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imaginary friends

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I used to have dozens of imaginary friends, some i still hold onto. My favorite was a weird ninja who likes to hide things, so whenever i lost thigs i blamed it on Yoshi.

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When I was small I used to imagine that when I was lying awake in bed at night the Power Rangers would saw a hole in my ceiling, and I knew that one day they'd lift me up through it and I'd be able to go on an adventure with them.

This never happened unfortunately.

As well as this I imagined a little mouse family lived inside my mattress, so when up until very recently (I'm now 15) when you lie on your side and can ocasionally hear your pulse, I thought vaguely "Oh, there goes the mouse family."

The Lost Power Ranger
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My brother had an imaginary friend called George who lived in the electric box!
My sister had one called Carmel who had to have a dinner and everything. Drove my parents mental

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I used to have an imaginary friend he was a lion I dont quite remeber which lion it was I'm thinking it might have been kovu from the second lion king. but anyways I would sit and think about what me and him could do and I would share ideas with him. my favorite place to talk to him was in my bathroom hamper and I dont know why. my mom told me "dont be silly he cant play with you he lives in chicago and has a job." I stopped believing in him when I turned 14

Marx (kovu's best friend)
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When I was in bead and bored, I belived I could climb inside a specil bubble (invented by penguins) and float down to my friend The Loch Ness Monster (nessie) She was allergic to orange-stripped sea slugs, and her sea cat and I had to help her get past a feild of them.

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I started writing a book when i was about 9, all the charcters became my imaginary friends. call me crazy but i talk with them about my new ideas for the book and still have them all, ive even added more. there are 17 of them and counting!

Girl with a VERY active imagination!
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erm.... ok wen i was little i had 4 imaginary friends, all called jamie, who i used to hold the car door open for so they could get in (even in the rain) share my dinner with and allsorts......... until one day..... i killed them.....all 4 jamies, in one hit, with my nans folding bed......yes i squished them!!!
I'm not a bad person really

Rae x
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My little sister's imaginary friend was Kit the talking car from that show Knight Rider.

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My parents tell me that i used to play with an imaginary friend before my sister was born. My imaginary friend's name was Heeber. When my sister was born, my imaginary friend no longer stopped by to play. My sister's name is Heather. Kinda weird, no?

raunchy roy
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when i was little no one could convince me that i didn't have an imaginary friend who lived in the mirror who had a white mom and a black dad my mom thought i was crazy but one night she walked into her room and i sitting on her bed looking in the mirror talkin she said "who are you talking to" and i said "debrick, can't you see him!" she jus turned around and said "whatever you think bran"

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when I was in 1st grade to about 3rd grade I had a imaginary friend, well he wasn't a friend he was a really tall man that dressed in all black and he was really mean and scary. He never talked he only laughed when he did something mean to me. Everytime I got hurt or got in trouble it was because of the Mud-Man becuz he did it but my mom and dad couldn't see him so they blamed me. I sat on so many times outs because of him. After awhile he was only in my dreams and he would always push me in mud puddles and trip me and make me fall, and I was stuck in the dreams until someone woke me up.

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Well me, I didn't just have one friend, oh no! I had an entire world! I used to pretend to visit it all the time. It was kinda sad.

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i used to believe i had a friend called stephen that lived in the oven

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i used to think i had a friend named fred. me and my brothers were the only ones who could see him. when we were learning to ski he managed to steal my cousins skis, push him off and take the skis around the lake. (actually the rope got hooked on the skis and kept dragging them around the lake, nobody in the boat noticed my cousin had fallen of) we blamed fred, for that and alot more. i still laugh at how fred stole dannys skis, hehehe

billy from pakistan
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I used to believe in imaginary friends. I had an imaginary friend named Billy. Whenever I'd break something in the house, I'd say that Billy did it. My parents wouldn't believe me, but some how I managed to have them believe it was my sister! HAHAHA! Billy was a short little guy with big coke bottle glasses and braces because I wanted both of those when I was little. Now, I don't have either one, just contacts. HAHA!

Billy's Lover
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when i was around 4 or 5 years old i used to have a imaginary friend named tom.
He was like a shadow , i never let my mum set the table without a place for him etc
Then one day my older brother said come and show me were tom lives and near me there is a cemetary so i took my brother to were i believed tom lived n guess where i thought he lived.
yes the cemetary!!!!!
Weird eh

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my gran has this picture in her living room of 2 dogs that came from a chocolate box her mum had like and kept the picture from (? - whole other weirdness that). when i was a about3 or 4 i was convinced that they were my granda's dogs (both my granda's died before i was born)and that i really lived with him in scotland and i would tell this to anyone who would listen. i remember this so clearly and sometimes i wonder - was it real....

weird norn irish girl
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when i was 4 yrs old, i had an imaginery best friend.her name was saima. she only existed in my room.so around the house when i used to do something bad like bully my younger brother or break stuffs, i wud go to my room and tell saima what i did and she would tell me that it wasn't a good thing.she would also sometimes scold me for doing this or that. and i always listened to her.i used to think she was a real girl and i also knew how she looks like.but later when i was 12 yrs old i got to learn about this imaginery friends thing and then i got to know that saima was just an imagination of mine.now i know that though i was a naughty girl but i always knew about the goods and the bads...

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I have an imaginary friend and his name is Darkstorm. He's an electronic freak! I always say that he has millions of GBA games and a GBA. I only believe in him because one of my best friends, Rustyn Kerbs, inspired me with his imaginary friend Bob! One day when I was outside with darkstorm, 15, he "metioned" that I had to do this one thing to get past a level on my GBA. Since he's really not real, I acted like I heard him talking to me. It was so freaky when I thought I heard him "or make believed", I actually heard someone! Then to my surprise I turned around to see my next door neighbor giving me hints. I thought I heard Darkstorm talking to me. It wasn't real though,and it disappointed me. :( Even though it wasn't Darkstorm talking I still believe in him and if you people across the globe stop imagining then start imagining again! What's the point in not, nobody has to know,and you control the person you're imagining so there isn't anything that can go wrong. Well got to go DArkstorm just found out a cheat and I am going use it. Later!

Tyler Klenda
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When I was like three, i was in love with the tv show, little bear. Well he has this human friend named emily (i think)and she was my best friend for like 3 years until i went into 1st grade, and there was a girl named emily. I thought My imaginary Friend had turned human! (in real life) She became my new and old best friend.

I was a pathetic Child.

Turkey- Dont Ask
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