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imaginary friends

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I used to have an imaginary friend named 'Mr. Nobody'. My sister convinced me he left me to go work at a muffler shop. I cried for days.

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i had one imaginary freind who was a three headed dinosaur.
one day i decided it would be fun to split the three heads into seperate bodies.The first head was a general raptor-type personality.
The second a nicer personality.
then finally a cutesy and kinda clueless one!
I drew them every where... but then they were back as one 3 headed raptor again.. I still cant get rid of him/ them to this day.

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when i was 4 i had an imaginary friend named mary. she was my absolute best friend in the world. one time i was playing outside with my brother and sister and mary was sitting on the curb watching. well i looked over again and she was gone! i asked where she went and my brother thought i was talking about a ball we had been playing with so he responded with "i kicked it down the drain"....i didn't talk to him for a long time....but i never found out where mary really went??

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I had an imaginary friend named Pamoo between the ages of 2 and 3. I can vaguely remember talking to my pointer and middle fingers like you see on the front of the Yellow pages. By the time I started kindergarten Pamoo got married and moved to Florida. Other than that I have no recollection of the time I spent with him except what my parents tell me I did. Isn't it strange that my mind has wiped the memory of him out? I guess I want to know why I forgot something/someone that I would spend hours playing with, according to my family.

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I used to have loads of imaginary friends called aaron, rosita, sam, josie and julie. this took up a lot of space at the table!!

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When I was about 4 years old, I would always grab telephones (without dialing) and listen. You know how you hear that voice saying, "Please dial a number..."? I believed that was someone called Mowday (mow as in "meow") and that she was talking to me. I would always grab the reciever of payphones while my mom was using one, and tell her about Mowday when she was finished with her call. I also used the phone at home to talk to Mowday. Next time you hear that voice, remember Mowday ;)

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When I was about six years old, I had an imaginary friend. She wasn't like most imaginary friends, mind you. I remember her well. She was a vicious dinosaur (She was nice to me, of course.) . I thought that if anyone did anything bad to me, she would become real somehow and attack the person. I told a person that she was right beside me and ready to attack them.

Attack, my friend!
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When I was little I had 2 imaginary friends. One was a cow that lived in the bathroom floor. But he died when my mom put down new lanolium. The second didn't have a face and would run alongside the school bus on my way to school. And on rainy days he rode ontop but he was never alowed on the bus.

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i have an imangry friend when i am 8 named illuson she was a pink and green and she would fly and turn my sis into a monster i still have her

madison .b
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I had a whole imaginary world, populated with at least 5 distinct imaginary friends, imaginary dogs and cats (even though I had real ones), several fairies (one of whom sat on my shoulder), a younger sister who I took care of, and various gremlin-type (the cute ones) guys that would tag along too. My world had a name and a language all it's own. Needless to say I was an only child! But I have lots of real friendships, a great relationship with my boyfriend and a creative job. So I think all the imaginings were probably good for me!

What the?
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I am 12 now and I still have "Imaginary" friends (whom prefer to be called lousetams, whatever that may be.) One is a wolf, Terhne. (Tah-ryn.) The others are humans or witches or magickal people. One or them is me, with the name I'd like to have (Sora). My mother says thats confusing because I have an imaginary friend named Sora and I want to be called Sora. Terra and the rest are there for company and we're aways exploring and looking for things to do... sometimes I have the attention span of a ferrret. People must think me either A.) Mental or B.) phycological when I talk to people in my head etc. etc. ^^

Want to be Sora
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All through primary school, there was this little dark green dragon who sat on my shoulder all through the school day and before school I picked him up from the tree where he lived and after school I dropped him off again. I can't remember if he even had a name, but I remember it was a him. He was about hand-sized and he was always nearly falling off my shoulder and hanging on with his claws. Didn't talk, as far as I remember. I had to leave him behind on my last day of primary school, because the route to the high school didn't go past his tree.

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when i was 14 i had an imaginary friend (i know immature) but her name was morgen and she lived in my head and when ever i would get mad and get into fights i would blame her well finally i got sick of her living in my head so i made a doll to live (yes i still have the doll) she occasionally returns to my head.

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When I was really young, I got a "Ouiga" (wee-jee) board for Christmas. It was just a cardboard Milton-Bradley one, but I still figured that it would work. We set it up in my bedroom and for the longest time, I had my sister conviced that there was the soul of a girl named Sarah living in the walls of our bedroom. I made up a whole story about her and everything. When we would talk to Sarah through the Ouija board, I would actually be moving the pointer and accuse my sister of moving it so that she got so scared that she actually thought Sarah was doing it. I had a vivid imagination.

Katie M.
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I used to have an imaginary friend named Click(dont know where I got the name) and he was a very tiny T-rex who wore glasses. I was obsessed with dinosaurs, so sometimes I wanted to go with click back home to the pre-historic times where he lived but I knew I couldnt because his dad would eat me. I was weird.

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I guess you could say my family has a history of imaginary friends. My uncle had an imaginary friend named Georgie. HIs mom always had to set him a place at dinner. Then one day Georgie disappeared. Apparently, Georgie moved to Texas. His son had imaginary friends, the Rugrats. Tommy, Chuckie, Phil, and Lil went everywhere with him. My sister always used to play with two imaginary friends. One was named Sharon, the second had more of an androgenous name - Johnafer. That would be a combination of John and Jennifer. We never knew if it was a boy or a girl.

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I actully have many imaginary friends, but my favorite is deffently Lilly. I know she isn't real, but I still love her. She is about 5 inches tall. Lilly has a HUGE head that looks just like mine, and has a stick body. She lives in my head. She acts very weird sometimes, but that is why I love Lilly!

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I had an imaginary OmmpaLoompa named Ompi. Myfriend and I belived in Willy Wonka. (later i lerend she was just playing along)

I also had a whole family of imaginary friends when i was very younng. i forget their names, but they lived in a house behing mine.

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When I told a friend I used to have imaginary friends, she asked me what that was! Seizing the moment, I asked her if she wanted one. When she said yes, I made this whole long contract she had to fill out to "order" one. She did everything I told her to. She was 14.

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when i was about 6 or seven and i had an imaginary friend named Sally. well i didn't really like her so i called her stupid sally. since i called her that i thought she was out to get me at night, so i would always cover my head with the balnket. when i was about 13 i knew sally wasn't real. but i still cover my head when i sleep and i'm 20 now.

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