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imaginary friends

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When my brother was little he had an imaginary friend, her name was Minga...yeah, any way I thought that when he talked about "playing with Minga", he had teleported into another world where all his other friends lived.

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When i was 4, i had an imaginary friend named iggy, he had blue hair and was the perfect image of a goth, my older sister who was 6 at the time had an imaginary friend named rosie who rode a motorcycle and always crashed through the roof of my parents' car.
My sister stopped playing with rosie in 1999, i stopped playing with iggy then too.
I am now 12 and my new imaginary friend is a demon chicken named bob who tells people things that annoy them.

Me, who do you think?
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I used to actually believe that an invisible baby was making me do bad things around the house. Whenever I got in trouble I would blame it on the evil baby. He even had family members that didn't know he was evil.

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I had an imaginary friend, Cootie, who was a drummer in a rock back and aptly resided in our pots and pans cupboard. I would go visit him and we'd drum on the pots and pans until my mother made me stop.

Maria G.
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when I was 4-6 I thought my stuffed dog, Rascal,was alive I would ride him feed him and I would take him for walks but when I turned 7 my parents told the truh.pfhhhhhhh parents (im 10 now)

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I used to believe that there was a gnome-looking kind of guy. His name was the "Little Guy", since he was a dwarf. He had a green hat like Merlin had and a green outfit. I thought that he used to want to kidnap me or kill me. So, I thought that whatever position I was in my bed, I had to stay still and pull the sheets over my head. Then he would come up and look under the sheets and he that I was in that position and walk away very slowly (the same speed he walked when he came up to my bed). I also thought that music was playing in the background when this happened. I didn't get over this until I was about in the fifth grade.

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When I was little, I did not want to grow up at all. I didn't want to grow up to the point that I believed Peter Pan would fly in my room one night and take my away to Neverland. Eventually I got older and realized that Peter Pan was never going to come...it was kind of sad.

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When I was little I was convinced that tiny people lived in the walls of my house. I lived in an old house with lots of mouse holes and cracks in the walls so I thought the tiny people used those as doors. They even had a name, Laa Laa's, I don't know where that came from. All the time I would lay on the floor by a hole waiting to see if one would come out or I would try to talk to them. I used to draw pictures of them and their cities and write stories about them. Eventually I came to terms with the fact they didn't exist but they kept me company in my younger years.

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One time, this package came, so we had this big cardboard box in the middle of the kitchen. Well, I named the box and pretended to marry it. Then, I found out my mom was going to throw it away, and I decided it was necessary for me and the box to get a divorce. When I told my mom, she laughed and I got upset because I didn't think it was funny and thought she was mean for making me get a divorce.

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When I was two I had two imaginary playmates. Tara and Lara. We played regularly until I was about four. Then Tara moved to L.A. and Lara moved to New York

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When I was like eight I had an imaginary friend named Emily Lee. She was blonde and she loved to swim. One day, I brought her to the pool and she jumped off the top to the high dive. Before she hit the water, she vanished into thin air. So for like three years after that I heard her voice when I went underwater.

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I had an imaginary friend named Teter. He was an elephant. I got him when i sat down on a teter toter and went straight up but noone was on the other side so I thought it was a invisible elephant

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My friend and I were talking about imaginary friends who lived inside your head when you were little. I said I had an older version of me living iside my head who would tell me what to do when I was little. She sat on a couch all day and was much cooler than me. My friend said she had Timone and Pumba from the Lion King living in her head when she was little. She used to shake her head and they would fall out of her ear when she tried to get rid of them, but they always came back. We were odd children.

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When I was a little 2nd grader me and my friend had imanginary friends. She had a giraffe named Fefe and I had a duck named Bebe.At lunch we would yell at people for sitting on them. We believed in them until we were 10. I know ...10!!!!!!! We used to talk to them and start conversations with them and people thought we were creeps. We convinced one of our friends they were real, but the others told her otherwise. I will remember them 4ever.

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When I was little I had an "aunt" who was my imaginary friend. Her name was Aunt Itallyamoo (it-ul-e-ah-moo) Supposedly she cooked the best pastina in the world! She had a husband named Jack. He used to get kicked out of the car from my Aunt Itallyamoo and pee on peoples lawns. Of course he was fake also. My grandmother sent me a card that was Aunt itallyamoo and she sent me pastina! I freaked out! Jack looked like a gray haired Bob Saget :D and Aunt itallyamoo looked like the fat kid from the disney show Recess. The freaky part was....The kid who she looked like was a boy! I loved her so much! I can still see them in my mind.

I [3 Aunt Italyamoo
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I use to have a imaginary freind when i was 8. On a cold night in december i was calling for her, she diden't come. i found it weird. when i turned 9 i hadent seen her for ages. at night she had came back then she said that she had to go to eygpt and never come back. that was the last time i saw her. she still gives me messages in my head at night.

im best!
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When I was in 5th grade I had an imaginary friend named Danny who was a punk with a studded leather jacket and a tall black Mohawk he would dye green & was 3 yrs older than me. He was really cute and hated me but decided to talk to me. For years I've been into punk because of him and still communicate with him. Except now these days he has dirty blue hair in liberty spikes that looks like dreads cuz he doesn't clean it. Were always crazy n hyper. Wish we could be together but we no we can't.

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My invisible friends are, i still have them,
Pobby and Dingan. They are both passifists and Dingan
Has an opal for a belly button. I think, and know, they are

jodie 14 years of age.
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I used to believe that the cast of the Partridge Family was in my desk at school. I could look inside and watch re-runs of the show because if they could shrink themselves to fit inside the tv, surely they could shrink to fit inside my desk. I really could see them in there; that is the scary part ;-)

David Cassidy Fan
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i used to have a n imaginary friend who would only appear when we were onl ong car journeys and would jump along outside the car as we went along. he wasn't aloud to touch the floor and he wasn't allowed to stop, but he could jump for miles! lol@me,

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