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My dad used to tell me that if I didn't eat all my dinner, then a monster would chase me around the house. I believed him for years.

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When I was about five years old i used to belive in the "Boogie Man"..now, this boogie man would grab you and eat you if u were in the dark alone....well thats what my 9 year old brother had told me. I wouldnt walk outside in the dark if someone payed me until my mothers friend told me she saw the Boogie man on her way to our house and ran him over and all his snot went all over her car and I asked her if I could see her snot covered car, she told me she would take me outside in a few minuets....little did I know her husband ran outside and put green silly string all over the front of her car!! I belived the boogie man was finnally dead afetr 3 years of being terrified of him.

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My younger brother would wake up terrified in the night fearing that a random sock lying near his bed would transform into a vicious beaver and attack him.

Beaver Defender
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For the longest time I used to believe that "Dracula" was a gigantic gorilla with fangs, not unlike King Kong.

Mark Cidade
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top belief!

My parents invented "Mr. Tooth Decay" when I and my brother were small. I envisioned him looking like the Mr. Bubble guy, only green,scowling and carrying a pic ax. Mr. Tooth Decay would knock on the bathroom wall (while staked out in the closet on the other side) whenever my parents felt we weren't spending enough time or effort brushing our teeth. Our parents told us if he made it into the bathroom, he would take out our teeth and run away with them. My brother and I totally fell for this and lived in constant fear of his arrival. Sometimes, Mr. Tooth Decay wouldn't even make it into the house, instead my dad or mom would yell, "He's coming up the walk right now!" We'd run to the bathroom and start brushing like mad. To this day I still jump if I hear an unexpected knock while brushing my teeth. I wonder what my parents were thinking scaring us like that!

Reading Redhead
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When I was little I used to believe that there were "purple flying snow frogs" in the coners of my room at night. So my mom would give me a water bottle filled with water so squirt at the "Purple flying snow frogs".

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My mother would tell me that "The 10 o'clock Horses" come every night to make sure kids are asleep before 10 pm! Of course, i was too terrified to go sleep but always dropped off!

Jim Bradley
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you know after you look in a bright light, and you close your eyes or blink how you can still see the glare that remains in your vision? I used to think that those were monsters, and could only be seen if you blinked enough.
I feared them.

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I used ot blieve that dracula would come and get me wen i turnt the landing light off. So i used to run to the stairs feelin scared yet as if someones watching me and i used to jump down the last couple of stairs and run to my mum acting as if nothing had happened!

polly dolly
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As one of the most common fears between children is the dark, I used to believe that while i was sleepin these sort of shadow monsters would come out of every dark corner and shadowy area to come into my dream and steal my good thoughts. So I used to lay staring into the darkness refusing to go to sleep. I also remember that at one point i started sleeping with the lamp on so it would brighten the room up but the corners were still dark so i used to go and steal my mum and dads torches and put them in evry corner! This way i new i was safe And fell fast asleep!

Polly Dolly
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when i was about 10 i said candy man in the mirror, so for about 2 years i always thought that the candyman was trying to kill me

furry trout
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My favorite book growing up was one starring Grover from the Sesame Street called "There's a Monster at the End of This Book". My grandmother would always read it to me. The book was about Grover trying everything he could to keep the reader from turning the pages because he was scared of the monster at the end of the book. The only problem was that the last page was missing where the book reveals that Grover is the monster, so for years I was scared that the monster was on the loose and was going to get me.

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My mum wouls tell me that the air freshener was monster spray

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ever since my cousin scared on halloween when i was little,i thought monsters and killers like jason or micheal was out there but when i was real little it was the grim reaper.

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(this is my sisters but oh well)
she used to belive when my dad and her went over the bridge in the country,h would use to get out,look under the bridge,get back in the car,tell her that there was trolls,and sped off.

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My stepdad Tim told me that whenever my shoelaces were untied, the tickle-monster would come out of the ground and tickle my feet... remember that Johnathan???

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In my mothers house there are 3 flights of stairs, when i was about 4-5 my older sister told me that if i steped on the bottom steps that a MONSTER would come and eat me in my sleep. I believed her so much that if i did accidentally step on one of thoses evil bottom steps that i would scream and cry when my mother tryed to put me to bed. Of course my sister also told me that if i told anyone that she told me that, the monsters would come and eat us both!!

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When I was little, I saw the movie Gremlins. I was terrified!! I thought gremlins were real and that they'd run out of the dark and get me. Well, I used to have a play room and one day as I passed it, I saw out of the corner of my eye what I thought was a gremlin. I avoided that room like the plague for about a week. I finally got brave enough to go in (screaming bloody murder at it... as though that would help) and it turned out to be a crumpled up sock.

bob the builder
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you know when in hotels its says no vacancies i used to think they were monsters and if the sign said vacancies i would run past the hotel or cross the road

beth mc
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i believe that pumpkins are evil!i think they move around while the family are in bed and torture the rest of the things in the house. In the day, the creepy face of the jack-o' lanturn will tease the household objects with his mysterious grin as they know they are in for a night of terror.

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