my closet. We became friends and went everywhere together. We would always go on adventures to find his parents, and then one day we found them, and I never saw Little Monster again.

Zach P
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When I was little I had an imaginary friend named Tongue Jr. He seemed so real, and he actually taught me stuff I didnt know...some of the stuff wasnt true, but some was! My
parents were surprised when I knew what constipation was at age 4. But they thought that my freinds told me. Tongue Jr was called Tongue Jr coz he had a snake tongue...I know weird.

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