i used to believe

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When I younger every st.patricks day we'd go to my grandmas house, and my other 2 cousins went and my aunt would always tell us that if we were bad leprachauns from my grandmas backyard would carry us away into their world. At first we wanted to go with them untill she brought up that they were mean and we would never come back. After that every year we all behaved very well at grandmas.

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When I was six or seven, some married friends of my parents came to visit for a few days. While riding in the car, the woman was talking about "The Blob". I listened, terrified by this hideous creature, not realizing it was a movie. That night, I layed in bed screaming in terror that The Blob was going to get me. Suddenly a shadow appeared in the hallway and a man's voice said that he was The Blob and if I didn't shut up and go to sleep, he would eat me. I think I might have passed out from fear. On top of that, I never found out who the shadow was.

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When I was 6, my mom took me to Disney World and when we were in the haunted mansion, the ride got stuck while we were in this dark room with hanging musical instruments and a talking head in a crystal ball. We were stuck so long that the head repeated what it was saying at least 3 times.

For about a year after I was convinced that while I slept the head was watching me... waiting to strike.

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When my sister and I were little, our dad told us that the Daleks from the sci-fi series Doctor Who lived in our attic (obviously to stop us going up there). Even to this day I feel slightly nauseous going into my own attic for fear they may attack me. I am 42.

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I still belive that there is a maniac named Red Eye. Ya see my friend saw her name written in cursive in blood on her driveway!!!!!

Rosie Kelly
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My older sisters told me and my cousin when we were little that there was a monster through this door at my cousins old house. The door was on the side of the house and it had a big hole in it (the door led to the laundry room and you couldn't see through the hole). We believed it for a long time, and we even stuck grass and seeds through the hole to feed the monster. We thought the monster was nice.

Captain Wheeler
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When i was in reception a rumour went round one playtime that there was a monster in our teacher's cupboard, and we were all afraid to go into the classroom after break.

Moomin troll in disguise
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my uncle used to tell me when i was little and stayed at my grandma's that if i didn't wash my hands before i went to bed, little germ monsters would come and eat me alive, and all that would be left of me in the morning would be a pile of bones. i was so terrified of this that i wouldn't be able to sleep and have nightmares about little germs coming and devouring me in my sleep! i believe this until i was like 10!

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DO you know how you look into a light, or into the sun, you see colors when you look away? Well, When I was little I got up early one time (i usually stayed in bed untill someone else got up before me).I sat on the couch and didn't turn the tv on. Why? I was freaking out. I had looked into the sun, or a light previosly, and I saw these colored monsters coming towards me. I was so scared, that I never got out of bed first again.

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top belief!

When I was at the ripe age of 3, i was always horribly terrified of going into my living room. Why, you ask? My cousin somehow got me to believe there was a monster living in our grand piano and it was very hungry. She said to keep it in the piano, I had to keep it full by feeding it french fries.

Every day until we moved, I'd pop a little fry in the hole under the keys to keep the horrible monster tame.

Needless to say, my mother was not the happiest person in the world when we had to move the piano into the truck.

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top belief!

I lived in Ireland when I was young and my older cousins used to visit from England. One of them told me that the lion statues on the gates to Buckingham Palace came to life during a full moon and ran around England eating people. Imagine my reaction when a few months later my Mum told me we were moving to England - I was so scared and begged her not to send me to my death!

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When I was little, I always had to have a nightlight on in my room. My parents thought I was just afraid of the dark, but I always had to correct them. It wasn't the DARK I was scared of, it was the SHAPES that moved in the dark, so I had to sleep with the nightlight on so the shapes would go away when they got near the light.

It wasn't until I was older that I realized with the light OFF, there weren't any shapes at all. I still can't sleep with any light on.

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When i was very little i used to believe a monster lived under the floor boards. I would feed the moster left over dinner through the gaps in the floor boards so its a wonder we didn't get rats.

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Until i was six i believed there were these furry red things called oogly googlies that hid in forests and fields. i drew pictures of them and showed my dad, who told be about them. Then as my dad was drving, he jolked and said he saw one. Trying to be cool, i said: "Hey! I saw it too! wasn't it cute?"

oogly googly
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I believed (mostly in dreams) that strange
looking clouds would descend at night and turn into dragons.

Robert W. Vissage (America's Favorite Unknown Poet)
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I used to believe in a big monster that came in my bed. I was very afraid.

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I used to believe that on halloween day my friends really transformed in to monsters and in the night they went in my bed to eat me !!!

maggue, french student in eighth grade
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I used to believe that in the forest behind our house there were werewolves. One time me and my best friend went out to the woods (to convince me there were no werewolves), we got 1/4 into the woods, heard a noise to our left, saw a shadow where the noise was! we ran home.
I told my parents what happened. They said it probably was a werewolf. I never went back into the woods. Before we moved,they told me they made up that werewolf stuff just to keep me from the woods because there was something in those woods. Scary Part: they told me that what we saw and heard was probably a murderer hiding in the woods because they saw a man just outside of the woods wanted for murdering.

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As I child I used to confuse Einstein with Frankenstein! You can guess what I supposed to think every time I heard about Einstein somewhere...

Wale Konia
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I used to beliebe that dragons do really exist, they are just survived descendants of dinosaurs. I believed it until I was eleven!

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