i used to believe

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When I was little, I truly believed in monsters. I hated the dark and would dread having the lights turned out. I believed there were these two shapeshifting monsters that would come out from under my bed and try to smother me, and then there was a tiny swarm of monster bugs that would come out from a vent near my bed. I was always scared, everynight. And then I started seeing him. I saw very tall man in a black hooded cloak with glowing orange eyes and a battle-axe head on a staff would come through my door and just stand there. He didn't have a face, just eyes and an empty hood. He wouldn't do anything. He just watched. But as soon as he came through the door, all the monsters would go away. Of course, me being the small child thought he was going to kill me. But he never did. He just watched and made sure all the monsters went away before leaving and shutting the door behind him. This was whenever I was six and seven. Now, I looked back and realized that he was protecting me. He never got any thanks, I always thought he was going to kill me. But he kept coming back everynight anyway. I have a name for him now. Grimm. We talk a bit, not a bunch, mostly whenever I'm afraid or lying awake at night. I know he isn't real, but he helps whenever things get tough. He's my Prince of Darkness, and he gets rid of the monsters.
thanks for listening to my rant.

Clara, age 13
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I used to believe that there were keepers of the night. I had a very active imagination, and thought that they did things like... have spray cans full of dust & lightly spray it over everything.... spray the lawn down with little water bottles to make dew. This didn't scare me at all, mind you, it felt like the right order of things.

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I always wanted an imaginary friend, but I never actually had one, so I would walk around pretending to talk to my imaginary friend, but I couldn't really see one!

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when I was about ten I used to believe that I had a little girl that lived in my nose named maraih that controlled my thoughts and body functions

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At the age of around 4, I had 3 imaginery friends, i never created them they just appeared and to they were real- at the time anyway because they werent what u would expect. One was a multi coloured pyjama jumpsuit, the jumpsuit or jumpsuit as i called him, would float around in the air, like someone was wearing it but there was no body, head etc he was a great friend. The others were baby and sooty, sooty from the kids program, he was my right hand man and baby, was a floating baby, i wasnt too keen on baby. When my older sister used to walk in the room and see me playing and talking to them, which to her was thin air she would run out scared and screaming. We had to move house and from that day on, when asked where my friends were, i would say theyve gone to scotland to be friends with someone else. Im 25 now and lookin back i guess i sort of miss them

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Being an only kid, I used to have a few imaginary friends. When I was 2, I used to have an imaginary friend named Beano (long before the popular gas relief medicene of the same name premiered) I used to tell ppl he was invisible to everyone except me because he saw me from his invisable world and wanted to be my best friend, so he made himself visable just to me. When I was around 7 I had one named Courtney, named after Barbie's little sister's best friend, and she looked exactly like her. She and i would pretend to be everything from angels to witches. And if someone I saw on the news had died, we would go to heaven and see them, and make them our friend, and visit everyone in heaven, like God,Mary, Joseph, etc... and our family members who had died. I also imagined I had 7 little brothers and sisters, and used look through catalogs to pick out beds and clothes that they could have. I probably needed medication.

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When I was little I had an imaginary friend. I was convinced that he was real... and that he had no arms and no legs. I would try to convince other people that he was real. When I told my babysitter I was sent to a psychiatrist.

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When my sister was about 7 she used to have an imaginary friend. She used to take her everywhere and she was most upset when one day while visiting our grandparents, my nan sat on her and killed her! She still won't sit in that chair to this day and that incident happened 13 years ago!

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I had a whole crowd of imaginary friends, mostly nameless apart from sisters Sally and Sallid. I remember sitting on the top of some ladders as their queen while they all bowed to me - funnily I haven't turned out to be particularly despotic. And my mum had to wait for them all to get in the car whenever we went anywhere, she'd stand there holding the door open for them all.

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At age 5 - 8 I had animaginary friend called Frank. He was only ever called upon when I was playing solitary games - such as trying to hit a ball against a wall 20 times without it hitting the ground.
Frank and me would have competitions like best of 3, but if I was losing I would change the rules to say best of 5. I would keep on changing the rules until such time as I was the winner.

