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I had bad dreams about monsters coming up to my window and shriking at me, trying to get in. I was always looking out my window before bed just to make sure, and some times I was just trying to scare myself into thining the monsters were coming and that I should hide under my bed that way they'll noticed I'm not home and they'll go scare some one else.

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Around the Summer campfire the counselors told us that an "animal/man" was loose in the woods.
Shortly after we fell asleep on the night we slept under the stars, from back in the woods I could hear the "animal/man" screaming,
"I want one kid, just one kid".
The counselors ran to protect us and even started wrestling in the shadows with what truly looked like an "animal/man." They chased it away from our campsite and assured us we would be ok the rest of the night.

Later that night I was awaken by a "growling sound". I was paralyzied with fear knowing that the "animal man" was just a few feet away. I took what seemed like an eternity to realize that the kid next to me was just snoring.

When I returned next summer to the camp I found out that "Animal/man was a camp counselor in a wolf-suit.

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When I was very young, I used to think that two small white Japanese women statuettes, perched on a shelf in my parents' bedroom, could come to life and be dangerous. I referred to them as the "Achoo Statues." (don't know why)

Ellen Levitt
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When I was young (6? 7, maybe?), my friends and I were convinced that spirits (good and bad) could become trapped within the grain of wood in furniture and paneling. I truly believed that an evil spirit named Willy resided in the dimly lit back corner of the wood-paneled dining room in my house. I would have nightmares about Willy coming out of the woodwork (literally), grabbing me in my bed, and then trying to drag me into the dining room and into the wall with him. The dining room was safe in the daytime (thanks to the two large windows that brightened it up significantly) or even at night as long as an adult was there, but I was probably 12 before I could bring myself to go into the dining room by myself after dark, even if the overhead light was on in the room.

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I had a friend who had a realy big garden (Well it was big to me at that time). We would always go out to the garden to pick strawberries but there was a hole in the ground next to the strawberries covered with wood. We used to believe there was a wolf there that was mad. We thought that it was mad because it didn't have any friends.

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When I was young, I used to believe that if I slept will ALL my stuffed animals on the bed with me (and I had a lot!) that no monster would be able to get me because they would just think I was another stuffed animal.

Also, a little later on, when I was old enough to stay home alone while mom and dad went out, I thought if I tured on every light in the house, that would keep anything from getting me!

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when I was 6, I stay over night in my uncle's house in a small village. his house is surrounded by forest.I really scared that night and couldn't close my eyes because i heard a voice like furry-giant- monster dragging a chair all around the house. I thought It was Bigfoot came into my uncle house!! but the truth was.... that's my uncle snorring!! ;p

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my sister is still convincedeven at her age 8 that there is such thing as a boogie monter and i told her but she does not believe me

susans sis
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I used to think that as long as there was music playing (or I was singing) monsters couldn't get me. I still go to sleep at night with music on.

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At nights, when I have trouble sleeping, I used to hear large footsteps - something like the Godzilla.

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When i was a little girl,my brother had a black,plastic turtle that i was scared of.He did`nt like me to play with it,so he said that if i lost it on the floor,he would grow up,get alive and eat me.I belived that for a long time....

Kristin Norway
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In elementary school, the Mary Worth story was popular( turn out the lights, hold a candle, and chant in front of a mirror, "I believe in Mary Worth"; her ghost was supposed to appear in the mirror. Even now, I can't look in a mirror when the lights are out!!

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When I was younger, my grandmother use to tell me that I needed to come in before it got dark. Otherwise, the boogeyman would get me. There was a field behind her house and I use to imagine dark shadows racing toward me when it started to get dark to take me away and never be seen again.

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I thought that there were monsters (Particularly Freddy Kruegar) hiding under any object that I would sit on just waiting to grab me. I stay still for hours fearing that if I moved they would kill me. When I couldn't stand sitting still any longer I would jump as fast and as far as I could off the couch or bed and run to where ever I could to feel safe.

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I believed that there were monsters in my curtains because in the dark I saw monsters in my curtains. They were the curtain monsters.

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My parents told me that if you sleep with your shoes at the end of the bed, with the toes pointing in opposite directions, the monsters who came into your room at night would get so confused by which direction to go that they'd turn right back around and leave again. I sill keep my shoes that way, actally. :)

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i had a bunch of SMURFs stuff when i was little, even my bedspread was SMURFs. then along came the story that SMURFs came to live and stole lil kids away from their parents! (imagine my terror having them all over my bedspread!) anyways, one morning i woke up and didnt find my mom but i did find all my SMURFs toys grouped together at the end of the hallway. i ran screaming into my sister's rooming telling her that the SMURFs had taken mom!

it turns out she had gone to the market while we slept. teehee..

la china
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When I was about 4 or 5 i thought that gremlins would come and get me when I was a sleep in bed. I thought that the only way for them to stop them kidnapping me was to surround my self with all my teddy bears as I thought they would protect me from harm.

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I used to be afraid to go up into the attic at night. We lived in this really old house and the steps had a board missing from it. I was convinced that a hand would reach out and grab me. This may have materialized from my mischievous older brother.

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When I was a kid, I believed that a little troll lived under our house and he was angry because we lived there. Since he was too small to make us move, he charged us taxes by taking one sock out of the dryer. I held this belief through college and have yet to hear a logical explanation for the disappearing sock

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