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i used to squint my eyes at the nightlight at night and see a star shaped object and i talked to him every night. he didnt have a name, he was a gold like figure and then one day my nightlight broke and i thought he had died "MUMMY! HES DEAD HES DEAD" i cried "Yes dear thats nice" said mum as she typed away on the computer. i never forgot about him. sometimes i got angry with him and killed him by closing my eyes and i would amagine him say OH NO NOOOO and then get a stik and a top hat and start dancing "hello my baby hello my hunny" song for no reason at all! lol it was creepy.

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I wanted a dog very badly ever since I could remember. However, we lived in an apartment that didn't allow dogs. I figured that my parents didn't want to get a dog because they didn't think I was responsible enough, a common reply to many of my inquiries. I decided to prove to them that I was- I "found" a cocker spaniel puppy whom I named Spunky. She would always follow me around, even in school for a few days until she got me in trouble with some teachers. I would even put food and water out for her and leave certain spaces for her to sit. I would constantly talk to her and apologize for other people's rudeness towards her when they accidentally slammed a door on her.
My parents just thought I had an overly active imagination and told me Spunky wasn't real so cool it. I told them I knew that and would they please get me a real dog and went on taking care of her to prove my worthiness.
Funny thing, even when we finally got two dogs, I stirred up some plan that Spunky ran away because she got jealous of them even though I put out three bowls of food for awhile.

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I had two imaginary friends, Nadine and Suki and I would draw them all the time. They were very boring so I got to be the leader. ;)

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I used to believe that i could talk to the wind and it could tell me the future...but none of the things "the wind" told me came true.

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I'm 12 right now and I'm gonna be 13 in november, I have alot of friends but I still need someone to talk to and to tell me right and wrong and make me laugh. His name is Jasper and he's like casper but he's really cute and he has a crush on me. he's 12 2 and I even do his voice when I talk to him. Cause I can talk like a guy.

Jasper's Crush
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when i was 11 i had imaginary friend maya. she followed me every where on holiday, swimming and even in the car. once she showed me how to make mud pies... my mum went belistc! she left when i was 15 i was very upset.

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one of my friend believe she had a secret friend that no one knew in her childhood. She was a superhero with powers but I don't remember the superhero's name.

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I used to believe I had an imaginary friend named (of all things) Diarrhea. And her Dad was the tree outside my Gramma's house and her Mom was the bush at the park by my Gramma's house. My sister used to torment me and say she was going to 'flush' my dear old friend away.
I don't recall how or when or why I outgrew my friend.

Sodi Sea
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When I was little, I used to always want horses, but my mom always said no. So I pretended to have a horse. People would wonder what I was doing when I used to swing my leg up in mid air, and jump. I would just say "I am getting on my horse" Then I would pretend to ride this "horse" around in public. I would make horse noises, and get on and off it. My parents thought it was cute, before I got carried away, and started a "farm" of horses, and started selling them.

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Okay, this is somewhat odd. I had an imaginary friend until I was like... 7 or something... Her name was Shadow. Guess what!? SHE WAS MY FRICKING SHADOW! I used to pretend to follow her around (so I was following myself around, which is kinda hard to do if you really think!) and play games with her. We would be spies and steal candy from "The Evil Spies" and all that happy crap. Now I know how fun I am.

Katie Wallick
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When I was little, I used to go up in the 3rd floor, just under the door (in the ceiling) to our attic. I used to sit very long next to the ladder, and talk to my imaginary friend up there. I only remember her being a 'she' like me, and she had some weird imagined name (like all of my stuffed animals!) - and she was the best ^^ can't remember when I stopped believing in her though.

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When I was 5 my brother told me there was a wolf that lived on the moon. After dark if little kids were still outside, it would come out and eat them. I refused to believe the wolf could be that evil. The wolf, Moon Wolfy, soon became my friend and would ride the school bus with me.

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One of my main Imaginary friends was Penny, the substitute sister for me when my real one was at college. (she was like, 18 when I was 9) Penny had a magical skateboard that could change to any action thing possible...like a snowboard or hangglider or jet pack.

I remember I used to watch the telephone pole lines when we would go driving, cause I pretended she was rollerblading along them--and when they ended, she would jump off and hang glide. Fun fun!

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When I was 8 years old I had an imaginary hamster. It had a three room box with shredded toilet paper in it. I carried that thing with me everywhere. I even cleaned the 'dirty' bedding on a regular basis, it used to make my cousin SO mad! (She was a year older and MUCH wiser..lol) It's amazing how real that stupid thing seemed.

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My parents realized that I was a messed-up kid when my imaginary friend died.

I actually couldn't stand her at all. But I still cried when she died.

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I have imaginary friends named Geeby, Darboo, Geeply, Abalone and Hallie. Silly names but I had them ever since I was two and three. Hallie is new, she's a cat and so is Abalone. Whenever I need my imaginary friends they always come along. They live in my tree apartment. I'm six now but I still have my five friends. Oh, my imaginary friends are here right now.

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From the age of about 3 years old, I had two imaginary friends. One was called Oggy the other Freddy. They were little miniture ghost people, about 3ft tall and plump. They used to float either side of my head (Oggy was always on the Left) and were like my concience.

I had them for 3 years until my mum told me I was too old for imaginary friends... so I locked them in my grandmas birdcage, and they were consiquently eaten by the canary!

Kelly :)
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My friend's little girl firmly believed Rikki Lake (yes, the chat show hostess) was her best friend. she'd sit there and have whole conversations with Rikki and couldn't believe no-one else could see her.

she also had another imaginary friend called Goosy Bambi and an imaginary fox friend called Trevor.

on behalf of Miss Lawren
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I used to hear so much about imaginary friends as a child that I thought every child had one and that everyone would think I was weird or rebellious if I didn't.

So I pretended to have an imaginary friend. I was very proud of convincing everyone that I actually believed she existed.

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I had an entire army of imaginary friends. Most notable were several large guard dogs and rainbow-hued cats (all of which were able to speak) and an alien child of approximately my age.

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