i used to believe

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We used to have an army training grounds not too far away from my place which would use the cannons in training. So one day when I was 5-6 my brother told me that the cracks in the black footpath were the footprints of monsters, and the bombing sound the army made was them stomping around the neighborhood.
I used to be happy when I would hear the cannons, glad that I was inside, and I would look out the window trying to see the monsters.

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I used to believe that if I slept with my arms or legs dangling over my bed, a monster would come in and chop them off. I also believed if I slept with my neck exposed a vampire would come in an suck up my blood. Needless to say, I slept bundled up in fear of monsters and vampires.

Cathy C.
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When I was 4 years old, there was a spate of monster stories at nursery. One night (or so I thought), I was picked up out of my bed by a brown furry monster, taken downstairs and placed on the record player where I lay, while a few ghosts (you know the sheet looking ghosts from Scooby-Doo) danced above me. For years I was absolutely convinced that it had happened! Maybe it did...

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I used to think the tellytubbies were going to kill me

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When I was a kid I suffered from sleep paralysis and extremely vivid dreams... one dream I had was that I went into the kitchen to get a lollypop and as I was walking out the light went out and something gabbed me from behind and clapped it's hand over my mouth, when I tried screaming it only told me that nobody coud hear me and started giggling manically, this was VERY VIVID and I actually remember it as a real waking experiance since I don't remember waking up afterwards but I figure it must have been a dream, anyway afterwards I couldn't go in the kitchen and it made my parents mad when I insisted they go with me.

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I was convinced that some sort of flying vampire monster would get me if I left any part of my body sticking out from under my sheets at night.

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when the water went down thr drain from my bath i used to like putting my hand there to feel it going down my sister used to tell me that theres a dragon living in the pipes and if i kept putting my hand there he would bite it off

Lucie M.
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During my first trip to Disneyland as we were waiting in line for the Small World ride, my uncle jokingly told me that there was a dragon at the end of the ride that ate the kids in boat #5. When it was our time to board I was under the impression that we were in boat #5 (not sure if the boats were really numbered). I cried during the entire ride.

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I used to think that my best protection against monsters in the night was to pull my blanket over my head. Now, I'm seventeen and it still doesn't feel right if the blanket isn't on my head

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When I was little my much bigger brother would tell me... that little girls who didn't go to sleep by midnight, the boogy man would come along and put them inside a beer bottle. My brother was funny.

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thanks to my grandfather i used to beleive that there were things called "hide-behinds" that followed you everywhere you went and everytime you turned around they would hide

philly d
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Until I was 7 I believed there was a potato monster who lived in the basement. He was made of huge potatoes and if I went in the basement he would eat me. My brother and I used to sit on the top step and dare each other to go down. Neither of us made it off the top step! ;D Basements still feak me out!

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I used to believe that there was a monster under my bed and that monster spray was real and that it would really get rid of monsters in my room. Years later i found out it was just soap and water...

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when my mum and dad wanted us to go to sleep they would pretend wee willie winkie was knocking on our bedroom door, for some reason we were all very scared when we heard the knocking and pretended to be asleep and immediatley did fall asleep...very effective!

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Around the Summer campfire the counselors told us that an "animal/man" was loose in the woods.
Shortly after we fell asleep on the night we slept under the stars, from back in the woods I could hear the "animal/man" screaming,
"I want one kid, just one kid".
The counselors ran to protect us and even started wrestling in the shadows with what truly looked like an "animal/man." They chased it away from our campsite and assured us we would be ok the rest of the night.

Later that night I was awaken by a "growling sound". I was paralyzied with fear knowing that the "animal man" was just a few feet away. I took what seemed like an eternity to realize that the kid next to me was just snoring.

When I returned next summer to the camp I found out that "Animal/man was a camp counselor in a wolf-suit.

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I thought that nightmares were in fact evil monsters that would come and get me through the heating vent. The sound from the heating vent in our old home was a "shuh-shuh,shuh-shuh," and when it came on,my brother would tell me those were the nightmares coming to get me!

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When i was about 3, i had a dream in which some monsters came up ourr garden path and tried to eat me. For 5 years i believed that it hadn't been a dream, it had actually happened, and i wouldn't go into the garden alone.

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i used to beleive that if u talked to a black girl named sally a boogie monter would come and cut off your big toe

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I watched the music video "Thriller" so everytime I would see a full moon I thought that Zombies would come out of their graves. Therefore, I was scared of full moons.

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I use to believe there was a witch in the bedroom closet.

Funny thing, the witch never seemed to frighten me during the day. During the day she was forgotten.

One day the alarm clock went off at 7 pm instead of 7 am. My mother asked me to go into the bedroom and turn it off.

I can't I told her. She got annoyed. "Why can't you," she said. I didn't want to tell ber. I knew she'd think I was silly. But, still I wouldn't go into the bedroom. I didn't really believe there was a witch in the closet. But. . . . .what if there was a witch in the closet. I just couldn't take the chance.

Finally, after a substantial amount of brow beating I told my mother why I couldn't go into the bedroom. I told her about the witch that might be in the closet.

She told me there wasn't a witch in the closet. I told her I knew there wasn't a witch in the closet, but what if there was a witch in the close?

She gave up and went into the bedroom herself.

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