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imaginary friends

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when i was five and still to this day i have an imaginary freind he is a 950 pound mechinized T-rex i call him kovu and he is loud (but only I can hear him) and now I am fifteen and stil partily believe in him. best freind EVER!!!!

dinosaur guy
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My older brother, when he was about 5, used to seriously believe that he had a big brother who he had never met, this brother lived on the next street to our nan and he drove a red car.

My little brother has always seen a money looking and laughing at him in one of our great grans paintings (the painting is of hunters on horses runing through a forest), he also thought that a dinosaur followed us everytime we went on the motorway, he would always be screaming and be adamant that a dinosaur was following us and got angry and upset when we couldn't see it!

sister of nutters
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I used to know in the hunt house in the forest next to my house, leaved the seven dwarfs.

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i used to think that superman and the powerpuff girls were real.

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when i was 11 and 12 i used to have tiny faries that followed me around and i talked to them and they talked to me. I always had a bad memory and i couldnt even remember how old i was sometimes, so i was always forgetting what my faries looked like so i was always having to make up a new one.

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Me and a friend (MATT) made up a planet called Zuza. It was a large sandwich with a tomato mouth, lettuce, mustard, and a big hole for no apparent reason.

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When I was in pre school, I had a female friend called Blinky of the Coonas. We were really close, but when we argued it usually ended in tears. One day we had a really bad fight and Blinky punched me. When I came back from pre school with a black eye, Mum was all like, "What happened!"
"Blinky of the Coonas and I had a fight."
After that I wasn't allowed to see her... hey... I wonder if she's still around...

Cio McLeo
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In my house there has always been the same person running about: Not Me. He was never much of a friend as you can imagine, but he was VARY active. No one got along with him and I honestly don't want to even talk to him. Not Me is very mischievous, when something go's wrong it was always Not Me's fault. Latly though he sees to have calmed himself, but my things still go missing sometimes...

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I had an imaginary evil friend named Jenny. She only seemed to visit me in the bathroom. Hmmm..perhaps the name came from the girl who bit me in preschool..

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When I was a child, I used to have an imaginary friend, his name was Tagoshi, I don't know why, but it was his name. And I used to talk with him when I was alone.

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when i was younger i used to think that a boggie man was under my bed and if i wouldnt go to sleep he would come out and get me.but then i relized [kinda] that he wasnt there but there was someone under my bed Cathy, Matty, Teddy, and silly my imaginary friends. but later on that year my dad told me that they were not real.

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when i was 5 or so i used to think simba from the lion king lived with me so i would talk to him and listen to hear him (i never did) and i had a stuffed tiger i improvised as him at night time and fially my mom told me "cartoons don't exsist" i got mad really mad cause i loved my imaginary lion

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Breeze and I have something in common; I used (use) anime characters as my imaginary friends; Sakura, Syaoran, Fuma and Kamui from X, Seishiro and Subaru from Tokyo Babylon...

When i was little, I have imaginary friends and imaginary children, most of my own creation, others from shows or books. My friend (real) and I like to bring up to above mentioned quite often, for a bit of comical/sadistic/slashy entertainment.

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Ok, this is gonna be a long one. It's an elaboration of my previous post.

I had imaginary friends from the time I was three. it started with my imaginary "husband" Rocky and "Children." Cindy, Kelly, Kacey, Michael, Rose, Delilah, Eliziana and Kimberly. But it gets better! I had an imaginary twin sister named Michelle (my own name is Machelle, and to me, the difference between pronouncing it Mee-shell and Mu-shell was, like, gigantic!) Even better, we were the princesses of Africa, and our uncle was George of the Jungle. Then there was the imaginary dog, Rover. I use to pretend that I got separated from Michelle when she accidentally touched a magic crystal and got sucked in, and she became my reflection.

Besides my family, who was there from age 3 to about 10 or 11, I had a slew of "Guest star" imaginary friends. There were the girls from the orphanage I went to after being taken away from my Jungle Castle, There was the Chinese girl, Nina, who was abandoned by her parents in our lilac bush. I loved taking her around and showing her how American culture worked.

The Purple Ghost was based off of the sludge thing in an episode of Ghost Writers. He lived in a clock on our wall that looked like a barn and was always doing bad things and blaming them on me.

There was Amanda, who was with me when we were lost in the wilderness (my big backyard) and we had to gather berries and herbs (mulberries, pears, etc) to survive.

later, I adopted fictional charectors into my friends list. Harry Potter, cartoon charectors, and, when I was real little, the Power Rangers.

It should come as no surprise that I really didn't have any real friends growing up :P In fact, my best friend now and I love to play with some of our Imaginary Friends. Did I mention we're 18?

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i am a 11 year old i have lots of friends but i have 2 that are very close to me bonechrusher he is realy strong and speedy how is very fast i know every day they watch over me and protect me and ther like famely

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i used to believe that there were little people living in the air conditioner vent and whatever i did they were doing the same thing so if i went to my friends house they went to their friends house if i played a game they played the same game etc.

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When I was little I didn't just have a imaginary friend I had a entire world! and I got to be whoever I wanted to be weither it was a superhero or a queen... I still kinda live in that world hehe

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my sister used to have a friend named nancy and a friend called imaginary nancy every time my sis would ask to play with nancy my mom would say witch one

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my imaginary friend is called mooky, mooky the donkey! I keep gettin' annoyed with him for spillin' my cerial all over the blinkin' table! Its great havin' imaginary friends 'coz when I accidently spill/break anything I blame it on mooky!!!

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I used to think that the weird crunching-type noise the refrigerator makes sometimes was a mouse. I would get really excited at the thought of having a pet, and he's be so grateful that I saved him from the cold fridge.

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