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imaginary friends

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I have a deviantART account and a while ago, I bought an adoptable that is now my main character. I use her for writing stories and drawing and stuff.

I don't have many friends in real life or on the internet. :/ So while I was writing stories and drawing my newly adopted character, I sorta just made her my imaginary friend, because I was bored, I guess.

She's still my imaginary friend, to this day. c: Her name is Caramel Ame, because her hair color gradually changes from a dark chocolate brown to a cute, caramel candy color.

Grace & Caramel Ame
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I had about 100 imaginary dog friends. I even had a list of all their names and breeds. When I went grocery shopping with my parents, I would buy them imaginary food and gear. When I had to ride in the car/on a bus for any distance, I would believe they were running along side the road, dealing with whatever obstacles happened to be there.

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I had an imaginary friend named Jessica when I was about 5. For some reason, my younger sister didn't like Jessica. One day, we were in the car, and my sister turned to me and said, "Hey, where's Jessica now?" I said, "She's right here next to me." My sister looked at the empty seat, made a gun with her fingers, and said "BANG. Now she's not." I was hysterical.

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I had an "imaginary" friend named Shiny Moll when I was about 5. I was so adamant about her being real that my parents believed in her too. I told them she was coming for dinner one night. They set a place for her, waited and waited....eventually after numerous Shiny Moll non-interactions, they asked my preschool about her and thats when they stopped believing.

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When I had imaginary friends with everyday kinds of name(Blue Jean, T-Shirt etc...). Sad thing about my buddies was they always died terrubble deaths.Mom always reminded me that my best and oldest friend Blue Jean died in a terrible crash when he drove his car off a cliff and caught on fire. Sad! Sad! Sad!

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I used to believe in an imaginary friend named Robert- He was the best. I remember he stayed the same age, lived in this huge house, had tons of cool stuff that he always forgot to bring around and was around whenever I needed him. I totally believed that he was real!

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When i was little i thought we were giants to little people that lived in the grass. The grass was their trees and stuff. for the longest i would cry when my brothers had to cut the grass or even when i saw anybody walking on it.

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When I was around 4-5 I had two imaginary friends named Schaffer and Kaffer. They were twin Russian boys who had a magical submarine, and together we would go searching for "The Ruby of the Black Forest. I have vivid memories of floating down a river in a creepy forest on top of a submarine, even though I'm pretty sure it never really happened. I once invited my grandfather along, and he in return he gave me what he said was the real Ruby - a plastic turtle with a bright red rhinestone on its back. Kaffer, who was the "bad boy" of the twins, told me it wasn't really the Ruby but I should pretend it was so I didn't dissapoint my grandfather.

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When i was little and i had just moved house, because i was an only child then i had an imaganary friend who wore a purple outfit with a purple cloak and i had this tiny keyboard whcih played songs and i used to hid behind boxes with me *friend* and listen to the sad songs and cry, but she would cheer me up!

~*~ KaTe ~*~
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I actually had imaginary friends that were devils. It was a mother and a father devil and their little boy and girl devil. I used to talk out loud to them ands was once told by my pre school teacher that i needed to stop because i was scaring the other kids. I also had a little girl imaginary friend and a wolf that only came out at night to potect me. I was avery creative little kid at 3.

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I had an imaginary friend when I ws about 3-4, his name was butchy-woochie(I think thats how it's spelt lol), well he lived on the corer of my fireplace and me and my sister would always go to his "house" and visit him, no too bad of an imaginary friend I think.

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Whe i was about two or three i began to get visits from a little boy called Kim. My mum had to leave to car door open for him to get in and all stuff like that. I was an only child. I saw him and spoke to him and to this day i do believe that i didnt just make him up in my head. I believe he was there. I had never met him before and i didnt sit down and make him up he just appeared. I was nice though he was never nasty or anything. Then one day i reamember him being there in my bedroom and talking to him and that was the last time i saw him.

I Am Not Mad!!
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When I was little I used to have to little ghost friends called Done and Dink. They died in a bathroom acident and I cried for weeks and weeks.

Jilly Canterbury
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When I was in preschool, my parents took me to the zoo. I loved the petting zoo. I came home with imaginary animal friends. They were each called by the name of their species. Example: Goat was a goat and Sheep was a sheep. They followed me around everywhere and could talk.

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I used to have an imaginary friend, his name was freddy. He was a giant bagle with cream cheese powers.
We used to always mess with eachother. One day i ate a bagel for breakfast and he became very mad saying "you just ate my cousin!!!" he started throwing cream cheese globs at me. when my mom came into the kitchen i was COVERED in cream cheese (I have no idea how...). she started screaming her head off because the kitchen was covered in creamsheese also.

She told me to go and get a bath, so i did. when i got out of the bath i noticed a big cut on my back. i think my imagenary friend scratched me. Its almost as if my imaginary friend was real......

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I had an invisible dog named Masalit. I didn't know how to pronounce Maltese (a kind of dog, which I saw in a book once), so I just said Masalit. She walked on two legs, and had a blue bow on her head. She was only about three inches tall.
Over the years (yes, years... I think I was five or so when it started, but she lasted until I was almost a teenager), Masalit got friends. There was Wolfy the wolf, Foxy the fox, Coyot the coyote, and Bloody the bloodhound. I don't remember why I stopped playing with her...

I miss you, Masalit!
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When I was young, I had believed I had an imaginary friend, but I was never able to proof it. 'till one day, my birthday (Which I didn't realise), I woke up and found Walki-Talkie's next to my bed. For me this was the proof. I believed it 'till I was about 6 years old...

Yes, me be weird...

Da Sleepy Pigeon
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A few months after my sister was born I had an imaginary friend named Bikini. I told everyone that she came out of my mirror and she looked exactly like me. She visited me everyday when she was feeling sad because her parents had died. I don't know where I had gotten that noone in my family had died at that point. We did everything together. She slowly dissapeared when my sister began to walk and talk. Then when she was about four bikini came back but not I couldn't see her only my sister could!

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When I was 5, I used to pretend that 'Sarah' lived in a hole in my wall next to my bed amongst the Holly Hobby wallpaper. Sarah's auntie lived down the corner of my bed and a nasty man lived 'next door' to Sarah. Sarah and I used to argue and we'd not speak to each other for days however I'd stick up for her when the nasty man was being horrible to her.....

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when my daughter was 4 (she is now 10) she had many imaginary friends one of whom was named colt well for a child of that age i could tell she was watching way to much "grown up tv" because colt was a boy one day a girl the next and at the end of week not even colt was sure what sex he/she was

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