i used to believe

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One day I answered the phone and the person on it told me he was the boogie man. It was my dad. I believed him, freaked out, and had a phone phobia for years.

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I used to believe that when in bed at night and hearing the blood pump in my ears, it was a giants footsteps comming to get me.

Brenda S.
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I used to believe my house was haunted by 1/2 man / half horse (one red & one blue) creatures that were returning to their family home

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I believed in King Kong until last year. By the way - I'm 19!

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As a child I caught a glimpse of a Hammer Horror film as I was going to bed, a scene where Dracula latched himself to some maiden's neck.

For years after that I could only sleep if the covers covered my neck.

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when i was a child i watched an episode of docter who (everyone must know that programme) but cos i was young and gullible i beleived the thing in it was real it was about this little green worm thing tht crawled in thru any hole in your body and at the time i was already scared of vampires and zombies which caused me to cover my neck but finding out about this evil creature i would totally cover my head and would wake up and peek through my covers to make sure the coast was clear and that i wouldnt get eaten (kids are so gullible lol)

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I used to believe there was a man on the moon and a skeleton in the wall.

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My Dad hat trouble getting me and my bigger brother to sleep.. so one night he told us that Mr scissors and Mr Hammer would come and kill us if we wernt sleeping after 5 minutes of being in bed...

Well.. Needless to say, I slept...

I found out it wasnt true when i was ill and couldnt sleep the whole night... i was so scared...

Sammi Robertson, 15, Edinburgh (scotland)
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When I went to bed as a child I used to believe a little monster or somthing of some kind would come into my room and try doing somthing to me.
So I believed if I put my head under the bed covers, and made sure there were no gaps around me, they couldn't get in to get me.

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I used to believe a man that looked like Charlie Chaplin lived in my mirror and wanted to scare me.

Jennifer Johnson
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i used to believe that if you got lost from your parents a man would put you in a bag with other children and you would never be seen again

paper or plastic
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when i was nine i watched too many horor movies(about three a night) and i also had a creepy mask in my closet and every five minutes i would check to see if it moved and i acualy thought if it moved it would be behind me, i checked for a last time a month later and it was gone im 10 now and still check(just in case. . .)

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I lived at the top of a cul-de-sac... Well the older kid 9 houses down at the street entrance had a thin metal rod one day... He was scraping it on the pavement (making it spark) when he let go and it flew straight across the street and fell into the storm drain... He said I could have it if I wanted to fight the sewer monster for it!
After hearing that I wouldn't go anywhere near the end of our street for almost a year unless I was in a car!

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I used to think, when I wasn't sleeping in my bed there was a ghost that would sleep there. :^)

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My nephew thinks that there are really monsters in his bedroom making scary noises, but that's just the wind blowing from the window.

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» I used to believe in the monsters
» I used to believe in the magic mouse teeth
» I used to believe in having super powers

Katty Diaz
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I always hated turning off the lights before I went upstairs. I imagined things coming out of the dark behind me, coming to get me. Needless to say, I always sprinted up the stairs so they couldn't get me. I am 26 years old, I know there is nothing behind me, but I still sprint up the stairs at night after I turn the lights out.

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I never had imaginary friends growing up, even though I was an only child until I was 9. However, I had a couple of things that are still with me as an adult...don't ask me why. I was a child that grew up sleepign on her parent's bed until I was about 10 years old. Therefore, I feared sleepign or beign by myself. I would have to check out every corner and closet and open space to make sure no killers (or Freddy or Jason) were around. Still have nightmares aobut it, and have to sleep either by someone, close to someone, or with the lights and TV on (if alone). I just can't handle it. The second one is actually kind of funny. Afetr seeing JAWS, I have always been afraid that a shark would attack me. So, I still can't swim in a pool by myslef or even come near a pool drain without thinking Jaws is in there. And for the longest time I used to think a snake or an eel or some kind of wormy creature would come out from the shower drain or toilet and nip me in the behind.

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In elementary school, the Mary Worth story was popular( turn out the lights, hold a candle, and chant in front of a mirror, "I believe in Mary Worth"; her ghost was supposed to appear in the mirror. Even now, I can't look in a mirror when the lights are out!!

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I had a friend who had a realy big garden (Well it was big to me at that time). We would always go out to the garden to pick strawberries but there was a hole in the ground next to the strawberries covered with wood. We used to believe there was a wolf there that was mad. We thought that it was mad because it didn't have any friends.

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