magic tricks
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When my sister and I were little, my mum used to tell us she could see through walls.
Every time we tried to steal biscuits from the biscuit tin, she would shout from another room "I can see through walls, you know!"
We boasted to all of our friends that our mum had X-ray vision and really believed it, for years!
It was only later that it dawned on us she could just hear the sound of the lid being lifted...
My younger sister for many years believed she had a magic foot. She was never naughty and any bad behaviour or mischief was caused by her magic foot not her. I was jealous I didnt have a magic foot too
One day when we were driving to the airport to pick up our au pair my Dad exclaimed with real worry in his voice 'Oh no I'm running out of petrol, quick Alice do your magic - we need a petrol station right now.'
I said 'Abracadabra please make a petrol station appear.'
Less than a minute later we turned around a bend and there it was - I was amazed
After that Dad often asked me to do my magic when we were running low on fuel. He always injected a degree of urgency into the scenario.
It was great - I remember feeling so incredibly special and useful.
I was about 10 when I realised Dad knew where all the petrol stations were
and was 'engineering my magic.'
I would get down on my hands and knees and spin around as fast as I could. I thought I was going so fast, I would look like a blur. I would keep asking my parents if they could still see me.
When I was young and saw an orchestra playing I used to believe the conductor was waving a magic wand and making the instruments play by themselves.
I used to believe it was possible for me to leave a bunch of dominos on a table in a random layout, name a shape, leave the room for 60 seconds, then come back in and the dominos would have magically rearranged themselves into whatever shape I'd said.
I later realised this had worked because my grandparents had been present in the room when I first put the dominos out, and they'd heard me declare what shape I wanted. When I left the room, they of course did the rearranging.
At 4, I believed that dice worked by changing the number of dots when you throw them on the table, by some kind of internal mechanical magic. When I first tried my hands on one, I couldn’t make it shift, and assumed I simply wasn’t old enough to produce the force needed.
My Dad used to do a little trick where he'd take a penny and cup it between his hands, let me blow on his fingers, and then shake his hands and the penny would disappear! WOW! And then he'd retrieve it from my ear! DOUBLE WOW!
I was so enamored of this trick that I pestered him all the time to perform it. Finally he said it only worked with 1943 pennies, and he didn't have one on him today... but if I had one he'd do it.
Of course, 1943 pennies were made of steel-coated zinc (copper was needed for the war effort) and are really rare in circulation. But I didn't know that, I'd just scamper off to rifle through my piggy bank for twenty minutes, unintentionally leaving my dad in peace.
our uncle collected money from us and 'planted' it. he told us to water it regularly and we'd have a money tree for ourselves.
he pocketed the money when we left...
When I was little, Our car was one of the "new" remote control trunk opening type cars." So whenever we had to open the trunk, I was taught to say, "Abracadabra, Ala-Ka-Zam!" And then the trunk would magically open! I was very disapointed when it was just a button.
when i was little i never wanted to go to bed. i would always jump out of bed as soon as my parents tucked me in. finally my dad told me that he had had it, and that he was going to have to use magic glue on me that he called "girl glue". he would put the invisible glue on my bed and then put me on top of that. i seriously thought it worked and didn't even try to budge.
When I was little my mom convinced me she had magic powers. When we were in the car and it was raining, she would snap her fingers and it would suddenly stop raining for a few seconds, as she snapped them again it would start. It took me forever to figure out that we were just going under a overpass at the time...
Way back when, my Dad used to keep my brothers and I amazed by moving a cigarette with static electricity. He would place a cigarette on the table and rub his thumb just in front of it, telling us to watch for the "spark". Sure enough, the cigarette would move towards his thumb every time, but we never could see the spark. We tried for years to repeat the trick, huge friction burns on our thumbs, as we tried desperatly to make it move. It was years later that we found out that all he did was wait until we were concentrating on the "spark" and blow the cigarette along. I was crushed.
we use to trick my youngest cousin on family car rides into thinking that my father's van could locate mcdonald's resteraunts. whenever he saw a mcdonalds in the diatnce he would start saying" beep, beep, beep" and my cousin would think that our van had a mcdonald's tracking devise in it.
When I was five my dad, an amateur magician at the time, came up with a trick at the dinner table where he would put tangerine skins in his hand, rub a little, and -shazaam- there was a complete and undamaged tangerine. He did it like twenty times in a row, and I never knew how he did it or where the tangerines, let alone the skins, came from, but it was such a convincing show, I believed he could do magic until I was at least 11.
When I was little, I was forced to take singing lessons from this little cassette tape. (Hey, it was the early ninties.) I was always shy to warm up and or/sing in front of anyone. One day, my babysitters were ordered by my mum to make sure I warmed up my voice sometime that day with the little tape. I didn't want to sing in front of my babysitter's family, yet alone their mean old sister who was five years older than me. I had to warm up in her room and she didn't like the idea.
To solve the problem, they gave me "magical" earphones. They claimed that once I put them on, no one would be able to hear me but me. They seriously, seriously had me believing in it. They played along, putting them on and just mouthing off words... and I waz like.....WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When I started to warm up with the earphones, I looked over at their sister "who was keeping a stone-cold strait face." I decided to test out my new-found magic and say things. I said a lot of stupid things, even calling her poopy-face
I looked over at her, grinned and told her that her mamma looked like the blue sink monster from the cartoon "Bump in the Night." at the top of my voice. That's when she got up and pushed me into the laundry basket.
My dad was magic! When we would drive on the freeway in the rain, if he concentrated really hard he could stop the rain, but then one of us kids would mess up his concentration and it would begin again.
I only realized many years later that we were driving under overpasses!
When I was little I used to watch "Seasame Street" all the time and one of the episodes Burt and Ernie are fishing. Burt is not catching anything oso ernie goes "Here Fishie fishie!" and a fish jumps in the boat. well I was out fishing with my dad and we were not catching any thing, so I do this and suddenly we are getting bites!!! to this day my dad will ask me to call the fishies in at random times.... I AM 26!!! .... still works though! lol
When I was around six I had a book of magic tricks that was also a pop-up book that served to carry around little things used for performing the trick (you take them out of little pockets in the pictures in the book). Well, there was one picture that took place in a restaurant or something and there was a dollar sticking out of a character's pocket that was removable. Thinking it was for a trick, I removed it and the tab on the end of it says "Put it back, you thief!" I freaked out and shoved it back in the pocket, thinking the book had really saw me take the dollar and thought I'd been trying to steal! I was afraid to even look at that page for a while.
That wishes (from wishing wells and birthday candles and eyelashes) could be accumulated (like frequent flyer points) and add up to one really powerful wish, but only if you were disciplined enough to be consistent and never tell anyone what you wished for. Throughout my childhood I consistently wished to be Wonder Woman, always hoping that this would be the little wish that tipped the balance.
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