i used to believe

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When I was little on my dad's farm I would get real scared when I heard a tractor coming. I thought that the tractors were all monsters that my dad and his hired hands were somehow controlling and that the Combine was their mother. When I heard them coming I would hide behind a tree and slowly scoot around the trunk so that as the tractor or combine passed me by, I would be on the opposite side of the tree as them. I also thought that I invented this little "tree-turn" technique.

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When I was young I was afraid that there was a monster in my room that would take me away and the only way I was protected was if I had a barrier of blankets around my bed and within that barriar I would line my stuff animals side by side around my entire bed. Before falling a sleep I was check the blankets and stuff animals, at least three or five times, to make sure there were no openings because I was afraid the monster was going to take me away.

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When I was a kid, my parent told me not to point in the dark because if I accidentally point at a creature of the night, it will haunt me.

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my sister STILL believs there's monsters in the closet,and she's 17,lmao!what a crazy sister i have (note,even older then me)

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Everyone at school used to claim that there was an invisible man named Mr Nobody who lived under the desks at Infant School. I'm not sure if anyone else believed it but i did! He would pull our toes off if we dangled our feet, so we used to scrunch up our feet as close to the chairs as possible! He also had a wife, Mrs Nobody, and they'd run from one table to another and eavesdrop and eat our food. If anything happened and no-one owned up it was Mr Nobody who'd done it.
They'd also do something to do with fire-whether putting it out or starting it, i can't remember. This may be why i am now arsonphobic...

Mr Nobody lives under my chair!
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My brother and I used to think that there were monsters would lived under bridges and highway overpasses. Whenever we drove under a bridge we would duck to make sure that the monsters couldn't grab us. Even now sometimes as a passenger I'll start falling back on old habits.

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My Mom told me, when I was little, that the movie "Night of the Living Dead" was true and that it really happened well before I was thought of in this world. Well, for years, I went over the scenario, in my head, trying to figure out how I would get away should it happen again and I was always so frightened because the zombies could break through windows and things and the people never really seemed to be able to hide anywhere.

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I used to believe that there were creatures called "lonuses" that lived in holes in the ground and only came out at night. They were friendly to me only,so whenever my parents went out after dark, I'd always say "Watch out for the lonuses!"

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I believed that if you made shadow puppets, the animals would come alive and be live shadows. That's why some shadows move and scare you, and where shadows where you don't know what they are come from.
I grew out of this fairly quickly.

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My mother told me that once in your life you will see your own spirit, it will either be a good one or a bad one so i better be good or the bad one will appear, for years into my marriage I always had to have the light on while I slept.

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When I was little ny grandpa kept his boat in the Garage, and we would always want to climb in it. So to keep us out he told us there was a mean ugly troll in side the attic.( which happened to be right above where the boat was parked.)I belived it for a while, but he kept telling us he was true as a joke.

Can't belive this scared me!
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I used to think there were monsters hiding in shoes, so I didn't like it if there were shoes laying on the ground in the room; I would keep turning around because I felt they were watching me.

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Hey yall, hear this!
I used to believe there was a monster on my roof because everytime I threw a ball on the roof it would come back down to me. And get this, everytime my 19 year old cuz threw the ball, the monster got scared cuz my cuz was a baseball pitcher and he pitched real fast like so the ball went to the other side

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when i was about 10 i said candy man in the mirror, so for about 2 years i always thought that the candyman was trying to kill me

furry trout
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When I was little I used to believe that there were "purple flying snow frogs" in the coners of my room at night. So my mom would give me a water bottle filled with water so squirt at the "Purple flying snow frogs".

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In my bedroom, I had a very loud vent right on the ground next to my bed. I swore I thought little tiny soliders were marching up to come and get me.

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I used to be afraid of the window. I thought that there was some escaped maniac standing outside. The when i opened the curtain i would see his face and he would smile really scary. So when ever i neared the window i would scream. It annoyed my parents so mush that they made me sleep somewhere without windows. And that was their closet. But i loved it. Finally i overcame my fear

tHe WiNdOw
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I used to believe that in picture books, the people inside were alive...

I had this Snow White one, and everytime I was the evil witch, I'd rip her face off the page.

...I used to wonder why there was a hole on the other side of the page.

Rebecca Sears
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when i was little, my big brother alex used to play a game with me and my sister called monsters.
alex would put his duvet over himself and pretend to be a monster and me and my sister would have to push him off his bed before he ate us (or dragged us under the duvet with him!)
when we finally managed to push him off the bed, he would take the duvet off and hit the wall without us knowing to make it sound like a load of monsters were coming in the direction of his bedroom. and we would always get really, really scared!!

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i used to beleive that if i slept facing the away from the door, or if i had any part of ma body not coverd by the blanket a scary midget wud come and kill me.

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