i used to believe

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I used to believe there were purple people eaters. My brother told me about them when I was like 4. This terrified me EVERY NIGHT for 2 years, then, I FIGURED OUT A LOOPHOLE. So, one night, as I'm lying in bed, I ask my brother: "Are purple people eaters, purple PEOPLE who EAT people, OR are do they JUST EAT PURPLE PEOPLE?"

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I went to a slumber party in 2nd grade, where the girls all convinced me that if I slept with my neck exposed, Dracula would come and bite it. (I'm 33 years old and STILL have to sleep with a blanket up to my chin!)

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I used to think that there were monsters hiding everywhere in my room and that they were always planning to eat me, so I had to trick them before I left my room by saying out loud that I was going to be in my room for a while, so that they would think that there was no hurry to catch me and eat me. Then, I would run for my door as fast as I possibly could.

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This is not my belief but somehing I told my sister, Serena, when she was around 3 - 4 years old. She always wanted to go outside and play, even in the rain, so keep her from running out in the middle of a rainstorm I told her that rain awoke the dead. I made it quite an enthralling story. Exlaining that it went into their graves and re-animated them. Needless to say, she didn't go out in the rain for a few years. :P

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the katunga was a monster who lurked in the garden, and if you didn't eat all your dinner its eyes would go red with anger and come to eat you. Parents can be evil.

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I live in a double story house and our stairs aren't solid, so you can look through the gaps down at the floor below..When I was little I was terrified of a monster sticking its hand out between the stairs and grabbing me. So I used to run up the stairs and never look back...I still do it

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Between the ages 7 and 10 I had a strange belief that when I went to sleep vicious wolves would walk outside and if you didnt have your window curtains closed and one saw you, they would break through your window and eat you.

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My granny had a garage made out of compressed wood chips and one looked like a really angry owl monster and I use to think if I stared at it too long it would come off the wall and peck my back.

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When I was small, I always saw snakes coming out of the walls at night. (They looked like thick worms, and were colours like the ones you see from looking at a bright light and then looking away.) The biggest was the KING SNAKE, and the whole room would *shake* to announce that he was coming.
My mother tried to tell me that snakes did not come out of the walls, but then they started coming out of her too. So I decided that there was an invisible switch on the ceiling that I could flip with my eyes, and that switch would make the snakes freeze. In a couple of nights they figured out that I could freeze them, so they went away for good.

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When I was young I used to believe that the ticking of my clock would draw Captain Hook to my room, where he would assault me with his hook.

Another Captain Hook story: when I was at Disneyland as a small child, I used to think that Captain Hook's sword was real, so when I met him, I tried to pull out his sword. Upon failing, I thought he was really mad at me.

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when i was little my older brother told me he turned into a werewolf on the full moons. i would look at the calendar and on every full moon i would sleep with a butcher knife under my bed..hahaha

i am the man who sat on the man who was elvis
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My dad used to tell me stories on Halloween about "the last house on the corner", and he said you weren't allowed to ring their doorbell, or oyu would be killed by monsters. Well, I believed him, and every Halloween I would freak out if my friends went to the last house on any corner. I would refuse to get candy from there; instead I woudl stand on the corner screaming at my mother to "save" them.

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Hi. I'll get right to the point. When I was in 3rd grade, I was surfing the web, and found this video about Internet Safety. On this, it showed all the guys that betray you on the internet, blah blah blah. They called these the "wizzyWugs" (That's supposed to be scary?!) And one of these was "Follow-You Fiona", who looked like a cross between Lord Vauldemort and Micheal Jackson, but she had a nose. And she was sooooo creepy to me. So, for days, I was afraid that she would sneak up to my house and steal me away, (My parents said she tricks you into giving personal info, including your address) and, finally, my computer teacher told me that I had to GIVE her the info first. I thought she already knew! I told my husband, and he said his cousin had the same experiance.

Too afraid to give information (;
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when i was 5 my sister told me if i got up at night that the monster would chop off my legs.....so untill i was 8....i always wet my bed thinking i couldnt get up untill the sun was out...now im 13.

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I used to believe that bad people/monsters would me into a baby factory and after my fabulous 5 years of life, I'd have to start it over, because I'd be turned into a baby...I was a weird child.


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This is very weird belief but...when I lived in my old house, there was a closet in the middle of the hallway. I used to believe that there were ghosts, vampires, robots or zombies staring at me and the only way for them to not attack me was to not notice it and to hold my breath. It was very weird

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As a young child, living near a highway, The Boo-Boo-Boo Monster would come to terrify me at night. As a two-year-old it was hard to articulate my fear and describe to my concerned parents why I simply couldn't be left alone in my bedroom. Alas, eventually I would be left alone and once again the Monster would come to visit me. 'Boooo B-B-Boooo B-B-Boo Boo Boooo' he would cry, and soon after I would be crying too.

Several years later, while stopped at some traffic lights, for the first time I saw a motorbike take off, accelerating quickly. And riding it was the Boo-Boo-Boo Monster.

Reuben, St. Kilda
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I used to (and sadly still kind of do) believe that on the nights of a full moon, that people are going to transform into werewolves and come to get me.

Jessie B
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i used to beleive that i was Frankenstein

Nick G
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When i was a little girl, i buried myself in the sand-box, and also had my friends bury me. My parents told me that the Sand Monsters were going to pull me under the sand one day when i was buried, and i beleived them. i was so scared. for almost a month after that, i wouldnt even go near the sand. then my older sister told me the truth, i was furious!

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