i used to believe

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When I was little our house was full of monsters that would strangle me until my eyes popped out (and I had a very vivid picture of how this would look) if they ever caught me. Luckily they were not the nocturnal kind of monsters. So going to the bathroom at night wasn’t too scary as long as I was VERY QUIET. These particular monsters were also sorta blind and easily confused, but flushing the toilet would wake them up for sure. I just had to turn off the bathroom light and be back in bed by the time the toilet tank was done filling. (The plumbing was loud and the noise would create a diversion.) I didn't even have to run really. But just to be safe I would camouflage myself in bed by sleeping with my head UNDER the pillow. Stupid monsters.

Tallie Rae
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I used to hallucinate when I was very young, and one night, I must have been about three, I saw a crocodile at the foot of my bed and his mouth was open so that if he closed his teeth together my legs would have been bitten off. Of course, I went to get my dad..who assured me it was never there in the first place. I slept in a ball from then on, and to this day, I simply cannot bring myself to stretch my legs to the end of my bed. I never have. Ever. Pathetic, I know.

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When i was five i saw Gremlins and from that day on i thought that the noel moving dolls were out to get me. Then when furbies came out i was terrified of them because i thought that they were gremlins.

Jenn G.
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I used to believe that the devil lived behind my bedroom curtains.Every night in my dreams he would throw my covers off and lift me in the air.I got so sick of being scared I told him to **** *** one night and he never came back.I am sure freud would have had a field day....

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I used to believe happened to be when I was in my mid 20's sad to say. Being a city girl has many drawbacks when you end up living in the hills of Tennessee.
When I first married we lived in a mobile home ;ocated wayyy out in the country. On the way home one evening I noticed that all of the tree tops had been cut up and mangled. I asked my then husband what had happened to all of those trees. He replied matter-of-factly that the bush hog had come through. Wrong thing to say to a city girl with no further explanation. All I heard was "bush hog". From then until I finally left the far out country, I lived in fear thinking that there was some kind of giant hog like creature that was eating the tops of the trees! Well, I've learned differently now, but everyone still laughs at me for that one.

Yvonne Cagley
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I told my older sister that there was a devil man named Billy buttcrack that lived oustide my window and she freaked out. and till this day if i say billy buttcrack she gets mad because it still scares her

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My cousin told me that if she played this certain song on the piano, the boogeyman would come and get me. I was always terrified whenever she played the song.

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I used to believe that when when you drew something so ugly its scary, and when you rip it up and throw it away, I thought it would haunt you.

unknown name
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When we were little...my cousin used to think that when we drove over cattle guards, there were monsters living under there and the sound they made was the monster telling us to leave. He was cute!

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When I was young my father told me that giants live in fir trees. It scared the living daylights out of me and I would drag my mum back and forth across roads to avoid them. To this day I still look at them sideways.

Scaredy Cat
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I don't know why but i thought that the evil things lived on the stairs.I would always open the door and reach my hand around to turn the light on without looking because that made them go away.I still reach round the door first from habit.

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i know its silly but i used to believe that if I was in a room that didn't have a light on or I wan't in bed then the exorcist girl would come and kill me!!!

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I used to watch a tv show called the Bionic Woman with Lindsey Wagner. She always fought what I called the Bad Lady Robots. To me they looked a lot like the manicans in stores, and I was sure that the manicans would come alive and were really the Bad Lady Robots and that I would have to fight them. My mom and I always went to stores full of them, and I was always scared to go into the bathroom at this one store because the hallways was dark and eerie and inside was a manican, and I was scared to be in that hallway alone with it.

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When I was little i believed that there where monsters who would walk around the house and come and kidnapp me and my favorite toys, so i would tie string up and down the stair case so the would trip or get tangled any time they tried to come up stairs. I aalso tied my favorite toys to my wrists and tie myself to my bedposts.

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I used to believe that if I said out loud that I love all bugs animals and monsters that they wouldent come get me. It was a long dark walk home from grandmas house and I was sure the bugs animals and monsters were waiting to get me in the dark

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Ok when i was about 11 or 12 or maybe even 10 i used to sleep with the lights off in my room and then id have my door open and the lights in the hall on, i would always sleep so my back was facing the door and whenever i turned i was scared that Chuckie(yes the little red-headed doll) would be standing there with a knife, so i started sleeping facing towards the door

Bobby, the king of swing
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When i was little I believed that their were monsters in my room. I knew as a fact that you were safe from the monsters if you were under the blankets, so I would take three of four comforters and quite literally make a cocoon by wrapping myself in the blankets several times. I thought this was a great idea until i realized one thing, i had no air, so I would make air "tunnels" out of my cocoon. Needless to say i woke up several morning quite lost inside layers of blankets.

farm grown
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when i was about three or four. ihad a sunday school teacher that told me this. i used to belive that if you where up after dark that little devils came out of the road at night and tried to get you. my parents wondered what was wrong when i started screaming in the car on the way home after dark

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I used to believe that whenever I woke up in the middle of the night, mummys would be standing around the bed, waiting for me to poke my head out from the sheets and wrap me up in toilet paper.

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Like many children I used to think there was a monster that lived in the cupboard under the stairs! then when we moved house there was no longer a cupboard! so the monster in that house lived in my bed! every night before I got into bed, I checked underneath the covers for the monster, a spider monster!!

x~naive child~x
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