i used to believe

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When i was about 5 i was at my grandparent's house.My uncles went in to the basement found an old folding cot, fishing gaiter things, rubber gloves, & a hat & put them on it. They brought it upstairs & said it was the "Cot Monster" & it freaked me out!! It's wicked funny know that we look back at it

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For nearly two years i beleived an indian girl lived in my cupboard and i hated going in my room. It came about from watching an episode of full house. What the indian actually was my clothes in the end of my cupboard at night.....still to this day i have to close my cupboard before sleeping!

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when I was little I had a bad dream and I woke up screaming, my mom came in to see what was wrong and that night she was sleeping in a tasmanian devil t-shirt that had glow in the dark teeth. so all I see are these huge teeth coming after me. I screamed and ran off and crouched down in the corner until my mom turned on the light.

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I disliked crossing this bridge, not amounting to a hump in the road, over a little streamtwo or three feet below but only about three inches deep called locally 'The Brook', for (surely) In the Brook Beneath There Dwelt a Terrifying Troll. Trolls could drag you into the water and drown you. I knew it was always watching when anyone crossed - for I'd heard that to cross certain bridges you had to pay a troll.

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The elementary school I went to as a child had a fairly large playground area, but only the front third or so had any actual playground equipment on it. The teachers had a tough time monitering us if we wandered too far back, so they required us to stay within the closest two-thirds of the yard or so.

Behind the playground was a fenced-off, wooded area with a lot of trees. All of the students believed that the real reason to stay close to the building was because there was some kind of crazy hobo that lived in the woods and would kindnap children who wandered back too far. Anytime we saw a piece or trash (especially paper) on the playground, we would say that it was the remains of some kid he caught and burned to death.

At some point, the hobo changed into Pennywise the clown, which only strengthened our beliefs (it made more sense that an evil clown being would kidnaps kids than some hobo). I wonder if the kids who go to the school still believe that.

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When I was little I buried an egg in our sandbox because I believed it was a dragon egg. I'd keep it there for a very long time, occasionally digging it up to check on it, and wait for it to hatch.

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I used to think Jesus was a flying zombie who lived in a cave in the woods behind my house. If you were outside by yourself after dark he would catch you and put you in a pit full of unspeakable horrors.

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When i was little i used to thnk there was a mosnter hiding in the toilet. In my imagination it looked like a scary red thing with big sharp teeth and glowing eyes,
I thought it was gonna eat me if i wentr in the bathroom by myself so i woke up my parents every night and asked them to check the toilet for monsters. One day i learned monsters are just make believe, they don't exist and thne i stopped beliving in monsters.

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I used to be afraid that if the power goes out at night time, there was a monster hiding in the darkness

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My mother told me that the reason she woke up naked some mornings was because the clothes monster came at night and took all her clothes. Being a shrewd child, I figured that it accounted for the strange noises at night in their bedroom. I finally got it when I was about 10.

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I used to believe that the wind was after me.

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When i was six i saw the cartoon "The Snowman". I damn near crapped myself, as i was convinced that the snowman was actually evil, as it took the boy away from his parents. It reached the point where if i ever saw a snowman i would either run away of jump up and down on it's snowy corpse, screaming like a madman.
The first snowman i made was at age 15, and i still thought i saw his dull pebble eyes looking at me hungrily . . .
Scary huh?

Michael Collins
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i used to beleive that if i walked out of my house at nite that a werewolf or some monster would come out and kill me so i used to alway dread it when my mom told me to go get something from the garages so i ran as fast as i could.

Chris C.
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When I was 3, one night going to bed I saw a monster creep up between my bed and wall. It was flat like a shadow (so it could slide up and down the gap), and looked like a werewolf, with arms held up in a grabbing pose on either side of its head. I was surprisingly non-chalant, I think, and went to my parents to tell them about the monster.

My dad followed me back and asked where it was; I pointed to the edge of bed (behind which the monster had slid back down in my absence, and away from the light).

My dad then did the most remarkable thing. He picked up a blanket, and holding it stretched out between his arms, bent over the bed so as to cover the far edge, then brought his arms together to enclose the monster in the blanket. I followed him out to out second story porch which overlooked our driveway, and beyond that a wooded area. He shook the blanket, and *I swear to god* I saw a large hairy man running away from us across the driveway into the woods.

The monster never came back.

Scott Forschler
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When I was little I found a rock up in the mountains with a hole in it that had another piece of rock that fit right over the hole. I was sure a troll lived in the tiny rock, so i brought it home with me. About a month later I lost a remote, socks, and other small things that I lose all the time, and was convinced the troll stole them all!

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When I was in 3rd grade my friend told me that she had a stuffed dog that at night came to life. She said it was evil but she couldn't get rid of it because if she did it would try to kill her. She told me it would growl at her and try to bite her while she slept. When she had her birthday she asked me and a few other girls to sleep over. I didn't want to because I was scared that dog would bite me and then try to go home with me. She asked my mom if I could and my mom said yes. I faked a stomachache to stay home.

Cant believe i belived her
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I believed that our boiler room was a passage way between our world and the moster world. and at night the monsters would start marching from their world to our world, cause I could hear the boiler making noises..and I thought this was the sound of them marching. so every few hours, I'd get up and turn the bathroom light on, and that would scare them and they'd go running all the way back to monster world and have to start the long march again. So if I did that a few times throughout the night it'd mean they never got the chance to march all the way to our world....I finally stoped believing this when I was 9.

squizy rach
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I used to believe that all people were puppets under the control of giants, and that we just couldn't see them

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My dad used to say to me that if I misbehaved, the 'Man with the Hair on his Teeth' would get me.

Lesley G
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A loooong time ago, I was probably 5-7 years old, I was very gullible. I used to believe that this huge robot would patrol our neighborhood and would watch for kids looking out the window. If it saw a kid, it would break into your house and come up to your room...and I didn't know what happened after that. I'd always spend nights peeking, juuuuust peeking, over the bottom of my window, watching for that boxy robot covered in lights.

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