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imaginary friends

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When i was about 4 my mother would threaten me with the "naughty corner." I was sent there once and made an imajinary friend and would beg my mother to put me into the "naughty corner" just so i could talk. When i was allowed out i'd start crying sayin it was unfair. that was my real punishment! lol

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When i was about 4 - 5 years of age i had an imaginary friend which was a golliwog and he used to visit me at night before i fell asleep and if i did he used to wake me up. The only problen with this imaginary friend was that i was scared of him and he made me cry everytime i saw him. He also used to leave me tiny peices of newspaper in my wardrobe every morning which i still havnt figured out why to this day

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Oh let's see, when I was four, I had three imaginary friends, Frak, yes Frak, (my grandfather's name was Frank, my grandmother often yelled his name), and Joanie and Sandie, until my sister was born and then I left them at the hospital, locked up in the bathroom in my mom's hospital room. I was scared they were going to take my baby sister away. I kept looking out of the back window of the car, expecting to see them chasing us. I slept in my sister's room for a couple nights until my mom made me sleep in my own room. I was so certain they were gonna get her. I believed this forever.

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my sister thought there was a person named Mooses who lived in the curtains in our living room.....dont ask....

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I am going to tell u beforehand that my parents are both idiots.

One day i came home and told my parents that i had met a boy with a toy dragon. They thought I had said a boy dragon and assumed that I had made an imaganary friend. I told them his name (Kyle) and they said thatz nice dear.

one day i was talking on the phone with Kyle and my parents heard me talking to him. They asked me were Kyle lived. I told them and they asked if he would really live that close. I did not understand where they were going.

Several weeks later and I was good friends with Kyle the "boy dragon" and my parents thought that it had gone on long enough.

They took me to a therapist who asked me all about Kyle. I had no idea what was happening.

A few weeks later and I was still talking to Kyle. My parents offerd me gifts if i wud stop playing with Kyle.

After a few MORE MONTHS of this my parents and I had finally figured out there had been a misunderstanding.

Kyle and I still laugh about this.

Oh and it was wierd for me to have and imaginary friend because I was 12.

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my imanginary freind kako (boy) is allways with me when i was little we had a fight for a couple of years but now were back and hes watching me type as you read this:) he was cool and helped me calm dow or help me when im hurt. hes still my best freind.

young bealiver
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When I was about 10 I had an imaginary friend called Kelly, I didn't really have any real friends in school so I'd sit at break times 'talking to her'. I remember my cousin telling me one day that she too had got a an imaginary friend who was also called Kelly, so I forced 'my' Kelly to change her name to Kelly-Gemma lol.

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From age 6-12 I had an imaginary friend who when I was in the car would run along side it, or on the sidewalk if one was available... He would jump over fire hydrants, lamp posts, other cars, ect. I never gave him a name and never saw him any other time then when I was in the backseat (passanger side) of the car.

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I've always had many imaginary friends, and still do (to an extent). One of the ones I remember the most was my Digimon (Digital Monster) named Marmoterriermon, who had a gold "earband" as I called it, was grey, and had blue eyes. He was cool...

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i used to believe i was a mom when i was about 4 and i had to children called tiney and diggey and we all lived in the fridge together. and everyhting my mom would do i would do the same wioth my 'children'.

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My BFF used to believe that Bert from Sesame Street lived in her closet.

Ernie Fans unite
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I used to have an imaginary friend named drop dead fred then the movie came out and evereyone flipped every since then people have thought that i was psychic and it's awesome.

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My best friend all through school had quite a lot of imaginary friends, namely Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. Yes, ALL of them. But she didn't like Snow White and always locked her in the closet. Doc was her favorite dwarf, and when she finally decided she didn't want to play with him anymore, she put him in a shoebox in the basement and left him there. No one knows what happened to the others.

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when i was younger i used to have many imaginary friends that i would play with my favourite one was bob whop i would play with all the time. when i turned about 5 i got bored of Bob. Then my mom would start making voices that had diffrent personalties and were diffrent things like my moms old car and a rocket ship and this bear statue that was on a street we lived by and for a long time until i was about 8 i belived these things then one day i found out that it was my mom and i didn't talk to her for 3 weeks.

Bryan Rusk (Rusty)
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After seeing The Borrowers when I was little, I used to believe all of these little people used to take things from you, then give them back. But I also used to think there were The Stealers witch used to take things without giving them back. So when I lost something, (I always did) and it turned up, I used to say, "Thank you Borrowers!" But when something didn't turn up, I would say, "Its not my fault, The Stealers took it!"

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Between the ages of 3 and 5, I had a group of imaginary friends I remember quite vividly. They were 3 giant talking cats. There was an orange one, a white one, and a grey one named Hector. Then I saw the cartoon Heathcliff for the first time, and lo and behold, there was an orange talking cat, a white one, and a gray one- NAMED HECTOR! I was convinced that my imaginary friends were no longer imaginary. After all, they were big T.V. stars!

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i always used to believe little foot(i think that's his name)from that dinosaur movie lived behind my toilet. i would always talk to him.

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when I was a little kid I used to call my imaginary freind mom (my real mom worked alot and was never home) anyways, she was nala from the lion king (adult) and I had another imaginary freind since my dad was sleeping most of the time. you guessed it I called him dad and it was simba (adult) from the lion king. and at night i would imagine myself cuddling up in simba's soft red mane. i was six and this went on until i was 12 and my dad finally woke up and my mom retiered

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When I was a little girl, I fell secetly "in love" with people I saw on TV. For example: When I was 9, I fell in love with Harry Potter.
"We" walked together to school every day, and talked. I wasn't talking loud, because I knew he was fake - I was just thinking. It gave me a good feeling, and I were never alone.
I had a lot of fun, when I was alone then :)
Aw, I miss that feeling ...

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I am 19 and have two imaginary best friends (one girl and one boy).
They dont play anything with me, but whenever i am down or just feeling lonely they will come and comfort me.

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