i used to believe

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if I drew a scary picture of a monster I used to have to cover it up with something heavy, like a book, in case it came alive and wanted to get me

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When I was a kid I use to believe that as soon as an individual got out of my eye sight they would turn into a monster not necessarily a bad monster just a monster.

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I rember in kindergarden, me and my friends wouldn't do near the creek, beacuse my friend victoria said there was a killer mr.patetohead that lived under the bridge. he whould kil you and cut off you ears or nose what ever body part he wanted

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i used to believe that at night, when i was doing my bathroom chores, if i didn't hurry and get ready for bed as fast as i could, the big bad wolf would come to the window and try to break in and eat me..

i actually saw him a couple of times..

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My bedroom was upstairs, and I hated walking up them at night when my parents were in the living room. After a while I figured that since my parents could actually keep monsters away, then I could trick the monsters into thinking my parents were there by saying, "Good night Dad." "Love you too Mom." Over and over till I got to the safety of my room.

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Since I could remember, I had lived in one room, sharing it with my sister. But one summer, we put an addition on our house - two rooms, one for my sister, and one for me.
Therefore, we had to go out and buy beds. My mother found a cheap one, used, that just happened to be about four feet high.
My bed was nestled into a corner of my room and left a hefty crack between my bed and the wall. That freaked me out. I couldn't stop imagining a pair of long, green fingers crawling out and grabbing me in the middle of the night.
So I spent many a night, huddled up against the opposite side of my bed - not even daring to look at the crevace and would often end up in the morning with a bloody nose on the floor, smothered against my doll, one foot stretching one hundred degrees upward caught on my blanket (I think this position contributed to my flexibility in my yoga classes) and often enough a pool of druel against my cheek.

I'm Over It Now
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When I was 6, my mom took me to Disney World and when we were in the haunted mansion, the ride got stuck while we were in this dark room with hanging musical instruments and a talking head in a crystal ball. We were stuck so long that the head repeated what it was saying at least 3 times.

For about a year after I was convinced that while I slept the head was watching me... waiting to strike.

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I used to think that the cow on the Elmer's Glue was a monster. I was afraid of the Elmer's Glue Monster and tried to use different glue bottles. I still have a sneaking suspicion that it's not really a cow...

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Whenever I went to my grandparents house when I was young, I was terrified that spoiled turkies would be running around in the hallway, trying to find me and poison me. I believe this fear came from two major factors: my granparents house was always a mess and the kitchen was filled with rotten food, and my grandfather got a kick out of convincing me that everything would poison me. I hated spending the night there, because I thought the greenish-tinted turkies would be waiting at the end of the bed to jump down my throat.

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When I was 4, I was convinced there was a murderous lamb living in my bedroom wall just waiting to kill me. Everyday I had my dad "Bless" my room with holy water to protect me.

i like monty python
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When I was little I thought the boogy man's favorite color was pink and I hate that color, years later I found out that my sister told me that so I would stay out of her room.

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i used to believe that there were monsters in my room when i went to bed and i made my mom make this "potion" that she had to spray every night before i went to bed..well i later found out there werent any monsters and that the "potion" was just some good old sink water.

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Not really a monster as such, but when I was young I was convinced an evil Egon from Ghostbusters would put up a ladder to my window as I went to sleep. I had to make sure the curtains were completely closed so he couldn't see me.

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When I was little I believed that monsters came out of the toilet every time you flushed it. I would wash my hands before I flushed, flush and then run and jump on my bed until I heard the water stop running before it was safe to touch the ground again.

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I believed that a monster lived, not under my bed, under my sheets. If there were sheets on my bed, I had to fold the bottom part of the sheets so my feet were over top. Some how, this stopped the monster from getting me

Go figure
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When I was in Elementary School, my class sometimes had to run a mile in the form of going 5 laps around a field behind the school. When we'd finish, my friends and I would always sit away from everyone else and look into the forest that was right beside the field. One day we all saw a black thing in a tree. We were convinced this was a giant tree-monster that lived in the forest. We ran away but. still wanting peace and quiet, quickly found another spot. We saw another giant tree-monster there, so we started running across the tree-line, seeing them everywhere. There was no fence separating the forest and the field, so we were scared half to death. We came up with an idea. We made a "peace-offering" to the monsters made of plants and flowers from around everywhere. We figured they would eat that and be gone. We piled everything up and left promptly. The next day, it was gone. We thought we had saved the school. We didn't know at the time that they were just leaves and branches.

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I had a large sliding glass door in my room with aluminum tracks. When it rained, each drop would make a loud "SPACK" noise against them, and I thought there were skeletons dancing outside my window.

Scary Dream
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I used to sing when I was lying in bed at night. I thought that the monster under my bed couldn't eat me if I sang pretty because he wouldn't dare hurt someone that was pretty hahaha.

weird to the tenth power
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I used to think there was an evil janitor who lived in our basement. At night, he would wheel his creaky bucket around and clean the basement (this explained "house settling" noises). However, if I went into the basement while he was cleaning, he would kill me.

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i used to believe that there were monsters under my bed, but if i wrapped myself up in my blanket really tight they couldnt get me. because monsters cant get past an inpenetrable blanket, right.....................right

chris D
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