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Ok, when I was seven I started to see "Alex". First I say his dog. Then when I was eight I saw him. He had a black hat on and dark brown trousers with a black jacket. When I was eleven I was in tescos and my mum was in the video Isle when I saw a film called the Martian. The guy on the box looked like Alex. That's weird I though. I said to mum, hey mum, that film looks good, she ended up buying it and we watched it that night with my siblings. When I was nearly thirteen I saw him standind in my bedroom door at midnight, only he had taken his hat off. Please talk to me. He said. Who are you I said. I want you to leave me alone! I said as I got up and sat on my bed. He walked in to my room and pushed me back down on to my bed and wouldn't let me get up. He held me down and I shouted at him loudly. Then he got in to the bed and I was just about to slap him round the face when I heard my mum get up. I stayed still and he still held me tight. I was getting very angry. When mum was back in bed he got on top of me and I tried to kick him. I don't remember any more than that. I dont see him often anymore, but I hear his voice in my head.

Clara Ashwood
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I used to have a pretind boyfriend......it was jesse off of full house also known as John Stamos.
I use to kiss my pillow at night and say"oh baby"!!once my mom caught me and that was by bye to jesse.

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when i was little, i had an imaginary friend named Liza. one day, i was in the car with my mom and dad when i said, "mommy, Liza just called me an asshole." oops

(she really did! i swear!)

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I used to have Vicki the Robot from Small Wonder as my imaginary friend.

Joey Schwartzman
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When I was little, (like maybe 5 or 6) I had one of those beds that had the canopy over it. I used to think that there was a whole neighbourhood of tiny people living on top, and I would have long conversations about delivering their mail to them every night hahaha

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I used to believe that I hada real imaginary frnd, his name was Mass, short for mask. I used to play with him all the time, untill he moved away. ... :(. LOL

LOL child
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When I was about six, me and my friend Rebecca created a world called Magic World. It had loads of invisble dogs and other animals we could play with. We could do anything we wanted to. We ran round the playground playing it. Then I told my friend Emily and she stared playing it with me. We fought all the baddies from it. Hehe, along with our trusty imaginary sidekicks, Ethel and Jessica

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I used to beieve that my little figure of violinist angel really plays violin when I'm asleep, so I often got up in the night to hear him playing. You guess: I haven't heard him not a once!

Antonia, Croatia
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When i was little i actualy belived that our consicence was something about an inch tall. he was blue and walked inside ur brain...he was ur little friend that wispered things to you in what to do and not. except for some reson mine always wispered bad things^.^. heh..i belived and pictured in my mind that he had a little house inside my head thro my ear. he had pics up and a couch and a tv that he watched when i didnt need help or company. he had a bookshelf and everything lol. sometimes i still like to pretend hes there when i am lonely.

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II used to have an imaginay friend oomopalooopa named Oompi (oohm-pee). My friend had an oompallompa named Anna.
I belive if the eve died,(they never did, I just forgort them) after 1000 years they would come back to life.

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When my cousin and I were little, we used to pretend we had all these babies. Several of them would be like, mini versions of our favorite cartoon characters from all kinds of shows. I remember I had several of my "character babies" from Tiny Toon Adventures. But my cousin and I both had at least one VERY naughty baby and we would always yell at them when they were "bad." I remember my naughty baby was like Mighty Mouse, but I called him "Mean Mighty" and was always like, "Mean mighty, don't make me come up there!" and I'd be yelling at nothing, LMAO!4

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When I was about 7, I had an imaginary friend: A red lizard demon named Alex. She carried a baseball bat with her everywhere and could hack computers. I stuck with this one for about five years.

Then I went through a phase where I tried to convince everyone that I could see dead people. I had three "ghost friends"... Conrad, Sophie and Jason (the last of whom was Jason Todd from Batman). Conrad was a showoff and always wore a top hat, Sophie was a hotheaded tomboy and Jason was timid and had a crush on me. I abandoned them after a real friend of mine died. I don't remember why.

Now I have an imaginary twin brother named Blake. I pretty much designed him as the male version of me. We don't talk in public or anything, he's just an internet thing. Sometimes I have him questioning my sanity...

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My new friend Electrozest (ELECTRick ROsE ZEST) or Rozest for short is a baby seed princess she lived in my garden until the summer came and she was beggining to get a lil hot so she sought shelter in my house me DiZ NooNey and Miseve became friends with her instantly hehe

Rozest's Assistant
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When I was about 7-10, I had a dream about a girl named Anne-Maree. She had lime green eyes, underneath her eyes were gingerish freckles, with ginger hair. She was my age except one day older. She was marching singing "Step by step. Heart to heart. Left right left. We all fall down. Like toy soldiers." I just followed her in my dream and I heard "Anne Maree!" repeated. Since then I've been thinking about her everyday. She's glued to my mind now.

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I am a 11 and still have imaginary friends. I only have 1 though, her name is Carmen and she popped up today and told me she was my long lost sister and now she is hanging around me and she made me make her a myspace and every thing she is only 10 days older than me too and her full name is Carmen Michelle and i'm not going to say her last name and she is sitting right beside of me and when my brother sits on her she screams and i can only hear it in my head.

an 11 year old girl
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I am a very old lady and my "friend" has always been with me. I've never been sure what he/she looks like but I've always known he/she was there.
I think everyone needs a "pooka" at one time or another in their lives, don't you?

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I had an imaginary friend when I was little. My imaginary friend was my washcloth in the bathtub. I would make him swim around all over the place and his name was Towlie.

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When I was like 3 or 4, I use to always be at my grandma's house. Everytime I used the bathroom, I spoke to the wall because I thought "the littles" lived there. fun times

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I used to think I had a serial killer as a friend... Thats why i never let him by my cereal... His name was "Pete Killerr" I dont know where i got that name from, anyway, i always ate unde rthe table, because Pete, "annoyed" me.
And uhm... well thats it really... It's stupid, but... hehe.

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I had an imaginary friend who used to do mean things to me because she was jelous. She looked exactly like me but she didn't have a name- thats why she was sad.

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