magic tricks
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when I was younger my grandfather would pretend he could make me disappear and all the grown ups would pretend not to see me till he made me appear again. that was very upsetting to me untill we started doing it to my little brother then i was in on it. sorry bro.
i used to beilieve that if you mixed like shampoo and saop and other liquids to getther you made a magic potion ... and allso i found some suds in our kitchen sink and i thought they were magic clouds and i ran over to my friends house and her dad answered the door and said "ooh whatcha got there, suds?!" and i was like what are suds?! and i found out they werent clouds ... but then back with the potions, i went to my other friends house and said 'watch this!!!' and i dumped some "potion" on her and she got so mad she ran inside screaming so i just ran home as fast as possible ... i always use 2 think i was magical cuz 1 time at school i forgot my folder in my locker so i went back to get it but it wasnt there cuz some dude found it on the floor and put it on my desk 4 me
top belief!
That wishes (from wishing wells and birthday candles and eyelashes) could be accumulated (like frequent flyer points) and add up to one really powerful wish, but only if you were disciplined enough to be consistent and never tell anyone what you wished for. Throughout my childhood I consistently wished to be Wonder Woman, always hoping that this would be the little wish that tipped the balance.
as a girl i believed that going into port o potties with a bathing suit and a knitted blanket that i would emerge out of there as WONDER WOMAN- so i would go in with the extra clothes and spin as i changed .. it was all good until my real clothes fell into the ummm pot- YUCKY -
I thought soap suds were clouds, and also, I would mix shampoo and lotion to gether I thought i made an invisiblity potion (i saw on some show) and I poured it on my self and went to school and i didnt say anything cuz I thought they couldnt see me!!!
when i was little i always thought that if you stood on the couch and got a coushen you could lay on it and float
when i was in junior school i beleived that if i thought hard enough that the school stage would lift up and the osmonds would be there singing and this was during assembly.
I used to believe that when i got a multicolored duster and touched the TV screen it turned off. I was disappointed when i realised it was my dad turning it off and on. I thought iw was really cool!
top belief!
Way back when, my Dad used to keep my brothers and I amazed by moving a cigarette with static electricity. He would place a cigarette on the table and rub his thumb just in front of it, telling us to watch for the "spark". Sure enough, the cigarette would move towards his thumb every time, but we never could see the spark. We tried for years to repeat the trick, huge friction burns on our thumbs, as we tried desperatly to make it move. It was years later that we found out that all he did was wait until we were concentrating on the "spark" and blow the cigarette along. I was crushed.
top belief!
My Dad used to tell me and my brother about this stuff called "shrinking powder" if you took it you would be reduced in size so much you could play in your matchbox cars.
For years i put it on my xmas list and never got it.
i used to belive that chalkzone was real, my friends never helped, they had me close my eyes and turn around then they would pretend to jump in the hole and really go hide behind a bush and yell your turn miranda and i would get so mad when i could not get through
when the harry potter books first came out i would read chamber of secrets all the time...i used to wait by my window for them to pick me up in thw window with my truck!
I requested a "magic wand that works" for my fourth birthday. I knew my wish had been granted when I saw the gift wrapped present. I was presented a tubular shaped object. I was really impressed with how smart I had been, asking for that! It turned out to be a rolled up coloring sheet on paper. It was a scene of windmills and Dutch kids carrying water buckets, wearing wooden clogs and funny hats.
top belief!
One time when I was 6 I was watching a magic show on TV and the magician was doing that trick where he cuts someone in half. Well, my sister told me that it's not a trick and they actually cut people in half and kill them! I believed it until I was 9 when I realized "Hey, if they kill them how do they get up and walk around after the trick?"
But until I thought of that I was scared of magicians.
top belief!
When I was just 3 years old my 8 year old brother told me that he was gonna give me a magical power to run through a brick wall. Of course I believed him so when he said to put my hands behind my back and run towards the wall I did it......the result was a busted forehead and the realization that my brother must have done something wrong when giving me this magical power.
top belief!
When I was young I was taken to see an excellent theatre pantomine of Peter Pan- the performers (who I thought were really the characters) flew impressively around and out from the stage . . . for quite some time following I slept in a freezing bedroom (UK winters) insisting my bedroom window was left wide open every night in case HE came....
top belief!
When I was little my mom convinced me she had magic powers. When we were in the car and it was raining, she would snap her fingers and it would suddenly stop raining for a few seconds, as she snapped them again it would start. It took me forever to figure out that we were just going under a overpass at the time...
When I was about 4 or 5 my pop used to pretend that he'd stolen my nose and would throw it down the stairs. I would cry my eyes out until he went and got it and put it back on my face!
top belief!
when i was little i never wanted to go to bed. i would always jump out of bed as soon as my parents tucked me in. finally my dad told me that he had had it, and that he was going to have to use magic glue on me that he called "girl glue". he would put the invisible glue on my bed and then put me on top of that. i seriously thought it worked and didn't even try to budge.
When I was little my dad told me that there was a magic channel on the radio in our cars that when you snapped your fingers would change to the next channel. I was in someone elses car one time carpooling to something and they put the radio on scan and I was like "no way your car is magic too?!?" later I learned that I was just a gullible kid.
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