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I used to believe that my television set was inhabited by a strange creature called Ginger. Ginger resembled an anteater, except he was covered in feathers. He was bright blue with orange stripes. He liked to come out of the TV at night, when I was sleeping. His favorite hobby was moving around my things, and I always blamed him when my hairbrush went missing. (He loved that hairbrush--I would ALWAYS blame him whenever I couldn't find it, which was most mornings.)

One night, when my friend Ashley was sleeping over, we devised a plan to capture Ginger and put a stop to his antics for good. It involved a peanut butter sandwich, a drawing of some grapes, and an old fruit crate... We never did catch him, but my parents wondered what the heck I'd tied to my window rod...

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When I was little I had an immaginary friend named Brian. He was a foot tall and on the bus to school we would drink tea and eat crumpets(even tho I didn't know what they were) and he would wear assorted fancy hats.

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When I was 6 I used to have two imaginary sliced carrot friends named Jim and Joe who lived on my right shoulder. I would talk to them for advice.

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Most kids I know of have imaginary friends who were human, or maybe a duck or something, but it's very rare to me that I come across someone with an imaginary friend as strange as mine.

You see, when I was very young--so young that I don't remember creating him--I came up with an imaginary friend of my own...
His name was George and he was a Werewolf. I have no clue where I came up with the idea of him, but he truly was my best friend for a while. I even have a little story I wrote about him and I in a journal of mine complete with a picture that simply re-enforced the memory I still have of him which is of a tall guy (no clue how old I thought he was) with brown tattered pants and brown hair with long sideburns and a prickly un-shaven face with hairy arms too.

After a while, I realized that George would be leaving me soon so I created a family of siblings and cousins for him to go with--including a young cousin named Jack who repetedly would fall through the ceiling.

Eventually George left me but of course I remember him...still I try and figure out where such a young kid would think up something like a werewolf though.

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When I was little (4-7) I used to have an imaginary friend, named Missy. I used to "play" outside for hours, pushing an empty swing and/or playing tag with nobody. I also used to have conversations with Missy all the time, in my room.

Anyway, the day I was moving I got really upset because I thought that I had to leave Missy back in my old home.

Before I moved I used to talk about Missy to my parents and to all my friends.

Then when I was about 10 or 11, my dad told me that my old house was haunted, and they thought that when I talked about Missy I was actually talking about something that walked around my room at night. Of course he would never tell me this when I was younger so I wouldn't freak out.

The thing is I don't know to this day if my dad told the truth or just being yah know..........A DAD.

Crazy Child
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My imagianry friend's name was Arbee, not sure if that's spelt right, I was around 3 the first time he appearing. I shared a room with my sister who was approx 1 and 1/2 years older than me and Arbee lived in a hole in our bedroom wall, on my sisters side of the room. She never saw him but he was there for me till I was almost 7. I reember explaining his absence to my family by telling them he had decided to move overseas but had sent me a postcard to tell me he was doing ok.

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When I was in 3rd grade I had a friend named Cory. We both had imaginary friends. His was named Gregory and mine was named Sasha. At one point, "Gregory and Sasha" were going out. Then, "Sasha dumped Gregory". Funny, I remember Cory being the one who cried.

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When my sister was little she had an imagery friend called Roger n she used to sit in her room for hours talking to him n playing schools n stuff like that. My mum always thought she was wierd n kept trying to tell her he wasnt real but she wouldnt have any of it n continued to play with him. Eventually he left, he moved to America i think, n my mum was really happy that shed grown out of it. When my sister was 6 she came home from school n told everyone that Roger had started school and was coming for tea, my mum was horrified n kept saying he wasnt real. But it turned out Roger was actually the name of a boy who had just moved to my sisters school and he did come round for tea.

Cherry Girl
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When I was in primary school the whole school had to sit in the main hall on the ground and listen to boring assembleys. So I used to sit cross legged and have thrilling imaginary conversations with my shoes. They were shiny and the light reflected off them making face like shapes. I would make the faces move their mouths and talk by wiglling my toes. I actually believed that they were real people who had come in the form of light reflections to entertain me.

Charlie girl
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When I was little, I had an imaginary friend that lived in the woods beside my house. He was an old man with a long beard and all white hair. He was really sweet but he had a whole lot of snakes so I called him the snake man. I can't remember when I stopped going into the woods to see him, but I can say still to this day that I remember exactly what he looks like. Just like you remember people you really meet.

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