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My and my sister found a small grey piece of plastic in our hen house once. We thought this piece of rubbish was alive and a man - we named him 'grey blob'. We checked on him at least once a day to make sure he was ok.

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I had a sick, morbid and bizarre imaginary friend named "Hit me Hit me Hit me". He came from a nightmare I had when I was 2 (I made him my friend so I wouldnt be scared of him again) and he resembled a giant elephant's foot with a pair of whale-like flippers, covered in clusters of white suction cups. His "head" was just a smooth, flat mirror-like plastic surface. He could only say his name and liked to slap himself. Oddly enough, I was not a troubled or abused child.

Jonathan Franz
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I used to believe that Pippi Longstocking lived in the house across the street and that Bobby Shasto with silver buckles on his knee was really going to come back from his trip to sea and would marry me. I told people that Bobby Shasto was my boyfriend.

Dawn T.
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When I was like 4 or 5 I wasnt social and I like to talk to my imaginary friends (out loud). My sister hated it and decided to tell me one day if I kept talkin to myself that I would catch this disease called "Aintlifegrand" (she said it so fast it sounded like a real diagnosis). She said that your legs would be your arms and your arms would be your legs and your eyes would fall out. then everyday you would knock on peoples door and say "AInt LIfe grand?" I was so scared and i never talked to my "friends" again.

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When I was about six, the bathroom door at our house had a pattern in the wood that looked like a face, and I thought that it was real and I used to talk to it. I was so upset when we moved house and my parents wouldn't bring the bathroom door with us - I was worried that it wouldn't be able to make friends with the new people moving in.

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like many i had an imaginary friend... but unlike many my imaginary friend was 93 years old. yeah- she was my imaginary grandma. haha. laugh all you want but she was so real to me. to this day my mom will occasionally make fun of me for it! i was about 3 years old when she... became real to me. i just remember my family talking about my real grandmothers mom... she died. i never met her. but i really wanted to because everyone said she was so nice. im 14 now and i think my imaginary grandmother was my way of making my dead great-grandmother real... and she aged like normal... 93 to 94 until i grew up and she disapeared... she really was one of my best friends.

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when i was six i had and imaginary friend named mr. lipstick man and he was a little spider who lived in the keyhole of my front door. he wore a top hat and had big red lips. i spent hours sitting three inches away from the lock talking to him and his brother.
his brother was mr. robin face, the miniature bird who lived in my mailbox.

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I used to have an imaginary friend who went everywhere with me. We had just moved and my mom was talking to a new neighbor, and I came running up to her crying because my imaginary friend was stuck in the fence and couldn't get out. I made her come to the fence and pull my imaginary friend off.

Another time, we were in a store and we went to the checkout. After we left and were walking home, I started crying and screaming. My imaginary friend was still at the checkout sitting by the cash register. My mom had to go back into the store, lift my imaginary friend off the counter, and walk out of the store with it.

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When I was little, I only had one older brother so I made up three imaginary sisters for me to play with. I named them all after things that I liked: Catherine (my friend), Book (I loved to read)......and Nosepick (self-explanatory). I told EVERYONE about them. After I stood up in Sunday School and explained about them, my parents told me that the third one should not exist anymore.

sisterless little girl
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As a child, my family traveled around the country a lot. I would look out the window and imagine someone (sometimes it was a man, and sometimes it was my imaginary friend Bridget) running alongside our car on the edge of the road, playing as if the ground was lava. The person would jump from light posts to trees and walk across telephone wires like a circus performer--all the while keeping up with the car. Sometimes, if there wasn't anything for him to stand on, he'd ride on top of our car for a while. When I'm on long or boring car trips, I still imagine this sometimes.

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I remember a few imaginary friends growing up:

From about 6-7 I believed my name was Kelly and I had a host of older brothers (actually I was the oldest with a younger brother and sister). Some of them I remember were named Kevin and Ken. I can't remember how many of them there were but I do remember we worked in the circus as an acrobat act.

Later in middle school (about age 12-13) I had several animal friends, mostly a big Golden Retriever named Brownie and two squirrels named Chip and Dale. There may have been others; I remember a cat and a bird but I don't remember their names.

In high school I pretended (to myself) that I had a daughter named Faith at age 16 on my birthday. I imagined caring for her and reading about her stages. Even now at 29 I think about Faith and how now she would be 13!

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I used to have an imaginary friend named Mr. Nobody. He would protect me from my imaginary enemy, Bad Elmer.

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i used to believe that when you erased anything you drew in pensil with an eraser, it would be in the pencil forever.
i thought that if you broke the pencil in half, the drawing would come to life! so everytime i had a pencil i would draw a person, erase it really good, and break the pencil in half.
i never saw anyone climb out of my broken pencils so i figured that they must be invisible for the first few hours. imagine a kid in the back of the class talking to her broken pencil and yelling at it and having a conversation with it...yes i was a strange child

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I never had a make believe friend but my sister used to tell me I DID but he left cause I was really BORING.

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When my sister was three, she had an imaginary friend who was a ghost named Flower. She insisted that she didn't like hamburgers, and Flower would eat hers when we weren't looking.

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My brother believed there was a family that lived in the sponge in our bathroom called the Smiffs and they all had upturned, piggie noses.

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I had two imaginary friends when i was young. They were named On and Off. On was good, but Off was a vandal. One time when i heard sirens out in the street, i told my mother that Off had pulled the fire alarm in a building as a prank.

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When I was a kid, I loved Japanese monster movies and watched them every Saturday afternoon. There was also a cool series called "Johnny Sokko and His Flying Robot" that was my absolute FAVORITE show...it was the early 1970s equivalent of the Power Rangers, with silly plots, bad dialog, and people in rubber monster suits, but I adored it!

Anyway, I used to pretend that I was the robot, or sometimes I would be Johnny (yes, even though he was a boy and I'm a girl!), and I even had a cheap, plastic watch that I used to "talk" to my robot! Hey, what kid *wouldn't* want a giant robot pal that flies and shoots missiles from his fingertips? ^_^ I'm 41 years old now, but I kinda miss him sometimes.

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This is my little brother's belief:

He used to tell us that he had a secret other family that he went to at night. His father was Pete, a fat man with a mustache and a bowler cap. His mother was Chip, a lady who always wore her hair in a ponytail. Then there was his sister, Flower, and his baby brother, Chuck. When he was bored with them, he would give us the news that they had all died in a freak submarine accident. Two weeks later, he would report that they had been found among the wreckage without injuries, and that they were alive and kicking. When I inquired how he could have two families, he proposed that he had been born by two mothers. Half of him had been born from my Mom, and the other half was from Chip.

Yeah...he was weird, all right.

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When I was young I had an imaginary friend named Fred who was a goldfish that was put under a spell and was forced to walt around the earth on his tail because he had eaten to much fish food.

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