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i used to have 2 imaginery friends called annaboogoo and bamboozlydoo and they went everywhere with me and once i thought they were really real because my mom knew about them and gave me a birthday card and present from them. they lasted from when i was 2 and 1/2 til i was 12 and 3/4. yes i no im sad

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This is sort of embarrasing, but i used to have an imaginary friend that was a girl and i named her Chachi LaBamba. (I dont have any clue where I got the name) But i remember one christmas when i was about 3 and i was sitting on the couch (with Chachi) and my cousin was opening his gifts and he got a cassette tape and played it and the song LaBamba just happened to come on. I was so excited that someone had written a song about my imaginary friend and promptly told my cousin, who then called me stupid.

That was the last day I ever saw Chachi... :(

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We had a big pine table in our kitchen, and I used to believe there were these little animals that lived in the knots called 'oi-ee's. Oi-ees were bone-shaped, with a little smily face at the top. They were perfectly friendly, and didn't frighten me at all.

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When i was about 8 or 9, i told my sister who was about 5 or 6, that there was a girl who lived in England, but she would visit our nieghbors and come over to our house, so i would tell my sister that i had to go to the bathroom, but i would really change clothes and my hair and come out and talk with a British accent and pretend i was "Amanda" the girl from England! My sister believed it until i told her when she was about 11!

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Back when I was five or six, my best friend and I were hanging out on the playground. Her older sister was showing off her new yo-yo, and we were immensly jealous. So, we created our own imaginary friends. We each had a chipmunk, and it could turn into a yo-yo!

We had hours of fun playing with them. Then we started creating more and more. Eventually, some other kids asked us what we were doing.

I told them we had 'Invisible Animals'. They wanted some too. So I handed them an egg (invisible, of course), and said that if they held it close to their heart, it would hatch into their own animal!

God, I was a strange child. O.O

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When I was in primary shool me and my best friend both pretended to be adults ALL the time, it was our favourite game. She was a play-group teacher with a whole class of children (they had names and some had personalities) and I was a fashion designer with an assistant called Linda. We both had husbands (mine was called David Johnson and was Lindas brother) and 13 children (2 teenagers, 8 children of various ages, a toddler, and twin babies). Between us we also had about 50 pets (who Linda and her friends were payed to look after) including horses who we 'rode' to school. After we stopped playing with them I still believed I had an alter-ego called Josie (my middle name) who was living this life, but had divorced David and was now married to Lindas other brother (and Davids twin :S) John. It never occoured to me that this made him 'John Johnson'.

Josie ;)
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I am an only child and when I was 5, I figured that I needed a sibling. My parents weren't supplying, so I put matters in my own hands and started having an imagenary friend, Max. After about a month of Max, my parents were getting worried about my health. I remember my mom asking me if I could actually see Max to which I replied, "MOM! He's imagenary!"

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i have had many different imaginary friends. When i was four, i had a dog, nickel. He was a dalmation. I went for a long time with nickel until he ran away. Next, my most recent is Ty, this really awesome and cool guy, who's my age. I also have Danny, he's a hyperactive-ninja who also is obssessed with the show naruto. My mom thinks i'm phycho, but i don't think so. Mom, if you're reading this, I"M NOT CRAZY!!!!!!!

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when I was about 4 I think I had a group of imaginary friends they looked like lady bugs and I carried them every where in my hands, there was a whole family of them, I called them the little fellas and they would talk to me all of the time until one day they told me that they were going on vacation and they never came back...

my mom asked where are the little fellas? and I said they left for Arizona

Friend of the little fellas
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I had three imaginary friends. They were sheep who lived in Cincinati and were named Sh*t, Bang, and Catholic.

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My brother used to tell me stories about how he was a super spy with a companion dog that mom and dad didn't know about. The spy missions (including one involving evil Lego), the death of super dog, everything. Of course, I shouldn't be suprised: he used to pretend to be on the phone with the tooth fairy! I believed every word he said for a long while.....

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I used to beleive those little things that looked like grass except were fuzzy on the tops could talk and i had one favourite but i forget what i called it when i was 9 and my favourite one died and i cryed and this was at recess and my friends supported me and we held a fake funeral on the school ground... i was W.E.I.R.D i still have an imaginary friend named Wack... and im 12!

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I used to believe that when i walked passed plants they would be waving at me, and if it was a good day even the tress would be saying Hello, i thought that i was a queen, i would even give them a wave back but maybe it was just the wind or maybe they just wanted to say hello.

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I had two imaginary friends called Sally and Jane. They would sit either side of me in the car and slept in the bottom bunk of my bed. They wore matching dungarees and coloured t-shirts just like me. The wierd thing is that I really, really believed they were there!

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When I was in sixth grade, one of my friends had an imaginary boyfriend. His name was Bob. She insisted that she and Bob were going to get married...I always wondered if they'd have imaginary children. ^^

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As a child I had an imaginary friend by the name of Mr. Booble. I always thought it was strange that he was an adult, rather than another child for me to play with. But there he was. We would play cards together, create art projects, build tents, and talk. He would tell me about his world (Booble-Land) and I would tell him about mine. The best part was that I was never bad or wrong where Mr. Booble was concerned. My ideas were always inspired. My plans always delightful. I was an innocent and special to him. And I believe I was loved. Ahhh...if only to have a friend like that as an adult.

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I am 12 now and even now i still have an imaginary friends! Me and my best friend abbey! ( abbey is a real person) we would go to Abbey's mom's work, she works at an inside school. We would run around the school pretending we had to find out imgaginary friends and take them away from the evil gargoyles! My imaginary friend's naem was Cynthia and she was like 6 years old, and Abbey's name was Hannah she was like 7!

Also, we would pretend they went to school, and go and pick them up from the big in hill in out neighborhood! Though it's been a little while since we've been to school and picked our imaginary friends up, we still pretend that the gargoyles still have them!

Good ol' days! ( wait they still are)

12 year old girl who speaks for herself!
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When I was 5, I had a pet water balloon. My mom picked it up out of the pool, squeezed it, made "arf arf" doggie sounds, and convinced me it was a real animal. So I named it Puppy, but sadly after three days Puppy popped and I cried about it for days.

Shirley B.
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When iI was like 4,5,6 and possibly 7 i had this imaginairy friend named 'Occa'! The weird thing was i only talked to her when i was on the toilet, not any other time.

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Used to believe? I still have imaginary friends! Of course a few years of having them and I got it through my head they couldn't like, lift things or be detected by other people, but there's really no reason to stop believing that they're there.

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