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When I was about 6, I was absolutely terrified of The Things That Go Bump In the Night, which were (in my mind) an entire race of monsters and boogiemen and ghosts and demons and the like. So I deliberately made up an imaginary friend named Midoon (MIDnight-nOON) who would protect me from the dark monsters. He was the actual, real Prince of the Night, but the Things had stolen it from him and he had to defeat them all to get it back.

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i used to have an imaginary friend who was a game show host. i claimed that we became friends because i rescued him from a pricker-bush that he was caught in behind my house. also involved in this was another sort-of imaginary "friend" named christina, who wasn't so much a friend as someone to compete with in various events (usually involving who could do things faster, and which i always won), which the game show host would arrange and narrate as if we were on tv.

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Me and my twin sister used to have an imagenary friend called billy. billy was a twin so i got 1 twin and my sister got the other twin. we would argue how stupid our billy was like "He drove to his next door neighbours!" and "he feel out of the window while he was on the loo!" i always imagined my billy to be a waterbottle!

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I used to have an imaginary friend named Mr. Tree, except he wasn't imagined. He was a real tree out infront of my house. Don't remember what kind he was. But he talked to me through feelings, not really words. I always asked about how Mrs. Tree was. And I think that Mrs. Tree wasn't a tree, but the earth itself.

I miss Mr. Tree. He's still there at my old house too.

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When I was about four years old I had an imaginary friend named something like Katie, and she was the one chick off "Frosty the Snowman." I don't remember much of her but my parents tell me that one day I had an argument with her and I lost... Yeah... She went away after that.

And to this day I have these four girls based off a slightly more psychotic me and my three best friends. Just the other day in math class the one based off me started accusing people of calling her instable (maybe she can read other peoples' minds? o.O). Except now I don't call them "Imaginary friends" I call them "voices"

Eh, people think I'm crazy anyway...

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I used to think I had an invisable friend named Rose. I remember getting mad at my best friend because she said HER invisable friend was Rose. I also remember talking to "Rose" in my room, like a real normal conversation with a real person. My sisters always heard me talk to "Rose" too.

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I used to believe that the Sandman (and his wife and kids, the whole family) lived in my closet. They were invisible, of course. My father would tell us stories about them at bedtime, and we'd leave the closet door cracked open just a teeny bit so that the Sand People could get out and wander around the world putting sleep-sand in people's eyes to make them sleep. And you know, when we woke up, there was usually a little bit of "sand" in the corner of one or both of our eyes!

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when i was like 4 years old i had an imaginary friend named ling ding.no one beleived me.but she came occasionaly when i was in the hospital and had my surgery.iwas only four at this time.my parents and brothers ask me who i would talk to and i told them ling ding she came after i had my surgery.i would crawl around my house,play and talk to her.i remember her having sharp teeth and she had this beutiful glow to her.no one to this day believes me and im now 16 years old.my brother thing that this little child i played and talked to was demonic possesion or some sort.i dont know what i would do if she came back.and if you read this u probably wont believe me either.

katelyn jones
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I used to believe at night their was a moon lady and she would come down on a silver ladder and take you up to the moon to drink tea and chat. I know I dreamt the dream when I was younger more than a few times, maybe that's why I believed it was true.

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I had an imaginary friend when I was little. Her name was Copelia and she could turn into a doll. She wore a knee-length pink dress, and she had long, blonde hair(it was strictly dip-dyed pink). We would always dance and swim and I took her with me everywhere. I still love her, though in a different way. She helped me to make REAL friends, whom I ALSO love to this day. Sometimes when I'm nervous, I can almost hear her whispering in my ear to just be brave and be myself. Without Copelia, I wouldn't be where I am today. Thank you, friend.

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When I was six, I had an imaginary friend that my little neighbor Julia also started seeing.

We named him 'Boz' He would play with us and make forts. Boz was a big friendly hairy creature, similar to Sully from the movie Monster's Inc., but Boz was brown in color.

I miss Boz, he has disapeared from my life, along with a lot of the magic of my childhood.

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I had 2 imaginary friends, they were cowboys called Tommy and Jackson. Tommy was an eldery cowboy, and Jackson was a young man. They wore jeans and checked shirts with leather waist-coats. We watched The Lone Ranger together. Ahhh those where the days!

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I was born in 1947, and for the first seven years of my life had an outside toilet, which really frightened me.It was dark, cold & lonely so I invented three friends who could come with me, David, Dennis & Helen. I kept these friends for many years & mother was so worried she actually went to the Doctors about me. He said it was because at that time I was an "only" child.

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When I was young, I believed that Bugs Bunny and Yo Simite Sam were between my cheek and bottom row of teeth. Bugs was on the left side and Sam was on the right side. Whenever I would eat, they would hide, running down my throat and clinging to my uveula. And whenever I got bored, the would use my teeth as walls and would have a gunfight. Of course, Bugs always won, although I like Sam more. I still don't know where this idea came from!

I must have watched too many cartoons
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When I was little I had a bunch of imaginary friends. They were little white bunnies that lived in the cabinet in front of our toilet. So everytime I went to the bathroom I would open the door and talk to them and arrange all the bottles and stuff so they could play on them. I belived in them until I was 11 or 12. Now I miss them :(

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when i was little, i thought there was leprecauns behind a chair in my house. no one else could see them and i would feed them theyre gold coins when i remembered about them. Needless to say, St. Patricks day was very momentus.

one confused kid
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When I was about four, I felt that all four year olds HAD to have an imaginairy friend... So I decided to have one called Annie... Who i didn't really believe in, who i didn't really like, and who I didn't like to play with.
Yet Annie was around for a good three years...

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when i was little i used to beleive that i was some kind of animal or another. for the longest time i was a half-sheepdog half-dalmation, with rainbow heart shaped spots and my name was heartlove-rose. i was convinced that this was my true form and that i turned into a girl whenever anyone was around. before that i beleived that i was a blue and yellow macaw parrot named cricket, after i had seen such a bird on vacation. i had a huge basket that was my nest and i would sit in it with my stuffed parrot.
i also had an imanginary siamese cat named thermos who liked to catch hummingbirds but didn't hurt them, and a puppy named Otto who was my best friend when i was the sheepdog-dalmation thing. otto and i had all kinds of lovely adventures like the time we busted a guy for making a u-turn at the no u-turn intersection. My parents also tell me that i had an imaginary friend named lambert, but i don't remember much about him. whenever i hear the name i do think of a boy with a sheep's head, with like a white curly fro-thing for hair.
i was a pretty imaginative kid.

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When I was younger I used to believe that I had an imaginary friend and her name was Cindy Lou Hoo(from the Grinch) and I would get really mad if someone sat by me because I thought they would sit on her! She was VERY small.

grl w/ imaginry friend
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When I was small my first imaginary friend was called Narie (pronounced NAH-ree) and we went everywhere together. Then came along Derek. He ruined all the fun, and eventually he and Narie moved to Tenerife. I haven't gotten so much as a postcard.

But it's okay, because now I have Sean. He lives in my pocket and tells me to start fires.

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