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When I was young my sister and I had and imaginary friend named Mr. Nobody. When anything got broke in the house Mr.Nobody did it.

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When I was about 7 or 8, my mum told me that at dawn in the mornings, if I listened very carefully by the window, I'd be able to hear a magical piper playing flutes...

I swore that I could hear them playing! I think I started believing this after reading Wind In the Willows for some reason!

Big J
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When I was little I used to have an imaginary friend named lilil and she lived in the toliet, with her family. When I went to the bathroom, number 2, I'd say " ok lilil here's your dinner"(or whatever time of the day it was). And I thought that if i didn't pee and poop enough that she would die.

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When I turned 4 or 5 I had a pinata at my birthday. After it broke, it only had a hole near the bottom so it looked like new. I named "him" Skunka Wunka. He looked like a dinosaur with a long neck and was rainbow-colored. I kept him for about a day and talked to him but I remember reaching inside the hole to see if there was any extra candy and I felt a staple. He hurt me! I started to cry and threw away Skunka Wunka. :(

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When I was in elementary school, I hung out with some of the cool girls in school and we were always competing with the other cool girls in different classes, starting trends like making up clubs and stuff (like the spice girls club!) Well, in 7th grade, (middle school) my friend Libby, me and a few other girls all knew this turkey named Turkey, and he was a really funny turkey, gobbling and strutting around my middle school and stuff. Turkey didnt have all the same classes as us, so when Libby and I were in History class, Turkey would come by and wave hi to us, making sure our teacher didnt see. One day Libby saw Turkey at the door and told me. We both looked over and waved to him. Well, our teacher saw this and asked who we were waving at. Libby and I were at a loss for words, but it was really damn funny.

The Fox In Socks
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When I was around six and my sister was 8, we both had imaginary friends (as I recall, they were friends.) My sister's was named Charlotte, with blonde hair and blue eyes, and mine was named Lucy, with brown hair and blue eyes. I remember I would go into the bathroom, and there was mirrors across from it, and I would wonder why she wasn't with me in my reflection...I eventually convinced myself that she was staying inside the bedroom for my privacy. I don't remember what happened to Charlotte, but I eventually got tired of Lucy, and on her birthday (March 16) I decided that she was going to her Grandma's house. I kept waiting for her to come back, but she never did- my sister would ask me periodically, "When is Lucy coming back?" and I would say, "She wants to stay a little longer."

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When I was little, not only did I have an imaginary friend named Jessica, but I thought that all my toys were alive! They just didn't move- usually- when I was watching.

These beliefs came at different times, though; in between was the belief that there were people in my closet when the lights were off. They were very tall, dark, shadowy people. (In reality, they were my outfits and not moving around.)

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On one occasion as a kid I put various trash, dirt, leaves and miscellaneous things you'd find outside into a trash can, added water and using a large stick flung it all over my backyard thinking that the next morning I would have a bunch of friends outside to play with.

I also used to believe that the yellow line on the side of the freeway was my friend and her name was Anna.

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I had an imaginary friend as a child. It was a ferret. I miss my imaginary friend sometimes.

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When I was young, I had an imaginary friend named Margot(I would flip if you didn't pronounce it like Margo), and she lived downstairs because she was in a wheelchair until I "bought" her a rocket wheelchair that could fly her up to my room and she couldnt get out of her wheelchair, so I bought another one that reclined back because she got back problems from sleeping sitting up. Margot had a boyfriend whose name I forget. One day I blew up a balloon and drew a picture of Margot and her boyfriend. I then thought that if the balloon popped, then they'd die, so I kept it safe. Eventually, the balloon lost all of its air and Margot and boyfriend were flattened to a pancake, so I had to send them to Colarado to get them their shape back because I believed there was a big air compressor in Denver. So they walked to the airport in my backyard (it was imaginary), and they said their goodbyes, got on the plane, and they never came back. :'( I thought they filled themselves with too much air and they popped

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I had an imaginary friend named Saiya when I was in kindergarten. We went everywhere together and having conversation like normal people.
Saiya is a boy with brown hair and always wearing red shirt and red short.
I still remember the day when Saiya's gone.
My granddad forbid me to talk with him. Of course because actually he cant see Saiya. Only me can see him and I do miss him. I hope I could meet him again.

