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I used to think that there was a giant green monster who spied on me every night through my bedroom window. He was about 50ft tall but since he only did it at night nobody knew about him but me. I thought that he was sent to eat me but never could bring himself to do it because he was so nice. Eventually he stopped coming to my window to eat me but just to learn more about me. I never looked out the window to see him though because he could have a change of heart.
When I was 6 and my brother was 4, I told him that if he touched anything that was the color of gray, that this man would come get him in the night, and the only way that the Gray Man wouldn't get him is if he put out an offering, and he believed me. He even walked around with washcloths on his feet so he wouldn't touch the dust, cuz dust is gray.
I was afraid of the dark, but I believed that if I pulled my blankets up over my head the "monsters" couldn't see me. I spent a many sweltering summer nights sweating under blankets.
You need a category for fears.
Background info: My grandmother lives near the dead end of a road. Her house and a few of her neighbors are surrounded by a large forest.
When I was around 5 or 6, my cousin told me that there were cannibals in the forest surrounding my grandmother's house. I believed that for about 5 years.
She said that they were fat, ugly and carried around a chicken drumstick style thing made of human meat.
I was terrified. I still don't go near that forest.
When I was about 4 or 5 i thought that gremlins would come and get me when I was a sleep in bed. I thought that the only way for them to stop them kidnapping me was to surround my self with all my teddy bears as I thought they would protect me from harm.
i used to believe in Wee WIlly Winkie who used to come round and see if I was in bed yet. I even heard him talking to my dad downstairs (it was my dad using two voices but it convinced me at 5). There was also the threat of Willy's brother Big Winkie (who i think had horns) if i continued not to go to bed.
This is a very strange belief... I believed that if I was alone for too long that everybody in the world would somehow be turned into living skeletons. I would obviously be terrified of them, but they would also be disgusted and scared of me because I was all fleshy and muscley. So whenever I felt I was alone for too long I would get very nervous and run around trying to find someone. I guess that's why I'm such a social butterfly now! I have no idea where this came from, but it may have had something to do with the animated skeletons in The Clash of the Titans or The Seven Voyages of Sinbad or something.
When I was a little girl, I used to believe
that the sound of the pulse in my ear was caused by a little man climbing up my pillow to get me. Sometimes that sound still catches me off gaurd just before dozing off.
When i was a kid i knew there were monsters under the bed. i grew up in california, and one night when i was around five, i was lying in bed when an earthquake hit, shaking my bed.
I yelled to my mom, who was in bed in the next room, "I told you so! I told you so! There are monsters under the bed!" She yelled back, "Don't come in here!" She thought she her bed was possessed by demons ala The Exorcist. That was comforting.
when I was little and visiting my grandpa Paul's farm, there was an old outhouse that was dilapitated and unsafe to go near, he would always tell us younger kids that there was an untamed unicorn in there, that kept all of us away for years. I believed that until about sixth grade.
when i was about 8 my then friend told me a story about the toilet monster and how if you flushed the toilet he would come and kill you and hide you under the mum was so angry because i didnt flush the toilet for about 6 weeks or so..still abit weary about it now even though i'm 18 (i do flush the toilet i just run away straight after)
I was scared to go in the living room at night because the grand piano looked like a monster with legs and long teeth.
When i was little my dad told me goblins lived in our house, i thought they had a control centre behind the couch so that they could see all round the house and when i went upstairs they would be playing with myn things and the control centre would warn them tht i was coming, one day me and my friend got wise and getting some toy guns we stormed the couch thinking we had got rid of the control centre we went upstairs in the dark checking every room and cupboard tht was scary to us and we thought we were really brave
when i was young, my mother and my much older sisters would tell me that if i played with my shadow against the wall, that while i was sleeping at night, the shadow would come alive and wreak havoc in the house. for many years, i was scared to even look at my shadow. many of the young children in my family believed this.
When I was little I used to believe that there was an invisible monster under my bed. Since I was afraid it would eat me, I had to feed it socks, but ONLY left ones. For a a year or two I was stuck with one of each sock...
I used to beleive that a "cathedral" was a type of monster.
My mother would sometimes sing me a lullaby called "Green Cathedral" . . . I would lay awake for hours, afraid, because of it.
I used to believe pencil shavings were the key to bringing clay creatures to life. My best friend and I made a point to volunteer for the positions in school which emptied the pencil shavings from the sharpener, then secretly stash them away and bring them home to animate a small clay monster we hid in the basement.
It never worked out as we planned.
I put a poster of a tiger on my front door so the monsters would get scared then run away from my room when i was little.
When I was a considerably younger I would see the giant oil drills on road trips. When I inquired to what they were my father informed me that they were giant Grasshoppers that ate cars.
I am 19 now and I still cant look at an oil drill without feeling afraid. Thanks Dad.
When I was about five or six my friend's older sister told me there was an evil spirit of a girl who had gotten hit by a car that lived on her car's roof. Only the girls spirit was SO evil that she eventually turned into a monster that ate people's heads when they got out of the car she was on.
--at this point she hit the top of the car when I wasn't looking and then told me the girl had just hopped on her car.
It took her mom and mine thirty minutes to get me out of the back of the van because I was so hysterical and simply would not get my head cut off.
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