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imaginary friends

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i used to have 3 imaginary friends called Ginger, Fred and Betty. Ginger was my husband. I used to talk about him to my nursery teacher. 'Yesterday me and Ginge did this...'

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I had two imaginary friends - Saucy and Basket - we did everthing together when i was little. Saucy was a girl my age, about 3 or 4, and Basket was a ghost who carried around a picknick basket. I used to sit on the stairs and prentended it was my car, we would go everywhere together!

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When I was about 5 or 6 I had a semi-imaginary friend. My bathroom was painted with a feather duster (twisted it in circles so it wasn't completly painting just swirls of colors) One part of the wall that you faced when you sat on the toliet the paint made the shape of what I saw a Snousher dog. And I remember sitting on the toliet talking to that dog that lived in the bathroom. I remember one time very well , when my mom kept knocking on the door asking who I was talking to and why I was taking so long because we had to leave. I told her I was talking to the dog, she must of thought I was crazy considering we didn't have a dog. I was so sad cause I had to leave my bathroom friend to go run errands with my mom.

Also in our other bathroom it was also feather painted, in the bathtub up above where the plastic stops and its the wall was painted and I found that the paint formed a horse head so, I had a friend on the toliet in one bathroom and a friend in the shower in the other bathroom... hehe

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When I was little, my mom would always tuck me in. And when i would put my ear to the pillow, i swore i could hear people moving around. I told my mom this, and she would alwyas say good night to me, and then whisper into my ear goodnight to the Litte people. I believed her until i was about 5...

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When I was little, I had an imaginary friend, named Stacy. She dressed like she lived in the 80's, ya know, with the ponytail on the side of the head, wearing all bright pink and stuff (she was 8 years old) She would always walk me home from school, and fly away until the next day.

Mary S.
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I wanted an imanginary friend. But not a person, I wanted a dog. I got my imanginary dog,Wolf, from the "Imanginary Dog Pound" and I loved Wolf so much that I made him a leash out of tinfoil. Then when I got sick of taking care of Wolf, I let him in the street and he got hit by a car.

Molly, Who is cool,
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this was my little sister who had all these imaginary friends and she named them all by her name, Kate, except they all had different colored hair. So, one day my mom asked her why she had done something bad and her explaination was "I didn't do it, it was Kate with the red hair" it was the topic of discussion for quite a while cause it made my mom laugh.

una persona
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From the ages of two to four I had two imaginary friends. They were twins. There names were Popcity and Citypop. Citypop was evil and always doing bad things to get me in trouble. Popcity was fun and used to play games with me.

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I had a tiny wee army of fleas as did my friend,Joey.My main flea was called Angus and Joey's was Kevin but there were many others.They started out as a protection device against the Kevin Beetles,big black poisonous beetles that lived in between the bricks that out street is paved with.They quickley developed into so much more though...
Also,I could see the fleas belonging to Joey quite clearly,and she could see mine,she knew exactly what they looked like without me telling her.

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when i was six- years old, Nightcrawler was my make-believe friend, he went everywhere with me he kept me safe, and guarded my bed at night. but one day i woke up- he was gone. he left a letter saying this : i'm sorry my friend, but i have to leave. i'm gonna leave bye-for now

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When I was younger, we lived in a pretty secluded area, and my brother and I made up invisible friends named Jerky, Nobody, Sally, Zack and Shufale [Shoo-Fall-Ay]. We made things up about them like, if you called Jerky a jerk, he called you "helmet head" in defense.

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I used to try to call my super hero friends by pulling on the outsides of my eyes to make them squinty. My parents really didn't like it when I did that.

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when I was young I had many imaginary friendsbut I never told anyone about them. there were three little wildcats that were less that an inch tall. they would climb all over my desk at school and would cuddle into my shirt pockets to sleep. also I knew an old asian man with a whrinkled and friendly face. he would piont things out to me when we went on walks and would oftn keep me company when I was alone for prolonged periods of time, we would sometimes laugh hystarically together at the silliest things.

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When my best friend and I were in about sixth grade we loved to climb trees. There was one tree that had a family of wild and mean mongoose (mongeese?) living at the base. My friend and I would have to climb as high as we could to get away from them. Our mongeese were eight feet tall and had razor sharp teeth. :D I think we finally got over this in about the eighth grade. I still think of eight feet tall creatures with razor sharp teeth whenever i hear the word mongoose though. ^_^

Nikki (and Casey though she doesnt know it)
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When I was a kid one of my hands was my best friend Ralphie and the other hand was an evil creature called Snaky. I would talk with them and use my hands like in a puppet to have them talk back. Ralphie could make cute noises that could get us out of trouble. Snaky just hissed and attacked things. My parents sent me to a counselor who told them that having imaginary friends was a sign of intelligence. I wonder what he would say now, now that I'm 39 and still use the characters to annoy my wife. Ralphie still gets me out of trouble with his cute noises, but my wife hates Snaky since he prefers to feed on boobs.

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When i was younger,i used to have a pet fairy called Adrian. he used to give me advice and tell me to do stuff that i shoudnt do. one day he told me i could fly like him and i jumped off my wall and broke my wrist. thats when i stopped believing!!!!!!

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I used to believe that my sisters "make believe dog" was real

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I used to have an imaginary friend named Bob which happened to be a shadow of a tree at night from a streetlight. Well every night I would go to my window and talk to "Bob" so when my parents would come in and ask me what I was doing I would say "I am talking to Bob" They just said Ok just go to bed soon. I sure was freaked out when Bob went missing when the tree was cut down.

LOL! how was i supposed to know? I was only 4. hehe
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When i was younger i had a imaginary friend called Tapanga but that was the short version of her name the other one was to long and i believed only i could say it. Well she lived up in the clouds and had lots of unicorns for pets . I dont remember when i stoped believing in her but well i did. I still got a very good imagination but there not really friends there just things me and my friends made up like bob the fence lol it is quite funny by the way i am not like extra old and weird i am only 17 and hope to be a writer.

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I used to have a friend. His name was "Ramesh Rabbit". He had two rabbit children and a rabbit wife with the same names as us and somehow, did everything we did. The strange part was, that he in no way resembled a rabbit and, with one simple turn, became my father, Ramesh. He was my friend till I was 7 years old and realised that he bore a remarkable resemblance to my own father...

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