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imaginary friends

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My sister used to have an imaginary friend called Anna. She used to draw Anna for us continuously and the pictures would always show Anna in "all" the stages of her life: there was a little blob - Anna the baby, a girl - Anna the child, an old lady - Anna the woman, and an angel - Anna DEAD.

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When i was 6 i had an imaginary friend... it was a purple dinosur called Sally that fit in my palm and lived in my ear. My friend had a matching pink one.

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My friend had an imaginary friend named Rosie who looked exactly like her other than having brown hair and no freckles. Rosie lived in the shower until one day her sister took a shower and Rosie drowned. How sad.

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When I was in the second grade, my best friend had an imaginary buddy named either Bill or Bob (I forget because I was mixing up the names anyway.) Anyway, Bill/Bob could play tetherball and kickball and he could jump rope. I remember at lunch and in class he would shrink and fit into my friend's pocket. I always imagined him with a head made out of cardboard.

We were very weird (and still are)

Shirley B.
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When i was little i had a make belive friend named Kim and a one named Jim. Well kim and jim went away for a while then came back with "Kim jr."
I diddent know what it ment... LOL

Katie Bloom
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When I was about 3-5, i really did believe in imaginary friends. One night, i was really, really,bored, so i decided to have a house party with my imaginary friends. I would open the door and welcome them to my home and then i turned on teh tv and pretended it was music and started dancing...ahhhh the innocence of youth!

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ok when i was little my dad would talk to himself all the time and i asked him who he was talking to and he said the little person in his head.then he told me that everyone has a little person in their head and that if i ever saw someone talking to themselves thats who they were talking to. Then i started believeing that and i told all my friends that there was little people living in their head. so i would talk to the man in my head. I did this for about 2 years before he told me his name, but i still "talk" to him. really it is just a reason not to tell people i talk to myself.

Kitty Cat
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When i was little, i had an imaginary friend name Sarah.I would take her everywhere...and one time we went to a catfish resturaut and i was arguing with her very loud about who's going to who's house."no!you're going to MY house!" i would say."no!you're going to MY house!" she would reply.everyone around my family and i stared and giggled thinking it was cute!

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when i was in the fifth grade i used to believe that a person in a photograph could see me if i was to hold it and talk to them.

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I used to have several invisible dogs, my first being an Irish Setter named Sinnomin--no, not 'Cinnamon'. Once I began horseback riding lessons, a number of invisible horses lived in my backyard. However, now I am left with Sinnomin, Dash the paint horse, a pack of wolves who visit occasionally, and the ever faithful Padfoot. (No, Padfoot is not Sirius Black, just named after him.) ...I am 14 years old, and still believe firmly in my invisible--not imaginary--friends.

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I watched 'Drop Dead Fred' in Year 5 once.After then I had and imaginary friend called Chase.She had short black hair and violet eyes,and Nightcrawler's powers and whatnot.She stills lives in my school for the gifted part of my mind.The bit I use when I'm alone and feeling older.

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When I was about six I was still an only child. I decided I needed some friends other than ones from school so for a couple of months, the ninja turtles were my imaginary friends.

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When I was little I had an imaginary friend, Smurfette. It was so bad that my mother actually had to set a place for her at the dinner table!

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when i was little i used to buckle the seatbelt next to me and not let anyone sit there, or look there the wrong way, or not open the door, bcuz sesame street characters, like big bird, cookie monster, and elmo were tagging along. I had a conniption fit if my mother "left" them in the car.

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i once had an imaginary freind named chip he was a cat like the ones from the richard scary books that cleaned chimmneys so he always had soot on him. when we rode in the car he sat on the roof. finaly i sent him to the moon to live... i was really weird

amanda and chip
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I used to have an imaginary friend called "okey", pronounced like O-Key. I never knew if Okey was a boy or girl but we did everything together and I invited Okey to all my sleepover parties and Okey basically lived at my house..Okey never really left okey was just forgotten

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I had an imaginary friend named Kelly and her hair was hot pink and was always in pigtails. She had twin baby brothers who had blue hair. She would come out of the cupboard carrying them.

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when i was about 5 years old i had an imaginary friend.her name was tina.then when i got older i stopped believing in tina.when people asked me where she is i was embaressed to say thati didn't believe in her''i thought i wouldn't get b-day presents''. so is aid she jumped off a cliff and died.

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I used to believe that I had a hamster that only I could see. Then my sister started petting him occasionally so I was rather disappointed because she could see it. His name was Skippy.

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I used to believe I had an imaginary friend named "Mary Poppins". He (yes, HE) was a sheep and all he could say was "Drop dead fredddddd~!" I just realized there was a movie about an imaginary friend named Drop Dead Fred a few days ago ^^;

therealdeepblue aka Mad-Eye Moody
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