i used to believe

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I used to believe that the boogeyman was the giant pitcher of red "Kool Aid." Sometimes he was yellow, but usually he was the red one, except the face was meaner.

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When my sister and I were little, our dad told us that the Daleks from the sci-fi series Doctor Who lived in our attic (obviously to stop us going up there). Even to this day I feel slightly nauseous going into my own attic for fear they may attack me. I am 42.

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When I was six or seven, some married friends of my parents came to visit for a few days. While riding in the car, the woman was talking about "The Blob". I listened, terrified by this hideous creature, not realizing it was a movie. That night, I layed in bed screaming in terror that The Blob was going to get me. Suddenly a shadow appeared in the hallway and a man's voice said that he was The Blob and if I didn't shut up and go to sleep, he would eat me. I think I might have passed out from fear. On top of that, I never found out who the shadow was.

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When I was younger I was very afraid to visit Chinatown in NYC because I was convinced that any moment, Godzilla, or some other reptialian giant monster, would come through and destroy everything.

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When i was really young, I fell in love with the Michael Jacksons "Thriller" video. The part where he is a zombie or whatever, he opens his eyes real wide, and there after I thought that if I opened my eyes real wide I too would turn into a zombie....

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During W W II we kids played out in the street until 8.30pm. Even on the dark winter nights.
When it was time to come in, mother would walk to the front gate and shout. If we were reluctant to go into the house, mum would shout "hurry up, the nine o'clock horses will get you". The mental image of a herd of giant horses gnashing and crashing down the street was enough to get every kid running for their lives into the safety of their beds!

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My Dad used to always tell me the if I put rocks in the grass, the rock monster would come get me, really he just wanted to mow the lawn without the fear of knocking someone out...

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It was right after I had watched Jurassic Park. I was a little kid back then and it terrified me... Even though I had a great love of Dinosaurs. When I was in bed at night and I heard a noise outside my room, I swore that a Velociraptor was coming up the stairs to eat me. Because they could obviously open doors in that movie. =D

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I was very young when I had an obsession with Power Rangers. One day, I watched the movie. The following night, I lay awake in the belief that The Ooze was going to come underneath the crack under the door (I always had my door closed) and kill me.

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i used to think that the boy's toliets in my school looked like mine except they had dragons guarding theirs and unicorns guarding the girl's toliets

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I about 5 and making my little sisters bed, and I thought I saw a hand with a cuff around it, and I assumed that it belonged to a magician. For a while after that, I was scared to sleep in the bottom bunk of bunk beds because I thought a magician would come out in the middle of the night and saw me in half or something.

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I believed that public parks closed at dusk because werewolves slept under the dirt during the day, but awoke and came out at night. I figured they were trapped within the area of the park, though, so sometimes when I was near one at night, walking with my folks or riding in a car, I thought little taunts to them. Then I realized that if I ever accidentally was in a park at night, they'd be mad about the taunting, so I began to apologize, but I had to do it out loud or else they'd think it wasn't sincere. I told people I was saying sorry to the land because it couldn't be a forest.

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I was utterly convinced the bogeyman lived on the radio tower near where I lived. The red flashing light at top was him blinking his eyes.

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I have a very cruel older brother.
when I was very young him and his friends convinced me there was an ancient race of crab people who lived in the sewers, no one ever talked about them because they were afraid and they took people into the sewers and ate them..

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My family used to have a cast iron wood stove. It had these two decoritive pieces that curved up, I used to think they were tusks and that the stove was actualy a monster. when you lit it the heat made the metal expand and it would groan. Man, I was afraid of that thing!

Clapton is God
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When I was a little kid me and my sister(she was only three years older than me) thought that pokemon was real. We had this hole in our backyard and we thought that it would lead us to the Pokemon world. So we spent a lot of time digging by hand. Of course when we moved we couldn't dig anymore and we eventually stopped believing it.

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I had an extremely vivid imagination as a child and sometimes my friends caught the brunt of it. When i was about 5, i told the boy across the road that there was a grass monster who hid in our lawn, and you had to run him over with the [toy] lawnmower or else he would grab your ankles and drag you into the grass. And then you'd become a hedge :P He totally believed me, and was apparently really freaked out by it because his mum ended up coming over and asking me if i knew anything about it. Of course i feigned innocence.

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I used to wonder why people didnīt just put their heads under the Loch Ness to see if there was a monster or not. I though they were too scared to do that, and that maybe someone should take me there, so I would do that for humanity coz I had no fear.

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i used to believe that the world was a big dollhouse. and each giant in another world, had a doll to take care of in the dollhouse. i was always afraid of what 'my' giant would do with me.

- belle
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when i was little i used to be afraid of walking in the night barefooted, i thought that "little creatures" would be lying on the floor and i would accidentally step on someone's. the worst is that actually i'm 17 and i don't like walking barefooted in the night!

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