i used to believe

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I used to believe (by making some hybrid of men in white coats and small green man from mars) that small men in white coats whould come to my house and load my into their mini ambulance to take me away if i was bad.

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When I was younger I was always afraid to go outside because I thought that zombies would come out of the ground and chase after me I also thought that the monster Frankinstien would chase after me too.

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(my brother told me)i used to beleve that if you jump on hay stacks you would get eatin by the humen eating monster so a was realy scared and they told me that they had a freind that got eatind by the monster

missing meggie
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When I was little I had a few video's I used to love and one day my brother was so sick of them he broke one and left one on the radiator so the tape went all brown and crusy. When i found out I was really upset, and even more so when my brother told me that it was the boogie monster that did it, as his way of marking me so he could come back later and get me!

Willow Fox
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My brothers used to make me believe that the BORGER MONSTER would come for me every night. They would make me believe that it wants to pick my nose, and after it picks my nose I would bleed to death. They would make up little lies like onece when the gril brook, my brothers said that they say the "boger monster" standing on it last night looking into my window. I got so scared that this bogor moster was going to come and pick my nose to death, that I used to go to bed with clothespins on my nose, so the bogor monster couldn't pick it.

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I used to believe in the bogie man and my parents used to say that the bogie man is coming and I ran off to hide, I got very upset!!

Nicholas Moss
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When I was about 5 or 6 during a slumber party with all my cousins someone told a story about "BLOODY BONES" being in the toilet waiting to get us all! I was terrified to use the toilet at night even when the light was on for years after!

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I used to think that monsters could only come out in the dark. So when moving throughout the house when I was little I used to have to run forward and turn on the light ahead before running back and turning the one behind me off. This way I was always moving through the house in light. I never like turning off the one behind because I knew that evil monsters were slowly advancing behind me in the darkness. I was extremely happy when I had every light in the house on, and every dark cupboard was open ... though mum and dad were never too impressed! I wasn't too happy though when a lightbuld was blown!

Thinking about it now, every trip I made back then throughout the house would have been double the distance!

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When I was young I had cousins in New Jersey and they would jack with us any chance they got.

I was told that if you go into the bathroom and turn off the lights(pitch black), spin around 3 times while saying "New Jersey devil", then look in the mirror you would see the New Jersey devil.

It's still kinda scary to do

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A loooong time ago, I was probably 5-7 years old, I was very gullible. I used to believe that this huge robot would patrol our neighborhood and would watch for kids looking out the window. If it saw a kid, it would break into your house and come up to your room...and I didn't know what happened after that. I'd always spend nights peeking, juuuuust peeking, over the bottom of my window, watching for that boxy robot covered in lights.

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when i was young, i had read a scary story about two women swimming in a river, and one of them was grabbed at the ankle and pulled underwater. when she got out, she had a green palm print on her leg caused by a "frogman." for a long time after reading this story, i was afraid of not just rivers and lakes, but my own shower and toilet. i would avoid standing near the drain in the shower for fear of the frogman leaving behind a green imprint on the bottom of my feet. i can't begin to describe the caution used when on the toilet.

boo radley
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In my old house, in my younger years, I used to believe that Freddy Krueger would come out of the ceiling of my shower and eat me. I guess that having no light in the shower contributed to that and watching too many horror movies.

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When I was 10, I saw Alien. Then Aliens. I then checked behind the shower curtain for a few years to make sure a Facehugger wasn't there waiting for me to use the toilet. :|

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when i was very little, like 2, 3, 4, i was absolutely terrified of the boogeyman. my older sister told me that he moved to florida (far away from where we lived, in massachusetts). i was never afraid of him after that.

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I'm sure you've heard of the Gatorwampus. It's a creature that only comes out at night and eats very bad children. My parents used to tell my sisters and me that the Gatorwampus lived in a horse pasture that was behind the backyards of the houses on my street. Needless to say, we were very good children.

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I used to believe that if I wasn't in bed by 9 o'clock,the nine o'clock horses would come out of the wall and take me away.

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Up to this day, I still do this. Everytime I go to the bathroom, I always check inside the shower, to see if anything is in there. I know there isn't going to be, but I just can't help looking!

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When I was about seven, I had a nightmare that the muppets were trying to pull me off the top bunk in order to make me a puppet. In the panic between dream and reality I felt something touching my foot I know now that it was probibly just my blankets but to this day, I sleep completely covered up year round (I am now 29)!

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when i was younger, a friend of mine told a horror story of a doll that came alive and killed people with her huge abnormal purple finger. so for a while after that, i used to believe that my porcelian cabbage patch doll that my grandmother made me was that same doll in the horror story, so at night i would sleep with the covers over my head so she wouldn't see me and kill me.

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When I was a little girl I loved ham sandwiches. My Mama would buy "DAK" brand ham and it had a little picture of a viking on the package. I thought that he was the devil (what with the horns and all) and I was always scared that when we planted flowers in the garden that I might see one of those tips of his horns showing up through the dirt. I was worried that he'd be released from hell and it would all be my fault!

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