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imaginary friends

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I had an imaginary friend named Gloriah with curly blonde hair and a blue dress. I would tell her my secrets and whenever I road my bike id let her have a turn because she didnt have her own bike, i wanted my parents to get her one but they didnt beleive in her and she would get really sad :P
One day I got in a fight with her and I left her outside and she never came back (I had a wild imagination)

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I have an imaginary friend and her name is Sailor. Her birthday is the same as mine! She looks almost exactly like me! I made her up on 9/24/11. Her parents are deceased and her brother went off to imaginary college. His name is Echo. I have to go now because we are going to go play!

Grace and Sailor
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I had two imaginary friends who lived in my body, Christina in the right side and Michelle in the left side. Christina was good and Michelle was bad, so anytime I did something bad it had to be with my left hand. They used to "fight" with eachother in my mind.

I then learned to associate everything good with right and everything bad with left. I was afraid of the left keys on the piano, and when I first started driving, I was often afraid to make left turns.

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When I was younger my parents took me camping for the first time. Right before bedtime my mother read me a book entitled "Mickey Goes Camping". Big mistake... cause at 1am I woke up believing that Mickey was camping in the woods with us and that I needed to find him. Needless to say my parents didn't get any sleep (I kept them up till 5am) and I never found Mickey. To this day I still wonder if he's out there! j/k

Brynn Lovell
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I am 13 years old. My two imaginary friends are Ruprect and Priscilla. Ruprect is a player and Priscilla always yells at him when he looks at a lady's toosh. They used to be married and then got a divorce, and they are very bitter towards eachother. Ruprect is currently vacationing in Antarctica and Priscilla lives under the sink in my dad's bathroom.

Laurel Anne
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When I was around 7 years old, I had two imaginary friends, Suzy and Betty. Betty was my best friend, and Suzy was just the snobby girl. One day Betty got mad at me, and started being friends with Suzy. The next day I woke up with an invisible letter on my desk saying:
Dear ******,
Me and Suzy went to the Antarctic because I wanted to see a penguin. We'll come back next summer.
But Betty didnt come back. Neither did Suzy. :-(

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I was about 3 yrs old when my dad took me down in the basement because of a tornado. My dad ran upstairs for some reason or another and left me by myself in the large basement-sitting on a reclining lawn chair (I do remember being scared)! I don't remember this part, but he said he came back downstairs and found me chatting away with new "friends". That must have been my way of calming my fear. He said (and I do remember this par) that every night afterwards, I would make him open up the basement door and I'd holler good night to all of my "friends". My dad says when we moved from the house I told him that they weren't coming with us because they liked where they lived.

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i had a imaginary friend named Shilly when i was about 2 or 3. she had red hair in pigtails, wore polkadots and only at cheese. i would always talk to shilly and she would come on walks with my mom and i. then one day, my family was at the mall and shilly accidently fell down the crack near a large water fountain. and that was the last time i saw her. or imagined her. its funny how strange lil kids can be.

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when in the car i got bored so i looked out the window and pretended i was racing my imaginary friends their was oliver the dog and his girlfriend venus, red the giant horse, fox the well fox who had a pocket wicth he could hold everything in (like in cartoons) and bird who could turn into any other bird such as goldern eagles or hunning birds.i could only see them in the car(i had my shadow for indoors)

if i couldn't be bothered racing red would pull a long a stage supplied by fox and the dogs would dance on them.

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When I was little I had an imaginary friend named Wingwang Zipzap. He was an intergalactic warrior but we hung out all the time. He always wore his cloaking device so humans couldn't see him. He was tall, had one eye on a stalk, and stick-like legs and arms, and a round belly. He was my friend since I was 3. When I was 13 (I was still friends) he was wounded in the battle of Andromeda. He moved into my house after the battle but he had a hard time walking (Nicshine warriors blew his one of his feet off). We still hang out, and his foot got repaired last week, so he can walk better now. He tells anecdotes from wars, from the War of the Universe (100,000,000 years ago) which nearly wiped out life, to the Battle of Andromeda (30 years ago.), which stopped the fighting between Nicshines and Blawblaws (his race) for the first time in 1000 years. I still believe in him and he is immortal.

Wingwang's best friend
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well i have one imaginary friend. she's my sister. her name is fiesta. im 10 and fiesta is 5. my mom thinks im inmuchure but im not i keep telling her. me and fiesta always go everywhere even to the pool in canada.

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i used to have conversations with the sun while driving in the car. apparently the conversations were all in my head cus no one else seems to remember them. i was maybe 5-6.

starry eyed surprise
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When I was younger, my imaginary friend was Sirius Black from the Harry Potter series. I pretended that he went everywhere with me, and often told my parents what he had said to me that day at the dinner table. Then one day I was sitting on the stairs talking to him, and he suddenly just walked through the wall and disappeared. I yelled "sirius come back" and tried to follow him but of course I ran into the wall. I never could manage to replace him.

Hannah P.
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im 11 and about 1 month ago i had this wierd nightmare thatt i was sitting down on the stairs with my dog bracken and there wuz this ghost with the body of somthing out like an old retro video game and the face of the ex**sist, dont like sayin it, im a lil creeped out from it,
and then it came out this door at top of the stairs and ate my dog. the next day i remembered an old imaginary friend of mine: ghostDog that i had for about a year b4 i got bracken cos i so wanted a dog, some times he was an invisible german sheperd but somtimes he was a cavalier king charles.
the next day i saw the thing again, not rly saw it but imagined it but it wuz realistic, and ghostdog ame along and bit it up, the bracken came in the room. now i cant walk into a room without someone going in b4 bcos i think that the ghost will come and GhostDog will have to come and kill it againn.

dog owner
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My sister when she was 6- 8 ( shes no 13) had an imaginary friend who was a full grown man who used to sleep under her bed. to start with she was terrified of him and say he was a bad man and would cry all the time. then she said they became friends and had conversations, one day he siad he had to go to fiji and wasnt coming back. the scary thing is about a year ago some friends of mine were doin the ouiga board and one of their spirit guides told them i used to have one and it was a man called richard who had been a serial killer in his life and was eventually killed. apparently he left me the same time my sister stopped seeing he imaginary friend. none of my friends knew about my sisters imaginary friend.

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I used to believe that I had a younger brother called Damien. I even told my teacher that he would be starting soon at school, and she told my mum how pleased she was that little Damien was coming to the same school.

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I believed that I had a guardian angel (stilll do) & I would try to sit on about half the seat so she could sit on the other half.

Marie M
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Apparently when i was very young i had an imaginery friend name colin, as i can't remeber this i've had to go on my mothers word. My mum use to have to set an extra place at the table for him, a bed made up next to mine, after many months of this going on, my mum went to set a place at the table for him one night, and asked how colin was going, to which i replied, he's not comeing back anymore, which prompt my mum to ask , why?, and i said, because i shot him.

Now i've got no memory of this event but my mum still makes jokes about it saying, he was a better kid than i was cause he never left any mess, even when he left. lol

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one summer when I was a kid (I can't remember how old), I could see a twinkling
star outside my window. It would talk to me in my own secret language and his
name was george. He was my best friend that whole summer.

Then one night my mom heard me talking to George and she told me that stars
don't talk and I should go to bed. The next night George was gone. I was so sad
because I thought my mom made him leave me and not be my friend.

Sometimes I still wonder if this was just my imagination...

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After seeing the film drop dead fred i always used to see him every where i went. He seemed so real and acted as mad as rik mayall. I even made a mud pie in the garden with him and he taught me bad language.

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