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imaginary friends

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i have imaginary friend when i'm 8 years old
her name is ashley she is a nice friend
sometimes she helps me ..when i got
danger or something that bad thing happends to me it means bad luck but now sad she was
gone because my mother said " if you believe that
thing again i will call father that you been possesed
by a ghost or demon"

sometimes parents can be a pain.....

Sad Boy
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i had imaginary friends i always talk to them i and be dramatic like i was captured be a cuty and stuff like that i started when i was 3 till i was 11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Just recently i began testing my idea of a virtual make-believe faimly of mine consisting of all the lion king charecters from both movies. i found out that if i get mad at my real family i can switch to my virtual family and at night if i have a srange dream simba or sarabi will make it easier on me if i look at print-outs i have of them i currently have 15 charecters on my wall. imagine that it works I AINT CRAZY EITHER!!!

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He is my imaginary enemy.
He stalks me.
And he has a chainsaw.

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I'm 20, and I've had an imaginary friend for as long as I can remember. Before I was 13, he was very nice and we got along well. Two days after I turned 14, he left for about a year and a half. When I was 15 and a half, he came back with a new name and new clothes. After that, every few weeks he'd change his name and his appearance. At that point he became horribly mean and very evil. I was very frightened of him and couldn't sleep for a while. I didn't get much done, to say the least. After several months, I got tired of being afraid and confronted my imaginary friend. The first week was the hardest and most frightening time of my life, but everything eventually calmed down. Eventually, he faded into the background of everything. He's still there, he's just always quiet and always behind me.

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I used to believe that all the characters in the cereal commercials were real and that some day they would come off of the box and talk to me like they did on t.v.

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when my daughter was 9, she had an imagined father figure. One day, she said: "I know he is my father, he walks with me, he talks to me, he says, I am his very own.."

Funny person
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When I was a kid, I used to have three imaginary friends... Dina, Mina, and Coona. They looked like Cabbage Patch Kids, and were about three feet tall. One had brown hair, one blonde, and one red. They used to run around my grandmother's house making trouble happen right in front of me!

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I used to have these imagary friends. They were busisness people. So I guess that they were really imaginary buisness people. They used to ware suits. One guys name was bob and one girls name was sally or susan i forgot. The others didn't have names.

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I used to believe that I had a squirrel that would live in a big tree in the middle of my room, and we would play together everyday!

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In 1958 I moved from hawaii to new jersey. we drove across the u.s. and took a long 3 week vacation to do it. Iwas very bored so I made up an imaginary purple dinasourh who ran beside the car all the way across the states..and he looked just like Barney long before there was Barney.

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When I was 4, I had two imaginary friends. One was named Neenee, who was a blue person and the other was Doodee, who was a bumble bee.

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do you guys who have imaginary friends well do you see them as physical beings or un real blurs that you have to try hard to hardly see?

its just my friend DiZ (a blue sphere with a tufft of hair and yellow markings and belly) has a staighn on his bein and my mind and he gets sleepy alot esyer now (but it is his 1st day!

DiZ's assistant
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Doogie Howser was my imaginary friend.

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when i was younger, i had an imaginary friend, liam i called him, we used to go everywhere together, till one day, we climbed the tree in my back garden, it was all going well, he told me not to worry about anything and that if i got into trouble i would be ok. but that wasnt the case, when i was near the top of the tree my foot slipped and i fell down hard, hitting the back of my head on the concrete slabs, i was rushed to hospital right away, i split the back of my head open, and now i have a phobia of any thing that is higher than me,i also cant bare to walk past trees, because of my "imaginary" friend.

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I used to want an imaginary friend, although I never had on. I invented an imaginary friend and made her look like one of my best friends just a lot lot smaller.. like knee height. She always wore yellow. Yet I knew she wasn't real, I just wanted an imaginary friend of my own. So really, I had an imaginary imaginary friend.

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One day i was on the phone with my friend as she was babysitting her little sister and she handed me the phone because her sister wanted to talk to me she said "hello daria, i have a pet rock and he just pooped but you don't have to clean it up because it is invisible and doesnt smell"....her little sister still beleives in her pet

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I use to have an imaginary friend who I believe dared me to do crazy stuff like eat Coco Puffs off the floor and pee in the trash.

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when i woz bout 3 or 4 i had 2 imagenary friends who would stand by my bed evry nite making sure that i went to sleep

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i've always had an imanginary freind named lily she was my best friend.

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