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I use to have a make believe friend her name was Hun-a-burg and we were in competition with each other all of the time I had no brothers or sisters to compete with so I had to imvent one. I was the smart one and Hun-a-burg was the dumb one. I listened to my Mom and she did not and so on. It got me through many of lonely day and nights when I had no one to play with. Hun-a-burg died sometime before I went to High school but I never forgot my little friend today her memory is still with me.....

Suzi Q
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When I was little I had an imaginary friend Day-Day. She was my best friend. My family members frequently tried to trick me and say they saw Day-Day somewhere, but they couldn't fool me, she was always with me. I was sad the day she had to leave me...

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When I was growing up, I had an imaginary friend named Hammer. My mom told me that one day I was very upset and crying. She asked me what was wrong, and I told her that Hammer died. Mom said that a couple days later I was really happy again, and I told her that Hammer was alive again.

All of my aunts and uncles knew I had an imaginary friend. They sometimes still make fun of me and ask me about Hammer.

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My sister Sara, and I beleived in Oliver, the imaginary friend (I was 7 her 8) Oliver and Sara were dating. I'd come to see them for dinner. Good times....lol

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I used to have an imaginary friend named Smellgood & it started out that she was my doll & she smelled good & I was trying to think up her name & my mom named her. And then she grew up to be a librarian & she had children, I don't remember their names tho. I used to get on my mom's nerves telling her about wat Smellgood did, & eventually Smellgood grew old & when I was about 6 my sister told me Smellgood was in the hospital & had died . I cried for weeks!

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As I child I thought imaginary friends were real people that just couldn't be with you at the moment, so they sent themselves as invisible people.

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i USED To beleive that cartoons were real and i made them my imageniary friends!

Shaman Queen
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When I was a child, I had an imaginary friend. His name was Sconny Implenadus. I used to tell everybody that he rode his moped from New York to California.

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My older sister had a friend with the last name Bower. My younger sister who was maybe 4 or 5 at the time wanted a friend too, and she didn't have many,so she invented one. She called the friend her "bower" and got great enjoyment out of playing with her much to the delight of the rest of us who got much enjoyment laughing about it. We still do to this day, over 30 years later, ask her about her "bower".

you know who
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i used to have an imaginary friend named Alex. I SWEAR to this day she was real. We played together everyday. she was my bestfriend. she lived just down the street from me. well one day she was being mean to me and i told my mom to tell Alex to go home. So my mom told her to go home. and i never saw her again. i cried for the next few days cus She didn't come over.

*Aimee* i didn't forget you Alex!
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I had a pretend friend when I was younger called Willtina. She was my excuse for many things. I told my mom that I couldn't sleep at night because Willtina was making too much noise playing on my hangers in the closet.

I also told her quite sadly one time while we were on a trip that Willtina had died. When she expressed her sympathy, I said "Don't worry, mom, there's nine more in the trunk!"

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I used to have an imaginary friend called Pingey (Pin-jee) . He resembled a small orange dinosaur with tattoos. Nobody else could see him because he was so small. I remember for some reason he could eat really fast. When my parents asked me where he came from I said he just came in a nappy (thats daiper for you Americans) box.

Short Stuf
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When I was 8 i used to think the kids from books were real so I used to hang out with Ella for Ella Enchanted, Hermione from Harry Potter, and Addie and Meryl from The 2 Princesses of Bamarre.

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When I was about 2 or 3 me and my sister both had imaginary friends my friend was named John-boy and hers was named Dandy-girl and my sister and I used to argue about which of our friends was cooler or better at sports or smarter etc. And I remember actually getting into a fist fight over our friends and to this day she still has a scar on her leg from me trying to cut her leg off with a plastic-play knife.

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When I was growing up as an only child somewhere around the age of 4-6 I had an imaginary brother named Frank and he even had a birthday (January 24th) which as you know I still remember but I would always play monopoly with him but when my mom asked why I never let him roll the dice I told her that he had carpal tunnel from too much bowling (I got the idea from my dad's friend who that really DID happen too)

*A moment of silence in memory of Frank*

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When I was younger I would pretend my stuffed animals were living animals. They would have a personality and a name. I would talk to them and acted like they would talk back. Ever since then now im 14 im afraid my stuffed animals are haunted.

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When I was younger (and less sane) I created Answerphonia. She lived in the phone, and when ever the answerphone came on I would pretend that she was talking to me or my parents. I got very upset when my parents gently explained that Answerphonia didn't exist, and that it was normal people that were talking. I refused to believe them, and when the answerphone stopped working I fished it out the bin and dug a grave for it.
I was a weird kid.

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When I was younger I had many imaginary friends but the one i remember most is Billy, who had a potato like body that was red and said "I love you", a round purple head with three long sea-green hairs that curled at the end. He was my best friend for suuuch a long time! I used to talk and play games with him, which confused my dad, who was also named billy

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I used to daydream about an owl named Peter who wore a hat kinda like indiana jones hat. He lived in a forest with huge trees and he lived in one of them. His home was like the interior of my mind and its motifs were changed as i walked through different memories of my past. Peter would be my guide and guardian and we would have conversations about life. I stopped going there when i was about 12. A memorable time there was when my grandfather died. I was 8 and Peter was the one I talked to. He told me that my grandfather was still watching over me.

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in Nursery, my friends said that there was an invisible man beside me called Jim, and that he wanted to be my friend. I looked beside me, and started speaking. After a few days, I believed Jim was real. He was my best friend and if someone sat on him, I would push them and storm off with Jim at my side. It wasn't until Primary 4 that my friends told me they made it up for fun! I believed them for almost 5 years!!!!!

Missing Jim
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