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I had my first imaginary friend when i was 3 or 4, he was a giant white rabbit called sticky.

Then i met Tom. He was a boy the same age as me with brown hair and blue eyes, he was good looking but i could kind of never make out his face properly, like it was kind of out of focus.

Then we started playing a game where i was a fairy princess and tom was my twin brother and we invented HEAPS of other imaginary characters to play this game with (i am an ony child). When i was 11 the fairy game stopped being fun because i knew i looked stupid playing imaginary games even though it was really real to me!

Tom and the others continued to hang around and we met a few more imaginary people along the way. Eventually it was just me and Tom again but then when i was 13 or 14 i made best friends with this guy and he liked me but i didn't feel the same way about him at the time (we ended up going out a few years later).

Tom got really jealous and sometimes when my friend would talk to me, Tom would make smart remarks about what he was saying. It was really distracting.

When i was about 15 or 16 me and Tom had a big fight and he told me he was in love with me and i realized that i was in love with him too and i had been for a long time. But i knew that we couldn't be together obviously becauase people would think i was crazy and i said that and Tom said i shouldn't care what they thought. I ended up yelling at him to leave me alone and that he wasn't real and that i was and i needed to stop thinking about him and start thinking about real people. He started crying and walked out the door and never came back.

I was so upset. I ended up going out with the guy but secretly it was on the rebound from Tom. It didn't work out with the guy and i know it was because i was really in love with someone who i know doesn't exist.

I still think about him all the time and i miss him. I know how it must sound, like i was such a lonely person or something but that's not true! I've always had lots of friends and attention from guys. But despite that, Tom is my favourite person of all the people i've ever known, and i haven't told anyone about him since i was 7. My mum didn't even know that he still existed.

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I used to have an imaginary dragon friend named Fayilana. She was the dragon of the rainbow. There was also a baby rainbow dragon. We formed Fayilania, which was my room with a castle and my dragon.

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I believed that I had a twin brother called Michael. It was so real that right I believed it right up to my teens. I asked my mom what happened to Michael and she just looked at my strange, especially when I told her who Michael was. Mom just said, no that she was there at my birth and that there was no twin brother....

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when i was very young i usually would walk home from school with a friend. On the days that i had to walk by myself i use to believe that half of me was a boy and the other half was a girl and i had someone to talk to on the way home.

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i used to belive in imaginary friends and i had one called chedge. then one day i stop playing with him and he went mean and if i shouted his name down the stairs in the bathroom he would come and kill me and when my big sis shouted at him down the stairs i screamd and hid underneath the covers.

chedges best m8
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My younger brother had an imaginary friend named "Tatoe". I remember he got buckled up when we went in the car and my brother cried like a baby (he was about 5 or so at the time) whenever I sat on Tatoe. The only thing though is that this guy never died when I sat on him... He just kept coming back!

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i used to have an imaginary friend named Jack...and everytime i went for a ride in a car i would pretend he was chasing behind the car so noone sat on him or something..he was a big brown monster..then one day i decided he was boring so i said he moved away. He was mean cause he started looking like me and mocking me. Wow as i type this i realize he was the big monster from Muppets Meet Manhatten. Hehe

Steve A Moo
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When I was little(like 5) I had TONS of imaginary friends. There was Rainbow bear, rainbow puppy, uni(unicorn) and super puppy.to name a few. I would tell my parents how I felt through my friend(i.e. uni feels sad.). then my mom would say, oh, then I'll take uni to the zoo so she'll be happy. so I stoped doing that. Over time my friends faded away(mom, super puppy has to save the world and isn't coming back)ya...i was weird. i still am.

im a freak @ age 12
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When I was 1-7 Ihad an imaginary friend named ,Midoe,the thing is I only talked to him on the tele.I even memorized his # by the time I was 3.Till this day when I'm lonely I call him.


Midoe my friend lol
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