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I used to (and sadly still kind of do) believe that on the nights of a full moon, that people are going to transform into werewolves and come to get me.
When you are riding an escalator, look carefully when you're at the very bottom and there is a flash of greenish light.
I used to believe that magic alligators lived under the escalator. They kept it going around, and were basically friendly creatures, unless you failed to jump as you got off the escalator. Then, they might come up out of there and bite your feet.
I tell my 3 year old kid now that there's alligators under there. He says hi to them every time.
top belief!
when i was young, my mother and my much older sisters would tell me that if i played with my shadow against the wall, that while i was sleeping at night, the shadow would come alive and wreak havoc in the house. for many years, i was scared to even look at my shadow. many of the young children in my family believed this.
top belief!
when i was really small, like 4 or so, i used to believe that if you got too close to a white wall at night, the hamburger helper hand could reach out and grab at you and hold you hostage against the wall, because the walls are white, and so is the hand, so the hand can camoflauge itself against the wall. i was very scared for a long time because all the rooms in any of the houses i lived in were all white.
When I was little ny grandpa kept his boat in the Garage, and we would always want to climb in it. So to keep us out he told us there was a mean ugly troll in side the attic.( which happened to be right above where the boat was parked.)I belived it for a while, but he kept telling us he was true as a joke.
When I was little, my mom and dad's door (which you could see if you looked out my bedroom door) had some strangley shaped dark spots on them that were naturally in the wood. Well, every night when I was trying to sleep I would see the dark spots which to me and my sister looked like little dark spots.
top belief!
When I was a little girl, I used to believe
that the sound of the pulse in my ear was caused by a little man climbing up my pillow to get me. Sometimes that sound still catches me off gaurd just before dozing off.
The lake at the end of my street had a water monster in it. My very old, very credible neighbor told me so.
The gurgling of water in the s-pipe under the bathroom sink was a monster. It needed to be fed bits of lollipop on a regular basis. If it was not fed then Santa Clause would know. Then I would not receive any presents. I was 6 1/2 when I thought this. The monster is probably quite hungry now as it hasn't been fed in over 20 years.
I heard our renter scream when she came into her room and saw a big, dark shadow on her ceiling. I thought it was the boogie man coming to get us. So I never went back to that room again! (I later was told it was a leak)
I used to believe that cracks in walls, floors, sidewalks, whatever could join up and move to form scary faces.
When I was growing up, my dad would tell me there was a Boogie Man in our hallway and that if I didn't hurry up and get out of the hallway, that he would get me. So, for years I'd run down the hall as fast as I could.
when i was little i used to be afraid of walking in the night barefooted, i thought that "little creatures" would be lying on the floor and i would accidentally step on someone's. the worst is that actually i'm 17 and i don't like walking barefooted in the night!
I used to believe that the wind was after me.
When you sleep, and everything is silent you can sometimes hear your blood pumping round you, as your head is on the pillow. I had this hate of werewolves and used to believe that as the blood was pumping faster-the werewolve (that was trying to kill me) was gaining on me, and it was going to eat me. To prevent this I had to breathe heavily so that I couldn't hear the blood pumping
a friend told me "bod" lived under the floorboards and would come and get me at bedtime - i believed this for years!!
As a child I used to believe that there were monsters lurking behind the bannisters at the top of the stairs and would never go up the stairs on my own after dark,even if the landing light was on. To my amazement, my first child confessed to an identical fear although I had by then forgotten about mine. Are fears inherited? The fact that my second child had it could be put down to being warned by her brother, but the first ?
When I was small I had a very vivid imagination fostered by a love of reading anything I could get my hands on. Alot of it was science fiction and fantasy. So I was afraid of the dark in general, as my mind was often racing around the fiction it harbored. I believed the dark house was the hiding place of many a monster or alien. Under the beds, in my closets, just outside the bedroom window. You name it they were there. Well in order to thwart the monsters getting me when I woke at night thirsty or in need of the bathroom, I was convinced that if I called out to my parents and asked them if I could get up to do what I needed to. To me the voice/voices of my parents would clear my path to the bathroom because the monsters would know my parents were awake and that my father or mother would fight them for me and win. My parents and I laugh about that now. But they always answered.
When I was younger my parents had big, fluffy recliner easy chairs and when I would climb on it at night I would be afraid to climb down because I thought the creature from the black lagoon would reach out and grab me. makes sense, don't it?
top belief!
This is a very strange belief... I believed that if I was alone for too long that everybody in the world would somehow be turned into living skeletons. I would obviously be terrified of them, but they would also be disgusted and scared of me because I was all fleshy and muscley. So whenever I felt I was alone for too long I would get very nervous and run around trying to find someone. I guess that's why I'm such a social butterfly now! I have no idea where this came from, but it may have had something to do with the animated skeletons in The Clash of the Titans or The Seven Voyages of Sinbad or something.
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