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imaginary friends

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when i was little i had an imaginary friend named cik madot.i think it looks like a duck.well,i don't really remember it but my mom said she saw me talking alone,and when she asked who i was talking to,i simply said,of course cik madot!haha

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I'm fifteen and I wish I still had my imaginary friend.
He was really freakin' awesome and sometimes I miss him alot.

The Imaginary Loner
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I used to believe that 'The Doctor' was real and I dreamt every night that he would show up and rescue me. I am now 13 nearly 14 and still believe this. My friends and family are worried about me...

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When I was little, I thought that my blanket was alive, It was my friend.I used to speak with it in the morning, I used to sleep with it at night, I used to kiss it after sleeping and in the morning. Its name was Lala, I loved my blanket

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I use to believe that the planet was raising by an elephant in a river of milk that he decided if it was day or night.

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one of my imaginary friends was Karen from Frosty the Snowman. I always had trouble making real friends, so I mostly had imaginary friends. Sometimes, I still like to imagine my favorite cartoon and movie characters as my friends when I need some company. :)

Never stop believing in imaginary friends and using your imagination, that's what makes life interesting! [3

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I used to beleive that the fuzzy thing you see if you look at a light too long was some kind of creature named fuzzy.

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My imaginary friends were a family named Ampsnee. The mom was She Ampsnee and the father was He Ampsnee. They had two kids, Him and Her. I didn't hang with the kids too much, usually just the parents.They would help me dig between the floor boards with a bobby pin to find gold dust. But they would get sick and go to the hospital alot. When asked I would say they were gone for a long long long long long long long(you get the idea) time and sort of put myself into a trance by the chant. I would sit in the triangular sliver of space behind the front door when it was open and carve totem poles out of raw carrots with my teeth and eat the cardboard rolls that toilet paper comes on. I would chant a word over and over until I lost the meaning. I remember doing that with the word 'carrot' so that it was like 'carrot carrot car rotcar rotcar rotcar rotcar rot'. One day the Ampsnee's moved away, far far far far far farf arf arf arf arf arf arf arf ar away........

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i used to really believe that my 3 imaginary friends, Halfen, Michael and Dins, were actually very real and would make my grandad hold their hands while walking round supermarkets.

how silly he looked walking along with his hands out in the air!!!

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When i was about 6ish 7ish my best friend and I invented two people: "Cowboy" (because we found a plastic cowboy boot in my backyard) and "red long nose", red long nose was the evil one, and cowboy was the good one... or IS the good one... i think we still belive this... ya i do, cowboy helps us out in our day to day lives, if something good happens, cowboy helped you out.

Rachel W (dedicated to KIMMY!!)
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When i was in about 2nd grade, i made believe i had a pet rat and a monkey, and my friends had parrots. All my other friends kept this up for about a year. it even got so far that my friends imagend that they sent my monkey off to get a girlfriend. well, lets just say we had very active imaginations!

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My two cousins had many imaginary friends.

Madelyn, when she was 4 or 5 had "another family". There was a mom, dad, dog, little brother and sister, and a cat, I think. They lived in Hawaii. I was 8 and it freaked the hell outta me.

Danielle, 6, had an imaginary boyfriend for a good year or two. His name was Louie. She would rave about how great he was and how many toys he had. When in the car, she would shout out "THAT'S LOUIE'S HOUSE!" at every house that was a pretty color. She eventually settled on one blue mansionlike home with artistic shrubery and everything.

Everytime I pass that place, I think "That's Louie's house."

I, however, WANTED an imaginary friend. I remember trying to imagine one up and trying to talk to it. I could never hold a serious conversation with thin air, though. Though nowadays, I talk to myself NONSTOP. :P

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I had piles and piles of imaginary friends, in fact i think i had a whole imaginary neighbourhood complete with imaginary enemies. i don't remember the imaginary friends but i do remember one imaginary enemy was called Cherie, my parents thought we (my siblings and i, not me and my imaginary friends) were so weird!

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When I was little, I used to have this imaginary friend named Tar, and I would talk to her whenever I looked in the mirror. Sometimes when she decided not to be in the mirror, I would just stand around and argue with her and there would be much telling to shut up. Sometimes I think that Tar decided to become my consience.

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when i was little i thought there were little men inside the bicycle and when i fell over the little men were mad at me and i had to apoligize 4 not beliveing in them enough (even though i was beliving as hard as possible

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not too long ago i used 2 belive that Renamon from digimon was always protecting me like she dose to reaka. so any time im in the car i imagen her runing around on the fences to try and stay with me. also when im in the dark and iv wached a film thing like jonahon creek or muder in subea she would fight and kill all the bad guy (and girls).

I think you should always have an imagenery friend to help you do every thing Renamon helps me do ^_^

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When i was little i had an imagerney friend and his name was jimmy. i was once talking to him and mi mom said what r u talkin about and i told her that he had told where babies come i told her that he told me that they come from a mommy's butthole and he told me that that is why some kids r so ugly

Rockey m.
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I used to have imaginary friends who were ghosts. I could only talk to them in the bathroom. I would talk to them when I was scared. The very fact that I was talking to ghosts made me feel brave, as I was scared of ghosts. It was the best way for me to live with that fear, to befriend what I feared. They would always listened to my worries, and would offer great advice. I now talk to myself.

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When my brother was 3 he had 3 imaginary friends,Jimmy,Jonie,and Steabo. Where ever we went his "friends" would come with us and they would have sleepovers. Now my brother is four and he has 15. One day he told me that Jimmy died so I played along and gave him a new one and then all of his friends died and I told him that I had no more people and he cried and cried and finally I told him I found some.

Imaginary friend be holder
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I used to think that, for every real friend you made, another invisible (not imaginary) friend would become yours. For that reason, my invisible friends were always named after my real friends.

Jessica Aspra
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