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imaginary friends

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I thought imaginary friends were real. I thought that imaginary was just another word for insvisible, and that every kid had their own personal imaginary friend that no one else would see. So I was very upset that I didn't have one. So upset that I pretended to have one...she was like a imaginary imaginary friend..

squizy rach
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I still have an imaginary friend named Simon,he looks like that kid Billy of of school of Rock.he is a fashion freak and he protects me.

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I used to have an imaginary 'servant' named Fallon. I would tell her to do things, like "Get me some food, Fallon." I never saw Fallon do anything, but I thought she was trying. I wrote down a list of commands for Fallon once. I thought she was out there somewhere, I just never saw her.

Add this belief, Fallon
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When I was about 6 or 7 I was visiting with my Grandparents and was bored, so I imagined that the cartoon strip character Hagar the Horrible was living with his friends in the breezeblocks in the backgarden.

When it was time for me to go I invited them all to come home with me. I remember that they always marched in one long line and were about three inches tall. I used to build houses for them out of cards and leave my bedroom door open a crack so that they could come and go.

Nob Nobbin
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The only thing i ever believed in was my imaginary friend, jonny rose, who lived in morley. i used to pick up the phone and try to call him when i was little!

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When my brother was younger he was convinced that there was a monkey who appeared on his dresser every morning and made fun of him. He used to run to my mom's room in tears ever morning and say "The monkey was mean to me again!" Now I on the other hand had an imaginary friend named Casey who used to boss me around and beat me at everything. Eventually I got sick of this and decided that Casey had exploded and was replaced by her identical twin sister Cassie who always let me win at everything. I also used to pretend that Michael Jordan was my daddy. Don't ask.

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When I was 4 or 4 I had an imaginary friend named Stody the Cat. He looked like that cat from the old Nick Jr show Busy Town. My mom recently told me that one day I invited Stody's family over for his birthday party. I got my parents to set the table for everyone and my dad even bought a little Carvel cake.

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My little sister ,Sarah,now 8,had belived for along time she could travel to there houses.Very odd method..

We'd grab a sleeping bag,crawl inside,crawl out and spin in twelve circles.We we're supposed to be there.She went far enough to try to rearrange our furniture...oddly enough I belived her for a short time....

Rachel K.
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When I was younger, and first started going to school. I developed like an imaginary big brother type of imaginary friend. I think his name was Mike, and the idea was that he'd protect me. Probaly because I felt vunerable after this 1st grade teacher made me apologize to a bully at school, I slammed into a locker.

Also when I was younger I would think my stuffed animals were real. And that if they weren't all on my bed, or I didn't sleep with all of them, the ones I didn't sleep with would feel neglected.

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I hated going to sleep at night in the dark, all alone..until one evening a very kindly giant carefully stepped over all the buildings in my city to gently lift my entire house and rock me to sleep...zzzzz

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When I was little I had 2 imaganary freinds that were cats 1 was called frakzy 1 was called suitcase they would play with my real pony Toffi.When I forgot about them they went on holiday to spain when I went to spain I saw them and got over exited!!! I was weird.

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I was watching some cartoon and the character had an inaginary friend. So i thought it would be fun to make one. I went out to our playset and started pushing an empty swing. My little sister came out and asked what i was doing. "I'm pushing my imaginary friend, ______" i forgot her name. so my little sister (the copycat) started pushing her OWN imaginary friend. Soon there were dueling imaginary friends, both trying to swing the highest. I realized how stupid it all was and shoved my sister's imaginary friend's swing sideways. My sister started bawling.
From then on, i only communicated with imaginary friends in my dreams.

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ok, so I used to have an entire world of imaginary friends...they were mostly movie characters..such as Drop Dead Fred (my fave) or the genie from alladin. but one day I decided to move on...so I said goodbye to them all (took a looooooooong ime) and I "grew up" but I still have one or two when times get rough..

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My cousin is 3 years old and she has 3 imaginary friends: Tina, Ashton, and Ashley. Tina always gets Lexi in trouble so one day, my aunt told her to tell Tina that she had to be good in church. Lexi then proceeds to scream "TINA GET OUTTA THE TRASH CAN! I GOTTA TALK TO YOU ABOUT CHURCH!" Apparently, Tina, Ashton, and Ashley reside in her princess trash can.

One day, Lexi was going to have a sleep-over with Tina, Ashely, and Ashton. She threw a fit because Ashton said he couldn't come to her party. My aunt told her that was ok because there were no boys allowed and I guess in the next five seconds, Ashton had a sex change and became a girl.

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I used to believe that I had an imaginary friend named "Dabbie" who looked a LOT like Kirk Cameron from Growing Pains....haha....I also had a bit of a crush on him...

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I was an only child until i was 4 so when i was lonley one day i made up my best friend. her name was dancer and we shared everything then one day dancer's dad died and i refused to go school because i was so upset. But dancer stayed with me till i was in year 4. I also had a black yorkshire terrier called toby who got run over when i let him of his lead. Damn I was a sad child :S

becca 13
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When i was a kid and other kids used to say they had an imaginary friend. I thought that it was a real person made up, by the kid. and that it was just invisible. I used to get pretty ticked off, when there imaginary friend, wouldn't say or do anything around me. I tried to make an imaginary friend of my own. When nothing happend i just got more ticked off. I just thought what is the point of this.

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Like most children when i was a kid i had imaginary friends. my family still talks about it . but what they dont know is that i never lost them. my best friend thinks its silly when i admitted to him after he caught me talking to the thin air. But do i give up on these friends whose been there for me since forever .... maybe im just nuts:P

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i have many imaginary friends. 5 to be exact.......the 4 that are the size of your index finger are Lisa Tina Danny and Korolisan. my fav. is Mr. Figgy. he gives me advice when i have a problem. not anymore though.=[ he was one of the only things that made me really weird. lol. its creepy sometimes i think i can see him lurking in the basement as revenge for forgetting him.......im scared....[=0

mrs. Peanut-Butter
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When I was little, at around the tender age of seven and eight, I had an Imaginary friend named Violet. We did almost everything together, but one day she died, Trying to protect me from evil witches that lived under my bed..It was very sad. I cried for three days and I even made a pretend funeral and everything.I was one strange little girl. But now I have new Imaginary friend's, named Panda the flying hamster, and Charlie the wooden man, (who is about the size of a loaf of bread, wears a three piece tuxedo and a top hat, he is VERY polite, and likes tea and cookies). Im almost fifteen. I only have two friends in real life!

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