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when i was little i heard my parents talking to each other about dept . At that time i had a bit of a toilet phobia and thought that dept was quite a sinister sounding word . I started calling the toilet ' dept'.
I also had a picture of a rabbit in my bedroom which i used to call Po and a doll that I called Red Spider Mite because it had red hair.
I also went through a phase of calling my mum Sally, my grandma 'Pippi' , my dad something i can't even spell , something like Gogalgogalar and my uncle Fireman Sam.

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i used to believe that i had an imaganary dog called buiscut and he used 2 come 2 school with me i used 2 tie him 2 my desk leg and stroke him but he used 2 jump on the spear chair next 2 me and this fat boy sat on him on day i yeled in his face and told the teacher. xx

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when i was little about 5 or so i had a freind a german soldier and i would chatter back and forth with him on a toy gi Joe radio and we would plan huge battles and draw maps his name was krein and no i wasent speaking real german i was just playing. (i heard my dad and grandpa talking about his ww2 service, and i looked in a book and liked the shape of the german helmets + their uniform colors)

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i used to give the alphabet and numbers genders for example a would be a girl and her best friend would be b who was a boy d always teased c since he was a scardy cat they were both boys e and f were best friends but they were both nerds h would protect i and scold g because g was there butler j kinda hid in the shawdows being mysterious k and L were best friends l was nice and k was nice but kinda preppy k was a girl and L was a boy and looked after m since he was being teased by n and m had no courage n and m are boys o is a boy also but is helpless and was perked up by p who is a girl and also perks up q since q is different and is a boy rs and t belonged to a gang but were like the 3 stooges and were all boys u was a boy and was a coward v was self concious and only thoght of herself v is a girl w was v body gaurd but not really that meanx was a science nerd and liked how nucular energy worked y kept to herself and was alot like hinata on naruto and she had a secret crush on z who was like naruto

the numbers im only going throgh 10 1 was a boy and was best friends to 2 they were like bart simpson and millhouse 3 was also their friend and was the brainy onethey were all boys and were always scolded by 4 who was 3s mom who was maried to 5 and 5 had his work buddies 6 and 7 who were all boys 8 was a boy and a coward but was cheered on for by 9 who only did that so she could have some one to do her bidding her boyfriend was 10 who was kind and also kinda jockish 0 was a ghost that just watched everyone else the negatives were the same

i know im wierd and im not gonna go in to colors k

step away from the video game consoles
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i havee an imaginary friend named bob and he is a stick figure with no fave hair or hands.just a simple stick figure.he worked at the office and had a wife named barbara who was a stick figure like him but with hair. i started having him when i was 5 and i still have him (im 19) i order him food and introduce him to people

Eric (Bob u Rool!!!)
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When I was four I had an inseparable imaginary frind named Susan. One day she left for England - I have never been exactly sure when: just that I started telling people that she had up and left me.

Erin Jones
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I used to have an imaginary friend called Robin...I don't know if it/she/he was a girl or boy but we would have long chats every night before I went to sleep...about our day, school etc. I reckon I was about 5 to 9 years old and as an only child I suppose it/he/she was a sibling substitute. I can still see it/he/she standing by my bed now. Robin gradually disappeared, faded with time. I expect it/he/she went on to become some other poor lonely child's friend....any one out there know him?

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i used to think that my friend sebastian had friends that lived in the sea like arial and flounder

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I used to believe that there was a civilization of tiny people living on a medium sized rock in our back garden. Whenever my dad watered the plants I'd make him water the rock, too, because the people there needed it, or do it myself.

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I used to belive that I TRUELY did have an imaginary friend, because I thought i would be a loser if i didnt..... so everytime my bestfriend came over we would play for hours with her.... and pretend to have fun so we both would get accepted

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When I was little I never had the attention span for a imaginary friend though I had a recurring friend I named Roxeanne ((I was obsessed with that name for some reason)) she never lasted for very long but when I wanted attention I'd bring her back

The Grinning Cat
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When I was younger, I used to have a friend who pretended to us all during the Gulf War that his older brother was away fighting and carrying out secret missions. Completely believable, but it was only recently I found out that this was completely made up - I had to wype the tears off laughter from my eyes when I heard this!! A childhood error!

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I remember when I was about 6 I had an Invisible friend when I was 8 I totally forgot about her but one night I had a dream that I met her again she had found her name and wasn't invisible anymore she told me that I was her best friend and always would be when the dream ended I just started crying feeling guilty for ever forgetting my very first friend who had stayed with me for so long.

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When I was younger I loved Pokemon (haha)! I had the gameboy game, the posters and the cute pikachu gameboy carrier - its true. My friend and I used to think Pokemon were invisible and they were in our world! I had a pikachu and a togapi she had a ninetales. One day I went to my music lesson (with pikachu and togapi) and on my way back I realised that I had left Togapi in my classroom. I cried for ages cos I thought my teacher would have stolen her!!!

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When I was ten I had a friend named Henry who i used to talk to every recess. He was a tree.

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i had an imaginary friend named sabrina who lived in the bathroom. and everytime i went in there i would ask her why she would live there, cause that's where everyone went to the bathroom. cute kid, huh?

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When I was about 5 I had an imaginary friend named Clarissa; she couldn't be seen, even by me, but I alawys knew when she was there, and exactly where she was. She liked to stay in my backyard while I went inside, and I often went outside to swing with her.

BFF Clarissa! haha.
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When I was little my one of my imaginary friends was at the time a long blackish brownish haired guy who I later found out was Weird Al.

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My little sister, who's like twelve years younger than me, had THE best imaginary friend ever. His name was simply "boy", he lived in the cupboard with her nappies and he could fly and change sizes...you could ask her any question about "boy" and she would answer it.

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I have an imaginry friend. Her name is Caryn and i can talk to her in my mind. I can here her talking all the time to me and she is my best friend. But she isnt a person. shes adog. like a border collie or somethin. shes bin in my mind for a few years since my dog Semmy died which was 4 years ago,. i am 10

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