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I used to believe that there were creatures called "lonuses" that lived in holes in the ground and only came out at night. They were friendly to me only,so whenever my parents went out after dark, I'd always say "Watch out for the lonuses!"

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I used to believe that any items in my bedroom - such as scarves, string, long sleeved jumpers etc - were possessed with an evil intelligence that awoke as soon as the lights went out and would strangle me in the night if I didn't tie them in knots. I finally stamped on this belief when I left home to live with my (now) husband when I was twenty !

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When I was about 6 or 7 yrs old I swear to God, still to this day, that the vaccuum that was left in my room (that had two screws that looked like eyes)bent down and was coming at me. I saw it, I swear to God! I went under the covers and then got the nerve to rush to the light and turn it on. I don't remember much after that. I'm 33 now and I still "know" it happened!

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I used to believe that when I went to the bathroom in the middle of the night that on the way back a monster would attach itself to my back. I would jump in the bed and roll around on my back to kill it.

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My Grandad would say to us when we went to visit,"If you're not good, or if you do anything bad, then I'll get Charlie Gobilty Goup from the cupboard and he'll eat you all up". Sometimes he even used to reach in to the cupboard and bring something out and cover it up with his hands. He would speak to it as if it was his best friend, and up untill I was about 10 years old, I really thought there was something in there. Guess what, when we went to visit our grandparents, we were as good as gold, and even now I have a thing about cupboards!!!

good as gold
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i used to believe that whenever something was missing from my house, like barbie's shoe or the left sock, that gremlins had come up through the floor and taken it. they were going to use these objects to help construct a machine to help them take over the world

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My Mom told me, when I was little, that the movie "Night of the Living Dead" was true and that it really happened well before I was thought of in this world. Well, for years, I went over the scenario, in my head, trying to figure out how I would get away should it happen again and I was always so frightened because the zombies could break through windows and things and the people never really seemed to be able to hide anywhere.

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I used to believe there was a huge spider at the end of our hall. I couldn't go down the hall without turning on the light at night....and even then, I'd run to my room, which was at the end of the hall.

It never occurred to me the spider wasn't there in the dark since it wasn't there when the lights were on.

I still hate spiders.

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After watching the horror movie Humanoids From the Deep when I was 6, I thought they would come out of the nearby lake and come kill me. I was relieved when I remembered how long it took to drive to the lake and I figured it would take them a long time to walk to my house.

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I had some pajamas that had the little mermaid on them and My sister and brother used to tell me that it would come out of my pjs and eat me if i slept in them

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I used to believe that an atom bomb was a dragon in the sky.

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when my brother was little, he used to think their were monsters in his room, so one day, i took an old hair spray bottle, filled it with water, and wrote "anti-monster spray" in big letters on the side i sprayed it around his room, and the next day, he told me it really worked and he slept fine.

i don't know why i did something nice that time for my little bro, we usually fought all the time. the reason he couldn't go to sleep in the first place was probably because of the spooky shapes i drew on his bedroom door with leftover glow-in-the-dark halloween makeup...

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i used to be scared that at night, alligators would walk our street. there were wild animal sounds at night, i asked my mom what they were and she answered, "Teenagers"

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My mother told me that the reason she woke up naked some mornings was because the clothes monster came at night and took all her clothes. Being a shrewd child, I figured that it accounted for the strange noises at night in their bedroom. I finally got it when I was about 10.

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When I was a child, my best friend at the time convinced me that if I weren't a Catholic when I died, I'd come back as a fiery monster and kill everyone I loved. This _really_ upset me, crying and everything... but it didn't convert me, thankfully.

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i thougt that mongols were green monsters that suck your eyes out.

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I was fostered for about 5 years of my life. When i was in foster care everyone told me i was "special". Every since I've been concinced I'm different to everyone else.

Also when I moved to my permanent home, the one I'm in now, my room was (and still is) opposite the stairs, and at night it was dark at the bottom of the stairs. I would never turn my back on the stairs in the night, because i was convinced that there were dwarves down there, with big axes. I had never read Lord of the rings or The hobbit, never even seen snow white, so i didnt know what they were until the fear came back recently. I am the only 15 year old I jbow who is scared of dwarves......

Sue Shepherd
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I had an extremely vivid imagination as a child and sometimes my friends caught the brunt of it. When i was about 5, i told the boy across the road that there was a grass monster who hid in our lawn, and you had to run him over with the [toy] lawnmower or else he would grab your ankles and drag you into the grass. And then you'd become a hedge :P He totally believed me, and was apparently really freaked out by it because his mum ended up coming over and asking me if i knew anything about it. Of course i feigned innocence.

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When I was in elementary school, the gymnasium had a big vent-like thing over the basketball hoops. The gym teacher told us that a kissy monster lived up there and would blow kisses at us.

Liz G.
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When i was young i used to think that there were monsters in the cupboard and i had to shut them up at night. Even today i have to shut the cupboard at night

Sarah, UK
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