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imaginary friends

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When I was small, alot of my friends had imaginary friends, so in an effort to not be left out, I tried to create an imaginary friend. After a few days of talking to myself, I concluded that imaginary friends were not real and declared that my friends were just stupid.

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i have an imaginary friend her name is midna from the legend of zelda twilight princess. i used to have a bunch of imaginary friends that i cant even tell all of them. i sent them to pluto to find some martian buddies to hang out with. the only one i made up myself was a really ugly kid with acne named hart someone asked me if i had an imaginary friend and i said yes so i was looking 4 some thing to call him after she asked me what his name was so that was what i came up with dont blame me. after they went to pluto i got lonely so i created midna!!!!

i also belive every one has there own gaurdian angel that never shows there face much only when your really sad & lonely. mine is either a dragon thingy or dimentio from super paper mario... just cuz he kicks @ss!!!

step away from the video game consoles
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well im only 12 now but when i was even yunger i had like 12 different imaginary friends,anne the ameba (green inflatable tail) chilli the squirrle(bandana no feet 4 tails controled fire)pepi(fluffy penguin controlled poison)dusky(lil ghost thingy controlled ghostly energies and stuff)puve(magic balloon)mittens(very buff bee)cuphbrr(large penguin controlled water and ice and let ever one else ride arond on him) syroup(a weird round thing that layed eggs and had a honey hive for legs)pierry(a pie mole that coud dig reli good)(kip(a rock acorn)kap(a rock acoern secret lover of kip)flikaty walker(a robot that a species called flikatys lived in side and aided the outhers on their adventures) aw i usedd to hug em loads and we would all cuddle up together. but they had to leave. they understood that it was too much of a strain on my mind and their being. so they resorted to being the basis of my mind and my emotions and help me even when im not thinking bout em aww.im makin more now my ideas are coming slower than usual but still HUGGLELS TO U ALL

just I
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when i was very young i had an imaginary friend. when people asked me where she was id say that she traveled through space to her home, or she was in the closet or somethin. nobody else knew her name, i wont tell u either! ha ha ha!

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when my girlfriend was a child she had four imaginary friends. one in particular - suzie- was very 'realistic'. the two would 'play' for hours. my girlfriend also has clarivoyant abilities and we think suzie could have been from the past.

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i used to be obsessed with Pokemon when i was 7,& my favorite was Eevee.she was 1 foot tall,had chocolate brown fur, and big black eyes.id hang out and talk to & about her.id tell my friends what she would say to them, but 2 of my cousins made fun of me, so i said goodbye.

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My best friend and I both kept a list of the names of all our imaginary friends, and sometimes save seats for them at lunch.

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Ok now in school in 2nd grade we used to have literacy centers and one of them was a games center that you were supposed to play with your group at least twice.my teacher saw my friend William playing by himself(he was in 1st grade i was in a multi-age class) and then she asked him "William who are you playing the game with ?" and he sad "My imaginary friend Fred!and everyone in the class started laughing at him and my teacher said "You're too old to have an imaginary friend!"and to this day i asked him "Hows Fred?" and I pretend to punch and kick Fred.

Fred doesnt exist william!
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I had imaginary friends of ALL my class when I was about 7. (example....Imaginary Sarah Brown....) and would call her ISB for short, Imaginary Matt Jones IMJ and so on....don't know when I stopped but at 14 I don't still do it!!!


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when i was in first grade i hade a horse.he was all black with a white mark from his forehead to his nose and from thetop of his hoof to his knee on every leg.i named him Storm.every recess day i would ride him and groom him.my best freind had a horse to.his name was Acorn.Acorn was all brown and had black hair.Acorn and Storm were best freinds.i beleived in it since first grade and i still do,and im 9.

Kali Parke
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When my daughter was 3 to 4, she had a large number of imaginary friends that she was always telling us about. One day I had invited a real friend over to play with my daughter. When she took her friend in to introduce her to my husband, he yelled to me, "Barbara, I think Shannon's imaginary friends are starting to get to me. I think I see this one!"

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After my dog had to be put to sleep, I got my first Imanganary friend Huey (actually i still have him). Im thirteen right now and i still have full belive in him. Me and my closest friends can c him. one night me and huey went on an adventure outside at like 2:oo in the morning we went in my woods and had to rescue my imanganary dog Sir Licks Alot from the evil giant cats. When we rescued him we tried going back inside to hide from the evil cats but we ended up getting locked out. after that night i never saw Sir Licks Alot again. But i still got Huey Thank u God!!

I Do Belive , I Do I Do
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when i was young i thought my shadow was like a npother rase and that it just liked to follow people so when i ever i had to eat or do anything i would include it as a person and everthing i would do i would blame it on shadow .

still do sometimes ....

jasmin baby gyal
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I still have my imaginary friends, but my momma tells me: "your 13. You have REAL friends. Get rid of 'em." Well, I NEVER LISTEN. I have, here are ALL thier names: Dustin, Jake, Jack, Jackie, Lenny(who's an achoholic) He died. And, my sleepover buds.: Amy, Ally, Samantha, Alex, Sally, and brittiany.When I first made Dustin, I knew my life would change dramatically and emotionlly and it did. I still have Dustin, I've had him since I was 'bout 10 yrs. old. We met on the swingset. I'm a lonely girl who just needs some friends, and I have 'em They are all INVISIBLE, and they are my B.F.F.A.A. They are my brothers and sister I am partially an only child. But I have no sis. or bro. living with me. So they are the best, and only friends I've ever had, AND WILL 4EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!

Invisible friends 4ever. I LOVE YOU DUSTIN! (and all my other imaginary friends.)
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Since I was 4, I thought pink and blue ghosts came and stole my toys while I slept (though, usually, I misplaced them the day before and blamed it one the ghosts). I even think I saw one once. ;) Soon I made an imaginary swarm of super-strong flies to keep them away. I still pretend that they're there; Some times when I'm reeeeaaally bored I imagine them flying about. ^_^ I'm currently 12.

Evilspirit; Black Beast of the Northeast
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I used to believe that all little kids had imaginary friends, and that since I didn't have one, I was abnormal. I tried to make one up for myself, and it was really hard because I didn't realize they came naturally instead of forced. I eventually came up with an imaginary twin for me named Isabella, and was exactly like me only with a (very poor) british accent. Needless to say, I got bored with her VERY soon.

Who needs them anyway?
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I had this voice in my head that used to order me around. I finally had enough and basically had to tell myself to get lost. Now that I have come to know the real me I am much happier. Don't let your conscience rule your life! Make up your own rules

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i used to think (when i was 4 - 7 ) that there were these little green men in my brain and my face was a computer screen and i hated the green men so much so some days i would say ( in my mind ) go away and make it be little barbie people in my head insted so there was a big leaving party and wen the barbie's came they werent real they were just big cardbourd cutouts of them it used 2 realy up set mewhen the green men would come back but im over it now and it just makes me laugh !

jessica bruno
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I have two friends pumpy and pumpkin, they are cousins. Pumpy is pumpkin pie and pumpkin is a pumpkin. Whenever pumpy loses crumbs, I always eat them, and she says thank you. I pretend that pumpkin is my cousin on a TV show. I pretend that my dad's cell phone is her wheelchair and that when they die I will make a pumpkin funeral as long as they don't rot.

A pumpkin festival by Julianna
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I used to believe that Barney was real

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