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Once my dad did that trick where make it look like you're taking off your thumb. I was pretty young and it scared the crap out of me. I started screaming and crying because I thought he had really taken it off.

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When I was little (5~7, maybe), I used to spend Saturday nights at my Aunt Grace and Uncle Don's. so I could go to Sunday school with their 5 daughters. They had, on top of thei fridge, a white china hen, whose to lifted off. My Uncle would always give me a quarter to put in the chicken dish before bedtime. Then every Sunday morning, before breakfast, he'd suggest I check to see if the chicken layed more money~~and I'll tell you what...she always did....I was truly amazed each and every week, and totally believed in the chicken for quite some time.....it is one of my cherished memories, and even more so ,as my cousins say he never did it for ANYONE else. I'll never forget You, Uncle Don, or that magical chicken............

Jo-Anne Mackie
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When I was a child Iused to believe in magic hands..The only person that had magic hands was my mother..It's true. Once I have a stomachache.She putted her hand on my stomach , and my pain relief had gone..automatically.I asked her if everyone may had that magic..and she smiled sweetly.Yes,a mother had, she said.

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When I was little, my dad used to do a 'magic trick' where he would get me to pick a card, seemingly at random, from the pack then lead me on a warmer/colder search for my card which would turn up in a seemingly impossible place such as CD case on the other side of the room or his back pocket. I would always ask him to repeat it, only to be told he had to have time to 'store up some magic'. What was really happening was that we had a set of two decks with different colured backs and he was hiding one card in advance and forcing the same one from the other deck, I just never noticed the different colour. I genuinely believed my dad had magical powers of teleportation and only found out the truth when he told me at the age of about 11 out of guilt.

Roz W
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i used to believe that if i study for a test and used the same pencil for studing that i used for the test, that the pencil would remember the answers and help me do good on the test.

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Whenever I was a kid, I had this belief that putting a tea towel over the toaster and turning it on was some how going to produce a magic trick.

I tried this once and my parents came in wondering where all the smoke was coming from, with me standing over this slightly on fire towel.

Conor Charlton
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one time i was playing around with a penny, trying to make it disappear. all of a sudden, it totally evaporated or something. i couldn't find it anywhere. very creepy.

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I loved tricking my brother, so I told him I have magic powers. He actually believed me. So, to show him, I went to the outside basement door and pretended to put a spell on it. I went inside and he satyed out. I ran back out and told him that it was a land of 'SCARINESS!!!!' He still won't go in there until I reverse the spell.

Magic one
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When I was little I thought my older sister's expensive lotions, soaps, and various other beauty products were ingredients for witches potions. (My mother loved pointing out that she named my sister Angelique after the witch in Dark Shadows and I thought that meant she was a witch!) Well, I wanted to do magic too so every time I took a bath, I'd mix her beauty stuff up together in an empty bottle, shake it around, and squirt it on my barbie dolls in the (hoping something would happen to them I suppose). I assumed nothing did because I wasn't a witch. My sister still doesn't know I wasted her products like that.

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I used to think that i could make an invisibility cloak (like harry potter) if i collected hairs from the carpet, cut off the dark bits (my famaily has dark hair), and sewed them toggeter. I stopped collecting when the big ball of hairs i had collected and put in a box had disssapered. Later i realized the truth.

I still wonder...
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when we were little, my grandparents used to have little feathery bird ornaments on their christmas tree. my grandfather used to tell us if we gently petted a bird, it would magically start to chirp....and it did!!!!! but how???? we used to believe that somehow they were real...but they just didn't move or chirp unless he was around when we petted them....AT ALLLL!!! hahaha! what we didnt know is that he also had a little silver ball ornament hanging on the tree that had a little switch on it and while we were distracted petting the bird...he would flick the switch and the chirping began. After he passed away, my mother continued to do it to us...It wasnt until years later that we realized what was going on LOL :)

Jill~Halifax, NS
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I used to watch a tv show about a girl who winked her right eye and this way she could make everything happen.
So there was a girl that liked to piss me off and make me cry and we walked through the beach, she was a few meters before me and I winked my right eye to make her fall down. And - I fell down. The same second. There was nothing on the ground that would possibly make me fall, it was 12 years ago and I'm still not so sure it was a pure coincidence.
Needless to say, I never tried again.

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When I was little, I was forced to take singing lessons from this little cassette tape. (Hey, it was the early ninties.) I was always shy to warm up and or/sing in front of anyone. One day, my babysitters were ordered by my mum to make sure I warmed up my voice sometime that day with the little tape. I didn't want to sing in front of my babysitter's family, yet alone their mean old sister who was five years older than me. I had to warm up in her room and she didn't like the idea.

To solve the problem, they gave me "magical" earphones. They claimed that once I put them on, no one would be able to hear me but me. They seriously, seriously had me believing in it. They played along, putting them on and just mouthing off words... and I waz like.....WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When I started to warm up with the earphones, I looked over at their sister "who was keeping a stone-cold strait face." I decided to test out my new-found magic and say things. I said a lot of stupid things, even calling her poopy-face

I looked over at her, grinned and told her that her mamma looked like the blue sink monster from the cartoon "Bump in the Night." at the top of my voice. That's when she got up and pushed me into the laundry basket.

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When the first Harry Potter movie came out I had no idea it was made up. One day my friends and I took some old broomsticks, mounted them, and jumped. Unfortunately we landed back on the ground one second later. That was the end of my Quidditch streak.

Wingardian Leviosa
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When my brother was only two or three, he was sitting in his carseat, shouting out spells from Harry Potter and waving a stick. Every time he did this, my dad would secretly turn on the windshield wipers. He thought that he was a wizard for about five minutes until I told him otherwise.

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i was watching lambchops play-along when this woman taught us how to hold a dollar bill upside down amd fold it a few times and unfold it and it would be right-side up again. i didnt know that the folding was what made it flip around. and for years i thought i was magic.

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I used to belief everything my older brother said, so when he told me all about magic land I wanted to go there. All I had to do was find the magic sticks in the garden and break then in half to build up my powers. Then we would hold hands and spin in a circle to transport to magic land, I would never make it and would have to go back to finding my magic sticks untill next time.
Another one was when I had to get tubes in my ears to help me hear better, my brother had told me that my ears would be cut off, this lead to me escaping from my hospital bed and be chased down the hallways untill I eventually fell asleep from my anesthetic.

magic land
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I used to watch Tom and Jerry and Jerry would put on this cream called Vanishing Cream and he would disappear...I used to think this actually existed, and was disappointed to find out that actual vanishing cream doesn't make you disappear.

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Yesterday I realised that invisible ink doesn`t make me invisible.

Jonathan Eleven years old
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When I was 8 ys old, there was a tv-series about a magic ring and if you turned it around your finger, you could conjure up all kinds of things including, jewels, gold, money etc. My mom was a single parent and did not have much money. She complained about that a lot. I always told her that as soon as I would have found that magic ring, our situation would change dramatically. I had total faith in that.

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