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when I was little, I went into a card store (probably hallmark), and opened all the drawers underneath the card racks. My parents promptly told me that one drawer in every card store is filled with poisonous snakes. To this day, I still get butterflies in my stomach when I pass a card rack.

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I used to believe that when you crossed bridges, you had to pick your feet up or else the trolls would get you!

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I used to believe that when it was dark monsters would come out of their hiding places because they liked the dark because it made them strong where as the light made them not strong, which is why I was terrified of the dark, I used to arm myself with a toy sword.

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When I was little, I thought he was called the "Abdominal Snowman" instead of "Abominable."

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When i was about 7 i was playing in the yard,and it was my bedtime so my father told me watch out for the zombies under the ground.
i must of cried for about 3 hours.
Im still terrified of Zombies (25 now)

Sarah :P
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I used to belive that if i was upstairs alone, like when i was taking a shower or playing in my room, that a monster would come and get me because it knew i was alone. So i always paid my brothers and sister to stay upstairs with me

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I live far up north in Norway, with midnight sun in the summer and northern light in the winter. I, like every other child, used to believe that trolls and ghosts would appear if I whistled under the northern light.

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When I was little, i used to believe that monsters would sit on the big telephone tower in our city and watch ove all the houses in town at night

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When I was six years old, I persuaded my best friend that if you looked at the full moon (this was a night with said moon) a door would open to another world and you'd end up in a world full of monsters.

He ran home, terrified, with his face pointed firmly at the ground and believed it for years. I have no idea why I said this.

John D
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I always believed (why, I haven't a clue) that Dracula, Frankenstine, Werewolf, and all the other monsters were locked up on Alcatraz, and they would eventually break out. Since we lived in the Bay Area, we occasionally went over the Bay Bridge. I just *knew* they were going to break out as we were crossing it! I would get down on the floor of the backseat, and pull my sweater, or whatever over me to try to hide....this belief I held till pre-teen years! lol

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When i was little my Dad told me every Halloween that Monkeys with huge butcher knives would come after little brunettes with blue eyes and cut their head off.. so every year i wouldn't go out past dark on Halloween.. untill i was about 9

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When i was little, i had a guy jump out at me from underneath the leaf piles on the side of the street. This was on halloween. For a while after that, i thought that people were actually buried in those leaf piles, but later i found out the truth.

shaman queen
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iw as told that the "safeway Gremlins" would come out from under crawlspaces in safeway (at night) and rearange the items. since I jumped and made lots of noise on the crawl spaces, i thought they'd come up and eat me!

I still wont jump on safeway crawlspaces...

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When I was five, we had a housefire. We lost everything. Wen the firemen were fighting the fire, my mom, baby sister and I were in the chief's car. My mom says that I said I knew how the fire started. "A dragon flew over and breathed down the chimney." Hey, I was five!

Carol F.
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When I was a tiddler we lived on the second floor of a block of flats.

One day while Mum was chatting to a friend (for much longer than my own attention span could handle) I looked at a door which appeared on one of the external walls and it opened.

Maybe it was some portal to another dimension or maybe I was just daydreaming but some human-sized squirrels walked through and threatened me with their machine guns!

Worse still, I couldn't interrupt Mum's chatting and had to wait until she stopped before I could tell her so I was constantly peeking out the kitchen door to check that the giant squirrels hadn't seen me and wouldn't come to drag me to their home dimension!

To this day I am still nervous around squirrels in case they grow big suddenly...

The Aphid!
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I used to believe that flying bats (nevermind the fact that all bats fly) would come into my room at night and try to eat my ears.

To this day, I still can't sleep without my ears covered.

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When I was younger my parents would always let me read in bed for a little bit, then come to tuck me in. I always believed that at the exact moment that they shut the door behind them, when the lights were out and I was supposed to be falling asleep, my head had to be under the covers. I thought that everything bad in the world: ghosts, monsters, dead bodies, etc. were let out of their daytime confinements at that exact moment. This fear of that exact moment continued from the time I was five to age 10...

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When I was about 4, my brother told me that each time you went to bed, monsters like werewolves, and vampires, would come into your bedroom, and if you had been a bad boy during the day, they would feast on you and make you one of them. What made this worse was that we had a shandalere in the hall way and my parents used to leave it on before i went to bed, so it made all these weird shadows that looked slightly like monsters shadows. So it would take me ages to start feeling sleepy because i was so frightened. I used to put all these things on my bedside table that i thought would protect me. Like a tourch, a wotch, a small cross, a back up tourch, a wotch that i thought was silver (but later i found out was just stain less steel) to defend myself from the werewolves, and some wooden tooth pics to protcet myself from the vampires (i couldnt get wooden stakes, but i tried askin my parents). I would stay up really late, and then my parents would go to bed and swithc the hall light off. At this point I was on the verge of falling asleep, but I could always just about manage to stay awake. I then would turn on the tourch and wait for amonster to come in. Hoping thta I would survive until the next night. I got threw so many batteries, and this made my Dad angry. And i could never understand why my family never looked scared when they went to bed....

Weasel Dealer
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I used to think that if you dumped green Kool-Aid on the lawn at night, zombies would come out of the ground and "get" me. I was terrified for years and years until I did it and nothing happened. I had lived in fear for 4 years. How 'bout that?

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I used to believe that an immortal old man would climb through my window at night with an axe and cut off all of my limbs. I slept with the blanket pulled up so just my head was showing thinking that the "man" would think he already cut my head off and move on to the next house. He was competeing with the vampire that lived under my bed.

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